Nebraska State Standards for Science: Grade 8

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

To view all matching titles click here.

NE.CM.1. Coordination with Mathematics: Science requires the use of mathematics in the collection and treatment of data and in the reasoning used to develop concepts, laws, and theories. The mathematics that students should understand and use in the study of science are listed below.

CM.1.1. Represent situations verbally, numerically, graphically, geometrically, or symbolically. 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard CM.1.1.

CM.1.2. Use estimations. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard CM.1.2.

CM.1.3. Identify and use functional relationships. 21
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard CM.1.3.

CM.1.4. Develop and use tables, graphs, and rules to describe situations. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard CM.1.4.

CM.1.5. Use statistical methods to describe, analyze, evaluate, and make decisions. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard CM.1.5.

CM.1.6. Use geometry in solving problems. 9
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard CM.1.6.

CM.1.7. Create experimental and theoretical models of situations involving probabilities. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard CM.1.7.

NE.8.1. Unifying Concepts and Processes: Unifying concepts and processes help students think about and integrate a range of basic ideas which builds an understanding of the natural world.

8.1.1. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of systems, order, and organization.

8.1.1.a. Recognize and describe key parts and functions of any system. 12
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.1.a.

8.1.1.b. Analyze and predict the interactions within a system and between systems. 12
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.1.b.

8.1.1.c. Create and use classification schemes. 21
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.1.c.

8.1.1.d. Interpret cause and effect relationships within and between systems. 21
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.1.d.

8.1.2. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of evidence, models, and explanation.

8.1.2.a. Collect, manipulate, and analyze data from an experiment. 2
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.2.a.

8.1.2.b. Observe and develop models (e.g., physical, mathematical, mental, and computer simulations). 1
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.2.b.

8.1.2.c. Interpret and explain results of experimentation. 2
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.2.c.

8.1.2.d. Analyze whether or not investigative procedures and conclusions are reasonable. 2
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.2.d.

8.1.3. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of change, constancy, and measurement.

8.1.3.a. Select and use appropriate measurement units. 9
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.3.a.

8.1.3.b. Quantify changes in systems (e.g., magnitude, direction, and rate). 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.3.b.

8.1.3.c. Apply English and metric systems of measurements. 9
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.3.c.

8.1.3.d. Investigate and describe changes in terms of scale, rate, and pattern. 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.3.d.

8.1.4. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of form and function.

8.1.4.a. Demonstrate how the design of an object makes it possible for that object to perform a specialized task (e.g., a bicycle or an artificial heart). 6
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.1.4.a.

NE.8.2. Science as Inquiry: Science as inquiry requires students to combine processes and scientific knowledge with scientific reasoning and critical thinking to develop their understanding of science.

8.2.1. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop the abilities needed to do scientific inquiry.

8.2.1.a. Identify questions and form hypotheses that can be examined through scientific investigations. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.2.1.a.

8.2.1.b. Design and conduct a scientific investigation. 2
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.2.1.b.

8.2.1.c. Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.2.1.c.

8.2.1.d. Given evidence, develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.2.1.d.

8.2.1.e. Show the relationship between evidence and explanations. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.2.1.e.

8.2.1.f. Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and predictions. 1
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.2.1.f.

8.2.1.g. Communicate scientific procedures and explanations. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.2.1.g.

8.2.1.h. Use mathematics in scientific inquiry. 26
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.2.1.h.

NE.8.3. Physical Science: Physical science focuses on the science facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models that are important for all students to know, understand, and use.

8.3.1. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of properties and changes of properties in matter.

8.3.1.a. Investigate and demonstrate that characteristic properties of a substance (e.g., density, boiling point, and solubility) do not depend on the amount of the substance. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.3.1.a.

8.3.1.b. Observe, describe, and measure physical and chemical properties of matter. 6
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.3.1.b.

8.3.1.c. Explain that all matter is composed of elements which may combine in a variety of ways to form compounds. 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.3.1.c.

8.3.1.d. Investigate and explain that in chemical reactions new properties are created and total mass is conserved. 6
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.3.1.d.

8.3.2. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of motion and forces.

8.3.2.a. Investigate and describe the motion of an object by its position, direction of motion, and speed. 9
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.3.2.a.

8.3.2.b. Investigate and demonstrate that the speed and/or direction of an object changes when a force is applied to that object. 9
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.3.2.b.

8.3.3. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of the forms of energy and how energy is transferred.

8.3.3.a. Investigate and describe the transfer of light energy. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.3.3.a.

8.3.3.b. Investigate and demonstrate how energy is transferred using simple machines. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.3.3.b.

8.3.3.c. Investigate and describe how heat is transferred from a warmer object to a cooler object until both reach the same temperature. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.3.3.c.

