Georgia State Standards for Language Arts: Kindergarten

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

GA.ELAKR. Reading

ELAKR1. Concepts of Print: The student demonstrates knowledge of concepts of print. The student

ELAKR1.a. Recognizes that print and pictures (signs and labels, newspapers, and informational books) can inform, entertain, and persuade.

ELAKR1.b. Demonstrates that print has meaning and represents spoken language in written form.

ELAKR1.c. Tracks text read from left to right and top to bottom.

ELAKR1.d. Distinguishes among written letters, words, and sentences.

ELAKR1.e. Recognizes that sentences in print are made up of separate words.

ELAKR1.f. Begins to understand that punctuation and capitalization are used in all written sentences.

ELAKR2. Phonological Awareness: The student demonstrates the ability to identify and orally manipulate words and individual sounds within those spoken words. The student

ELAKR2.a. Identifies and produces rhyming words in response to an oral prompt and distinguishes rhyming and non-rhyming words.

ELAKR2.b. Identifies component sounds (phonemes and combinations of phonemes) in spoken words.

ELAKR2.c. Blends and segments syllables in spoken words.

ELAKR2.d. Segments the phonemes in high frequency words.

ELAKR2.e. Blends spoken phonemes to make high frequency words.

ELAKR3. Phonics: The student demonstrates the relationship between letters and letter combinations of written words and the sounds of spoken words. The student

ELAKR3.a. Demonstrates an understanding that there are systematic and predictable relationships between print and spoken sounds.

ELAKR3.b. Recognizes and names all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

ELAKR3.c. Matches all consonant and short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters.

ELAKR3.d. Blends individual sounds to read one-syllable decodable words.

ELAKR3.e. Applies learned phonics skills when reading words and sentences in stories.

ELAKR4. Fluency: The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and expression. The student

ELAKR4.a. Reads previously taught high frequency words at the rate of 30 words correct per minute.

ELAKR4.b. Reads previously taught grade-level text with appropriate expression.

ELAKR5. Vocabulary: The student acquires and uses grade-level words to communicate effectively. The student

ELAKR5.a. Listens to a variety of texts and uses new vocabulary in oral language.

ELAKR5.b. Discusses the meaning of words and understands that some words have multiple meanings.

ELAKR6. Comprehension: The student gains meaning from orally presented text. The student

ELAKR6.a. Listens to and reads a variety of literary (e.g., short stories, poems) and informational texts and materials to gain knowledge and for pleasure.

ELAKR6.b. Makes predictions from pictures and titles.

ELAKR6.c. Asks and answers questions about essential narrative elements (e.g., beginning-middle-end, setting, characters, problems, events, resolution) of a read-aloud text.

ELAKR6.d. Begins to distinguish fact from fiction in a read-aloud text.

ELAKR6.e. Retells familiar events and stories to include beginning, middle, and end.

ELAKR6.f. Uses prior knowledge, graphic features (illustrations), and graphic organizers to understand text.

ELAKR6.g. Connects life experiences to read-aloud text.

ELAKR6.h. Retells important facts in the student's own words.

GA.ELAKW. Writing

ELAKW1. The student begins to understand the principles of writing. The student

ELAKW1.a. Writes or dictates to describe familiar persons, places, objects, or experiences.

ELAKW1.b. Uses drawings, letters, and phonetically spelled words to create meaning.

ELAKW1.c. Accurately prints name, all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet, and teacher-selected words.

ELAKW1.d. Uses left-to-right pattern of writing.

ELAKW1.e. Begins to use capitalization at the beginning of sentences and punctuation (periods and question marks) at the end of sentences.

ELAKW2. The student begins to write in a variety of genres, including narrative, informational, persuasive, and response to literature. The student writes a narrative that:

ELAKW2.a. Involves one event.

ELAKW2.b. Uses drawings, letters, and phonetically spelled words to describe a personal experience.

ELAKW2.c. Begins to use organizational structures (beginning, middle, end).

ELAKW2.d. May include describing words.

ELAKW2.e. May include a sense of closure.

ELAKW2.f. Includes oral or written prewriting to generate ideas (graphic organizers and pictures).

ELAKW2.g. May include a draft developed from prewriting.

ELAKW3. The student produces informational writing that:

ELAKW3.a. Involves one topic.

ELAKW3.b. Uses drawings, letters, and phonetically spelled words to share information.

ELAKW3.c. Begins to use organizational structures (steps).

ELAKW3.d. May include describing words.

ELAKW3.e. May include a sense of closure.

ELAKW3.f. Includes oral or written pre-writing to generate ideas (graphic organizers and pictures).

ELAKW3.g. May include a draft developed from pre-writing.

ELAKW3.h. May publish a final copy.

ELAKW4. The student produces a persuasive piece that:

ELAKW4.a. States an opinion.

ELAKW4.b. May use words, illustrations, or graphics to support an opinion.

ELAKW4.c. Begins to use formats appropriate to the genre (letter, poster).

ELAKW4.d. May include describing words.

ELAKW4.e. Pre-writes orally or written to generate ideas (graphic organizers and pictures).

ELAKW4.f. May include a draft developed from prewriting.

ELAKW4.g. May include a sense of closure.

ELAKW5. The student produces a response to literature that:

ELAKW5.a. Retells a story orally, through pictures, or in writing.

ELAKW5.b. Makes connections: text-to-self, text-to-text, text- to-world.

ELAKW5.c. Begins to use organizational structures (beginning, middle, end)

ELAKW5.d. Pre-writes orally or written to generate ideas (graphic organizers, pictures).

ELAKW5.e. May include a draft developed from pre-writing.

ELAKW5.f. May include a sense of closure.

GA.ELAKLSV. Listening, Speaking, and Viewing

ELAKLSV1. The student uses oral and visual skills to communicate. The student

ELAKLSV1.a. Listens and speaks appropriately with peers and adults.

ELAKLSV1.b. Follows two-part oral directions.

ELAKLSV1.c. Repeats auditory sequences (letters, words, numbers, and rhythmic patterns).

ELAKLSV1.d. Recites short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns.

ELAKLSV1.e. Describes people, places, things, locations, and actions.

ELAKLSV1.f. Increases vocabulary to reflect a growing range of interests and knowledge.

ELAKLSV1.g. Communicates effectively when relating experiences and retelling stories heard.

ELAKLSV1.h. Uses complete sentences when speaking.

ELAKLSV1.i. Begins to use subject-verb agreement and tense correctly.

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