Florida State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 6

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FL.SS.6.G. Geography

SS.6.G.1. Understand how to use maps and other geographic representations, tools and technology to report information.

SS.6.G.1.1 Use latitude and longitude coordinates to understand the relationship between people and places on the Earth. 31
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.1.1

SS.6.G.1.2 Analyze the purposes of map projections (political, physical, special purpose) and explain the applications of various types of maps. 32
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.1.2

SS.6.G.1.3 Identify natural wonders of the ancient world. 6
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.1.3

SS.6.G.1.4 Utilize tools geographers use to study the world. 41
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.1.4

SS.6.G.1.5 Use scale, cardinal, and intermediate directions, and estimation of distances between places on current and ancient maps of the world. 29
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.1.5

SS.6.G.1.6 Use a map to identify major bodies of water of the world, and explain ways they have impacted the development of civilizations. 28
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.1.6

SS.6.G.1.7 Use maps to identify characteristics and boundaries of ancient civilizations that have shaped the world today. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.1.7

SS.6.G.2. Understand physical and cultural characteristics of places.

SS.6.G.2.1 Explain how major physical characteristics, natural resources, climate, and absolute and relative locations have influenced settlement, interactions, and the economies of ancient civilizations of the world. 7
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.2.1

SS.6.G.2.2 Differentiate between continents, regions, countries, and cities in order to understand the complexities of regions created by civilizations. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.2.2

SS.6.G.2.3 Analyze the relationship of physical geography to the development of ancient river valley civilizations. 12
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.2.3

SS.6.G.2.4 Explain how the geographical location of ancient civilizations contributed to the culture and politics of those societies. 14
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.2.4

SS.6.G.2.5 Interpret how geographic boundaries invite or limit interaction with other regions and cultures. 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.2.5

SS.6.G.2.6 Explain the concept of cultural diffusion, and identify the influences of different ancient cultures on one another. 13
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.2.6

SS.6.G.2.7 Interpret choropleths or dot-density maps to explain the distribution of population in the ancient world. 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.2.7

SS.6.G.3. Understand the relationships between the Earth's ecosystems and the populations that dwell within them.

SS.6.G.3.1 Explain how the physical landscape has affected the development of agriculture and industry in the ancient world. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.3.1

SS.6.G.3.2 Analyze the impact of human populations on the ancient world's ecosystems. 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.3.2

SS.6.G.4. Understand the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations.

SS.6.G.4.1 Explain how family and ethnic relationships influenced ancient cultures.

SS.6.G.4.2 Use maps to trace significant migrations, and analyze their results. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.4.2

SS.6.G.4.3 Locate sites in Africa and Asia where archaeologists have found evidence of early human societies, and trace their migration patterns to other parts of the world. 9
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.4.3

SS.6.G.4.4 Map and analyze the impact of the spread of various belief systems in the ancient world. 12
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.4.4

SS.6.G.5. Understand how human actions can impact the environment.

SS.6.G.5.1 Identify the methods used to compensate for the scarcity of resources in the ancient world. 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.5.1

SS.6.G.5.2 Use geographic terms and tools to explain why ancient civilizations developed networks of highways, waterways, and other transportation linkages. 1
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.5.2

SS.6.G.5.3 Use geographic tools and terms to analyze how famine, drought, and natural disasters plagued many ancient civilizations. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.5.3

SS.6.G.6. Understand how to apply geography to interpret the past and present and plan for the future.

SS.6.G.6.1 Describe the Six Essential Elements of Geography (The World in Spatial Terms, Places and Regions, Physical Systems, Human Systems, Environment, The Uses of Geography) as the organizing framework for understanding the world and its people. 16
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.6.1

SS.6.G.6.2 Compare maps of the world in ancient times with current political maps. 27
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.G.6.2

FL.SS.6.E. Economics

SS.6.E.1. Understand the fundamental concepts relevant to the development of a market economy.