8.3.3.d. Investigate and describe the properties and transfer of sound energy. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.3.3.d.

8.3.3.e. Investigate and describe the transfer of energy from electrical and magnetic sources to different energy forms (e.g., heat, light, sound, and chemical). 6
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.3.3.e.

NE.8.4. Life Science: Life science focuses on the science facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models that are important for all students to know, understand, and use.

8.4.1. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of the structure and function in living systems.

8.4.1.a. Investigate and describe the levels of organizations: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, whole organisms, and ecosystems. 39
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.1.a.

8.4.1.b. Investigate and demonstrate that all living things are composed of cells. 22
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.1.b.

8.4.1.c. Investigate and explain how cells sustain life through functions (e.g., growth and nutrition). 22
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.1.c.

8.4.1.d. Investigate and describe the specialized function performed by specialized cells (e.g., muscular and skeletal) in multicellular organisms. 22
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.1.d.

8.4.1.e. Investigate and describe the human body systems and how they interact. 26
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.1.e.

8.4.1.f. Investigate and explain how disease affects the structure and/or function of an organism. 66
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.1.f.

8.4.2. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of reproduction and heredity.

8.4.2.a. Investigate and describe how all organisms reproduce through sexual or asexual reproduction. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.2.a.

8.4.2.b. Investigate and describe that in many species, offspring receive hereditary information from the female (eggs) and male (sperm). 22
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.2.b.

8.4.2.c. Investigate and explain that chromosomes contain genes which influence heredity. 24
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.2.c.

8.4.2.d. Investigate and describe the effects of inherited traits and environmental influences on an organism's characteristics. 27
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.2.d.

8.4.3. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of regulation and behavior.

8.4.3.a. Investigate and explain how organisms' behaviors enhance their abilities to obtain and use resources, grow, and reproduce. 7
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.3.a.

8.4.3.b. Investigate and examine how an organism senses change in its internal or external environment and responds to keep conditions within a required range. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.3.b.

8.4.3.c. Investigate and explain how behavior is a response to internal and external stimuli determined by heredity and experience. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.3.c.

8.4.3.d. Investigate and explain how an organism's behavior evolves through environmental adaptation. 20
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.3.d.

8.4.4. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of populations and ecosystems.

8.4.4.a. Investigate and describe that a population consists of all individuals of a species at a given place and time. 8
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.4.a.

8.4.4.b. Investigate and analyze the living and nonliving factors that determine the number of organisms an ecosystem can support. 1
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.4.b.

8.4.4.c. Describe an organism by the function it serves in an ecosystem (e.g., producer, consumer, and decomposer). 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.4.c.

8.4.4.d. Investigate and explain how energy entering ecosystems as sunlight is transferred by producers into chemical energy through photosynthesis, and that energy then passes from organism to organism in food webs. 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.4.d.

8.4.5. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of diversity and adaptations of organisms.

8.4.5.a. Explain how internal structures, similarity of chemical processes, (e.g., photosynthesis and respiration) and evidence of common ancestry demonstrate unity among organisms. 9
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.5.a.

8.4.5.b. Investigate and explain how organisms adapt to living and nonliving factors in a biome. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.5.b.

8.4.5.c. Investigate and explain how environmental changes created by nature and by humans may cause species extinction. 2
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.4.5.c.

NE.8.5. Earth and Space Science: Earth and space science focuses on the science facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models that are important for all students to know, understand, and use.

8.5.1. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of the structure of the earth.

8.5.1.a. Investigate and describe the crust, mantle, and core of the earth. 1
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.1.a.

8.5.1.b. Investigate and describe how a combination of constructive and destructive forces create land forms. 2
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.1.b.

8.5.1.c. Investigate and describe the composition of soils. 2
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.1.c.

8.5.1.d. Investigate and describe the water cycle. 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.1.d.

8.5.1.e. Investigate and describe the composition of the atmosphere at different altitudes. 2
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.1.e.

8.5.1.f. Investigate and describe the influence of topography, location, and oceans on climate. 13
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.1.f.

8.5.1.g. Investigate and describe the effect of living organisms on weathering and the atmosphere. 38
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.1.g.

8.5.2. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of the earth's history.

8.5.2.a. Investigate and describe how earth processes that occur today (e.g., volcanism, weather, and erosion) are similar to those that occurred in the past.

8.5.2.b. Investigate and use the fossil record to provide evidence and explain how environmental conditions have changed. 2
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.2.b.

8.5.3. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of the earth in the solar system.

8.5.3.a. Investigate and list the components of the solar system. 15
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.3.a.

8.5.3.b. Investigate and describe the motion of objects in the solar system that support the concepts of day, year, eclipses, and phases of the moon. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.3.b.

