Florida State Standards for Language Arts: Kindergarten

FL.LA.K.1.1. Reading Process - Concepts of Print: The student demonstrates knowledge of the concept of print and how it is organized and read.

LA.K.1.1.1 The student will locate a printed word on a page;

LA.K.1.1.2 The student will distinguish letters from words;

LA.K.1.1.3 The student will identify the separate sounds in a spoken sentence;

LA.K.1.1.4 The student will match print to speech;

LA.K.1.1.5 The student will identify parts of a book (e.g., front cover, back cover, title page);

LA.K.1.1.6 The student will move top to bottom and left to right on the printed page; and

LA.K.1.1.7 The student will name all upper and lower case letters of the alphabet.

FL.LA.K.1.2. Reading Process - Phonological Awareness: The student demonstrates phonological awareness.

LA.K.1.2.1 The student will auditory segment sentences into the correct number of words;

LA.K.1.2.2 The student will identify, blend, and segment syllables in words;

LA.K.1.2.3 The student will recognize and produce words that rhyme; and

LA.K.1.2.4 The student will identify, blend, and segment onset and rime.

FL.LA.K.1.3. Reading Process - Phonemic Awareness: The student demonstrates phonemic awareness.

LA.K.1.3.1 The student will identify initial, final, and medial phonemes (sounds) in consonant/vowel/consonant (CVC) words (e.g., sat);

LA.K.1.3.2 The student will blend and segment individual phonemes in simple, one-syllable words; and

LA.K.1.3.3 The student will manipulate individual phonemes in CVC words through addition, deletion, and substitution.

FL.LA.K.1.4. Reading Process - Phonics/Word Analysis: The student demonstrates knowledge of the alphabetic principle and applies grade level phonics skills to read text.

LA.K.1.4.1 The student will recognize and recall the one to one correspondence between most letters and sounds; and

LA.K.1.4.2 The student will decode simple words in isolation and in context.

FL.LA.K.1.6. Reading Process - Vocabulary Development: The student uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary.

LA.K.1.6.1 The student will use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly;

LA.K.1.6.2 The student will listen to and discuss both familiar and conceptually challenging text;

LA.K.1.6.3 The student will describe common objects and events in both general and specific language;

LA.K.1.6.4 The student will identify and sort common words into basic categories (e.g., colors, shapes, food);

LA.K.1.6.5 The student will use language correctly to express spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., up/down, before/after); and

LA.K.1.6.6 The student will relate new vocabulary to prior knowledge.

FL.LA.K.1.7. Reading Process - Reading Comprehension: The student uses a variety of strategies to comprehend grade level text.

LA.K.1.7.1 The student will make predictions about text content using pictures, background knowledge, and text features (e.g., title, sub-heading, captions, illustrations);

LA.K.1.7.2 The student will use background knowledge, supporting details from text, or another source to determine whether a reading selection is fact or fiction;

LA.K.1.7.3 The student will retell the main idea or essential message, identifying supporting details (e.g., who, what, when, where, why, how), and arranging events in sequence; and

LA.K.1.7.4 The student will identify the authors purpose as stated in the text.

FL.LA.K.2.1. Literary Analysis - Fiction: The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection.

LA.K.2.1.1 The student will identify familiar literary forms (e.g., fairy tales, tall tales, nursery rhymes, fables);

LA.K.2.1.2 The student will retell the main events (e.g., beginning, middle, end) of a story, and describe characters and setting;

LA.K.2.1.3 The student will identify a regular beat and similarities of sounds in words when responding to rhythm and rhyme in nursery rhymes and others rhyming selections;

LA.K.2.1.4 The student will select materials to read for pleasure; and

LA.K.2.1.5 The student will participate in a group response to various literary selections (e.g., nursery rhymes, fairy tales, picture books), identifying the character(s), setting, and sequence of events and connecting text to self (personal connection) and text to

FL.LA.K.2.2. Literary Analysis - Non-Fiction: The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of non-fiction, informational, and expository texts to demonstrate an understanding of the information presented.

LA.K.2.2.1 The student will identify the purpose of nonfictional text;

LA.K.2.2.2 The student will retell important facts from a text heard or read; and

LA.K.2.2.3 The student will select nonfiction material to read for pleasure.

FL.LA.K.3.1. Writing Process - Pre-Writing: The student will use prewriting strategies to generate ideas and formulate a plan.

LA.K.3.1.1 The student will prewrite by connecting thoughts and oral language to generate ideas; and

LA.K.3.1.2 The student will prewrite by drawing a picture about ideas from stories read aloud or generated through class discussion.

FL.LA.K.3.2. Writing Process - Drafting: The student will write a draft appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose.