SS.6.E.1.1 Identify the factors (new resources, increased productivity, education, technology, slave economy, territorial expansion) that increase economic growth. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.E.1.1

SS.6.E.1.2 Describe and identify traditional and command economies as they appear in different civilizations. 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.E.1.2

SS.6.E.1.3 Describe the following economic concepts as they relate to early civilization: scarcity, opportunity cost, supply and demand, barter, trade, productive resources (land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship). 8
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.E.1.3

SS.6.E.2. Understand the fundamental concepts relevant to the institutions, structure, and functions of a national economy.

SS.6.E.2.1 Evaluate how civilizations through clans, leaders, and family groups make economic decisions for that civilization providing a framework for future city-state or nation development. 10
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.E.2.1

SS.6.E.3. Understand the fundamental concepts and interrelationships of the United States economy in the international marketplace.

SS.6.E.3.1 Identify examples of mediums of exchange (currencies) used for trade (barter) for each civilization, and explain why international trade requires a system for a medium of exchange between trading both inside and among various regions. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.E.3.1

SS.6.E.3.2 Categorize products that were traded among civilizations, and give examples of barriers to trade of those products. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.E.3.2

SS.6.E.3.3 Describe traditional economies (Egypt, Greece, Rome, Kush) and elements of those economies that led to the rise of a merchant class and trading partners. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.E.3.3

SS.6.E.3.4 Describe the relationship among civilizations that engage in trade, including the benefits and drawbacks of voluntary trade. 6
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.E.3.4

FL.SS.6.W. World History

SS.6.W.1. Utilize historical inquiry skills and analytical processes.

SS.6.W.1.1 Use timelines to identify chronological order of historical events. 52
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.1.1

SS.6.W.1.2 Identify terms (decade, century, epoch, era, millennium, BC/BCE, AD/CE) and designations of time periods. 1
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.1.2

SS.6.W.1.3 Interpret primary and secondary sources. 20
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.1.3

SS.6.W.1.4 Describe the methods of historical inquiry and how history relates to the other social sciences. 7
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.1.4

SS.6.W.1.5 Describe the roles of historians and recognize varying historical interpretations (historiography). 16
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.1.5

SS.6.W.1.6 Describe how history transmits culture and heritage and provides models of human character. 21
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.1.6

SS.6.W.2. Describe the emergence of early civilizations (Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow Rivers, Meso and South American).

SS.6.W.2.1 Compare the lifestyles of hunter-gatherers with those of settlers of early agricultural communities. 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.2.1

SS.6.W.2.2 Describe how the developments of agriculture and metallurgy related to settlement, population growth, and the emergence of civilization. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.2.2

SS.6.W.2.3 Identify the characteristics of civilization. 30
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.2.3

SS.6.W.2.4 Compare the economic, political, social, and religious institutions of ancient river civilizations. 6
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.2.4

SS.6.W.2.5 Summarize important achievements of Egyptian civilization. 9
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.2.5

SS.6.W.2.6 Determine the contributions of key figures from ancient Egypt. 9
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.2.6

SS.6.W.2.7 Summarize the important achievements of Mesopotamian civilization. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.2.7

SS.6.W.2.8 Determine the impact of key figures from ancient Mesopotamian civilizations. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.2.8

SS.6.W.2.9 Identify key figures and basic beliefs of the Israelites and determine how these beliefs compared with those of others in the geographic area. 7
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.2.9

SS.6.W.2.10 Compare the emergence of advanced civilizations in Meso and South America with the four early river valley civilizations. 17
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.2.10

SS.6.W.3. Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of classical civilizations (Phoenicia, Greece, Rome, Axum).

SS.6.W.3.1 Analyze the cultural impact the ancient Phoenicians had on the Mediterranean world with regard to colonization (Carthage), exploration, maritime commerce (purple dye, tin), and written communication (alphabet). 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.1

SS.6.W.3.2 Explain the democratic concepts (polis, civic participation and voting rights, legislative bodies, written constitutions, rule of law) developed in ancient Greece. 6
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.2

SS.6.W.3.3 Compare life in Athens and Sparta (government and the status of citizens, women and children, foreigners, helots). 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.3

SS.6.W.3.4 Explain the causes and effects of the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars. 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.4