8.5.3.c. Investigate and describe the influence of gravity on objects in the solar system. 6
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.3.c.

8.5.3.d. Investigate and describe the sun as the major source of energy that influences the atmosphere and the earth's surface. 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.3.d.

8.5.3.e. Investigate and describe the effect of the tilt of the earth's axis on seasons. 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.5.3.e.

NE.8.6. Science and Technology: An understanding of science and technology establishes connections between the natural and designed world, linking science and technology.

8.6.1. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of technological design.

8.6.1.a. Identify problems for technological design. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.6.1.a.

8.6.1.b. Design a solution or product. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.6.1.b.

8.6.1.c. Implement a proposed design. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.6.1.c.

8.6.1.d. Evaluate completed technological designs or products. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.6.1.d.

8.6.1.e. Communicate the process of technological design. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.6.1.e.

8.6.2. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of science and technology.

8.6.2.a. Distinguish between scientific inquiry (asking questions about the natural world) and technological design (using science to solve practical problems). 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.6.2.a.

8.6.2.b. Describe how science and technology are reciprocal. 18
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.6.2.b.

8.6.2.c. Assess the avoidable and unavoidable limits of a technological design. 18
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.6.2.c.

8.6.2.d. Recognize that solutions have intended and unintended consequences. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.6.2.d.

NE.8.7. Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: A personal and social perspective of science helps a student understand and act on personal and social issues. This perspective builds a foundation for future decision making.

8.7.1. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of personal health.

8.7.1.a. Identify and research substances harmful to human beings in the natural environment (e.g., radon, lead, and nitrates). 7
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.7.1.a.

8.7.1.b. Investigate and explain how personal choices can directly affect a person's health (e.g., exercise, nutrition, and use of drugs). 33
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.7.1.b.

8.7.2. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of relationships among populations, resources, and environments.

8.7.2.a. Investigate and describe how population levels affect resources and the environment. 27
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.7.2.a.

8.7.2.b. Investigate and understand that the causes of environmental degradation and resource depletion vary locally and globally. 27
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.7.2.b.

8.7.3. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of natural hazards.

8.7.3.a. Investigate and describe the effect of natural hazards on the environment (e.g., earthquakes, landslides, wildfires, floods, and storms). 7
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.7.3.a.

8.7.3.b. Investigate and describe human activities (e.g., urban growth, land use, and waste disposal) which can accelerate many natural changes. 60
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.7.3.b.

8.7.4. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of risks and benefits.

8.7.4.a. Analyze a type of hazard (e.g., natural, chemical, or biological) to evaluate the options for reducing or eliminating human risk. 2
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.7.4.a.

8.7.4.b. Describe how perceptions of risks and benefits influence personal and social decision (e.g., seat belt usage and waste disposal procedures). 11
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.7.4.b.

8.7.5. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of science and technology in society.

8.7.5.a. Explain that the effect of science on society is neither entirely beneficial nor entirely detrimental. 13
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.7.5.a.

8.7.5.b. Describe how societal challenges and priorities influence research priorities. 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.7.5.b.

8.7.5.c. Explain why science cannot answer all questions and technology cannot solve all human problems or meet all human needs. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.7.5.c.

NE.8.8. History and Nature of Science: An understanding of the history and nature of science illustrates different aspects of scientific inquiry, the human aspects of science, and the role of science in the development of various cultures.

8.8.1. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of science as a human endeavor.

8.8.1.a. Investigate and understand that women and men of various social and ethnic backgrounds, working alone or in teams, engage in the activities of science, engineering, and related fields. 29
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.8.1.a.

8.8.1.b. Investigate and understand that science requires different abilities based on the type of inquiry and relies upon basic human qualities and scientific habits of mind. 29
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.8.1.b.

8.8.1.c. Explain the need for ethical codes followed by scientists (e.g., humane treatment of animals and truth in reporting). 10
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.8.1.c.

8.8.2. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of the nature of science.

8.8.2.a. Formulate and test a hypothesis using observations, experiments, and models. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.8.2.a.

8.8.2.b. Use questioning, response to criticism, and open communication when defending a conclusion. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.8.2.b.

8.8.2.c. Evaluate the results of scientific investigations, experiments, observations, theoretical models, and the explanations proposed by other scientists. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.8.2.c.

8.8.2.d. Understand that scientific theories are based on observations, governed by rules of reasoning, and used to predict events. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.8.2.d.

8.8.3. By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of the history of science.

8.8.3.a. Research and describe the difficulties experienced by scientific innovators who had to overcome commonly held beliefs of their times to reach conclusions that we now take for granted. 29
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 8.8.3.a.

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