LA.K.3.2.1 The student will draft writing by drawing, telling, or writing about a familiar experience, topic or text; and

LA.K.3.2.2 The student will draft writing by creating a group draft, scripted by the teacher.

FL.LA.K.3.3. Writing Process - Revising: The student will revise and refine the draft for clarity and effectiveness.

LA.K.3.3.1 The student will revise the draft by adding additional details to the draft and checking for logical thinking with prompting.

FL.LA.K.3.4. Writing Process - Editing for Language Conventions: The student will edit and correct the draft for standard language conventions.

LA.K.3.4.1 The student will edit for correct use of knowledge of letter/sound relationships to spell simple words.

LA.K.3.4.2 The student will edit for correct use of capital letters to begin important words; and

LA.K.3.4.3 The student will edit for correct use of end punctuation, including periods, question marks, and exclamation points.

FL.LA.K.3.5. Writing Process - Publishing: The student will write a final product for the intended audience.

LA.K.3.5.1 The student will produce, illustrate and share a finished piece of writing.

FL.LA.K.4.1. Writing Applications - Creative: The student develops and demonstrates creative writing.

LA.K.4.1.1 The student will create narratives by drawing, dictating, and/or using emergent writing; and

LA.K.4.1.2 The student will participate in writing simple stories, poems, rhymes, or song lyrics.

FL.LA.K.4.2. Writing Applications - Informative: The student develops and demonstrates informative writing that provides information related to real-world tasks.

LA.K.4.2.1 The student will participate in creating a variety of informational/expository forms (e.g., labels, lists, graphs, observations, summaries) through drawing or writing;

LA.K.4.2.2 The student will participate in creating simple summaries from informational/expository text (e.g., graphs, tables, maps);

LA.K.4.2.3 The student will participate in a group setting to identify the topic as expressed in informational/expository text, and discuss related details;

LA.K.4.2.4 The student will communications with teacher as scribe, including friendly letters and thank-you notes; and

LA.K.4.2.5 The student will draw a simple map of the classroom.

FL.LA.K.4.3. Writing Applications - Persuasive: The student develops and demonstrates persuasive writing that is used for the purpose of influencing the reader.

LA.K.4.3.1 The student will draw a picture and use it to explain why this item (food, pet, person) is their favorite.

FL.LA.K.5.1. Communication - Penmanship: The student engages in the writing process and writes to communicate ideas and experiences.

LA.K.5.1.1 The student will print many uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet and recognize the difference between the two;

LA.K.5.1.2 The student will write from left to right and top to bottom of page;

LA.K.5.1.3 The student will recognize spacing between letters and words;

LA.K.5.1.4 The student will print own first and last name; and

LA.K.5.1.5 The student will understand the concept of writing and identifying numerals.

FL.LA.K.5.2. Communication - Listening and Speaking: The student effectively applies listening and speaking strategies.

LA.K.5.2.1 The student will listen carefully and understand directions for performing tasks (e.g., three or four-step oral directions);

LA.K.5.2.2 The student will listen attentively to fiction and nonfiction read-alouds and demonstrate understanding;

LA.K.5.2.3 The student will repeat auditory sequences (e.g., letters, words, numbers, rhythmic patterns);

LA.K.5.2.4 The student will recite short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns;

LA.K.5.2.5 The student will communicate effectively when relating experiences and retelling stories heard; and

LA.K.5.2.6 The student will use complete sentences when speaking.

FL.LA.K.6.1. Information and Media Literacy - Informational Text: The student comprehends the wide array of informational text that is part of our day to day experiences.

LA.K.6.1.1 The student will identify the purpose of informational text and distinguish between informational text (e.g., signs, directions) and text read for pleasure (e.g., stories, poems).

FL.LA.K.6.2. Information and Media Literacy - Research Process: The student uses a systematic process for the collection, processing, and presentation of information.

LA.K.6.2.1 The student will ask questions and recognize the library media specialist or teacher as an information source;

LA.K.6.2.2 The student will use simple reference resources to locate and obtain information through knowledge of alphabetical order, use of pictures, and environmental print (e.g., signs, billboards);

LA.K.6.2.3 The student will participate in creating a simple class report where the teacher is the scribe; and

LA.K.6.2.4 The student will recognize that authors, illustrators, and composers create informational sources.

FL.LA.K.6.3. Information and Media Literacy - Media Literacy: The student develops and demonstrates an understanding of media literacy as a life skill that is integral to informed decision making.

LA.K.6.3.1 The student will recognize print and nonprint media; and

LA.K.6.3.2 The student will state the main idea after viewing print media.

FL.LA.K.6.4. Information and Media Literacy - Technology: The student develops the essential technology skills for using and understanding conventional and current tools, materials and processes.

LA.K.6.4.1 The student will use technology (e.g., drawing tools, writing tools) resources to support learning.

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