SS.6.W.3.5 Summarize the important achievements and contributions of ancient Greek civilization. 8
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.5

SS.6.W.3.6 Determine the impact of key figures from ancient Greece. 6
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.6

SS.6.W.3.7 Summarize the key achievements, contributions, and figures associated with The Hellenistic Period. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.7

SS.6.W.3.8 Determine the impact of significant figures associated with ancient Rome. 8
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.8

SS.6.W.3.9 Explain the impact of the Punic Wars on the development of the Roman Empire. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.9

SS.6.W.3.10 Describe the government of the Roman Republic and its contribution to the development of democratic principles (separation of powers, rule of law, representative government, civic duty). 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.10

SS.6.W.3.11 Explain the transition from Roman Republic to empire and Imperial Rome, and compare Roman life and culture under each one. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.11

SS.6.W.3.12 Explain the causes for the growth and longevity of the Roman Empire. 7
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.12

SS.6.W.3.13 Identify key figures and the basic beliefs of early Christianity and how these beliefs impacted the Roman Empire. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.13

SS.6.W.3.14 Describe the key achievements and contributions of Roman civilization. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.14

SS.6.W.3.15 Explain the reasons for the gradual decline of the Western Roman Empire after the Pax Romana. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.15

SS.6.W.3.16 Compare life in the Roman Republic for patricians, plebeians, women, children, and slaves. 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.16

SS.6.W.3.17 Explain the spread and influence of the Latin language on Western Civilization. 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.17

SS.6.W.3.18 Describe the rise and fall of the ancient east African kingdoms of Kush and Axum and Christianity's development in Ethiopia. 1
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.3.18

SS.6.W.4. Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of classical Asian civilizations (China, India).

SS.6.W.4.1 Discuss the significance of Aryan and other tribal migrations on Indian civilization. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.4.1

SS.6.W.4.2 Explain the major beliefs and practices associated with Hinduism and the social structure of the caste system in ancient India. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.4.2

SS.6.W.4.3 Recognize the political and cultural achievements of the Mauryan and Gupta empires. 2
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.4.3

SS.6.W.4.4 Explain the teachings of Buddha, the importance of Asoka, and how Buddhism spread in India, Ceylon, and other parts of Asia. 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.4.4

SS.6.W.4.5 Summarize the important achievements and contributions of ancient Indian civilization. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.4.5

SS.6.W.4.6 Describe the concept of the Mandate of Heaven and its connection to the Zhou and later dynasties. 1
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.4.6

SS.6.W.4.7 Explain the basic teachings of Laozi, Confucius, and Han Fei Zi. 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.4.7

SS.6.W.4.8 Describe the contributions of classical and post classical China. 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.4.8

SS.6.W.4.9 Identify key figures from classical and post classical China. 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.4.9

SS.6.W.4.10 Explain the significance of the silk roads and maritime routes across the Indian Ocean to the movement of goods and ideas among Asia, East Africa, and the Mediterranean Basin.

SS.6.W.4.11 Explain the rise and expansion of the Mongol empire and its effects on peoples of Asia and Europe including the achievements of Ghengis and Kublai Khan. 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.4.11

SS.6.W.4.12 Identify the causes and effects of Chinese isolation and the decision to limit foreign trade in the 15th century. 3
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.W.4.12

FL.SS.6.C. Civics and Government

SS.6.C.1. Demonstrate an understanding of the origins and purposes of government, law, and the American political system.

SS.6.C.1.1 Identify democratic concepts developed in ancient Greece that served as a foundation for American constitutional democracy. 7
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.C.1.1

SS.6.C.1.2 Identify how the government of the Roman Republic contributed to the development of democratic principles (separation of powers, rule of law, representative government, civic duty). 4
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.C.1.2

SS.6.C.2. Evaluate the roles, rights, and responsibilities of United States citizens, and determine methods of active participation in society, government, and the political system.

SS.6.C.2.1 Identify principles (civic participation, role of government) from ancient Greek and Roman civilizations which are reflected in the American political process today, and discuss their effect on the American political process. 5
Suggested Titles for Florida Social Studies State Standard SS.6.C.2.1

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