Arizona State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 3

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

AZ.R03-S1. Reading Process

R03-S1C1. Print Concepts: Demonstrate understanding of print concepts.

R03-S1C1-01. Alphabetize a series of words to the third letter.

R03-S1C1-02. Recognize the distinguishing features of a paragraph (e.g., indentation of first word, topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentences).

R03-S1C2. Phonemic Awareness: Identify and manipulate the sounds of speech.

R03-S1C3. Phonics: Decode words, using knowledge of phonics, syllabication, and word parts.

R03-S1C3-01. Read multi- syllabic words fluently, using letter-sound knowledge.

R03-S1C3-02. Apply knowledge of basic syllabication rules when decoding four- or five-syllable written words (e.g., in/for/ma/tion, mul/ti/pli/ca/tion, pep/per/o/ni).

R03-S1C3-03. Apply knowledge of the following common spelling patterns to read words:

R03-S1C3-03-a. That drop the final e and add endings such as: -ing, -ed, or -able (e.g., use/using/used/usable)

R03-S1C3-03-b. With final consonants that need to be doubled when adding an ending (e.g., hop/hopping)

R03-S1C3-03-c. That require changing the final y to i (e.g., baby/babies)

R03-S1C3-03-d. That end in -tion, -sion, (e.g., election, vision)

R03-S1C3-03-e. With complex word families (e.g., -ight, -ought); and

R03-S1C3-03f. That include common prefixes, suffixes and root words.

R03-S1C3-04. Read common abbreviations (e.g., Wed., Sept.) fluently.

R03-S1C3-05. Recognize high frequency words and irregular sight words.

R03-S1C3-06. Use knowledge of word order (syntax) and context to confirm decoding.

R03-S1C4. Vocabulary: Acquire and use new vocabulary in relevant contexts.

R03-S1C4-01. Use knowledge of prefixes to (e.g., un-, re-, in-, dis-) to determine the meaning of words.

R03-S1C4-02. Use knowledge of suffixes (e.g., -ful, -ly, -less) to determine the meaning of words.

R03-S1C4-03. Recognize words represented by common abbreviations (e.g., Mr. Ave., Oct.).

R03-S1C4-04. Identify the words that comprise a contraction (e.g., can't=can not, it's=it is, aren't=are not).

R03-S1C4-05. Determine the meaning of compound words, using knowledge of individual words (e.g., lunchtime, daydream, everyday).

R03-S1C4-06. Determine the meaning of common synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.

R03-S1C4-07. Determine the meanings and other features of words (e.g., pronunciation, syllabication, synonyms, parts of speech) using the dictionary, thesaurus, and CD-ROM and Internet when available.

R03-S1C5. Fluency: Read fluently.

R03-S1C5-01. Consistently read grade level text with at least 90 percent accuracy.

R03-S1C5-02. Read aloud from familiar prose and poetry with fluency and appropriate rhythm, pacing, intonation, and vocal patterns.

R03-S1C6. Comprehension Strategies: Employ strategies to comprehend text.

R03-S1C6-01. Predict events and actions, based upon prior knowledge and text features.

R03-S1C6-02. Compare a prediction about an action or event to what actually occurred within a text.

R03-S1C6-03. Ask relevant questions in order to comprehend text.

R03-S1C6-04. Answer clarifying questions in order to comprehend text.

R03-S1C6-05. Extract information from graphic organizers (e.g., webs, Venn diagrams, flow charts) to comprehend text.

R03-S1C6-06. Connect information and events in text to experience and to related text and sources.

AZ.R03-S2. Comprehending Literary Text

R03-S2C1. Elements of Literature: Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structures and elements of literature.

R03-S2C1-01. Compare (and contrast) literary elements across stories, including plots, settings, and characters.

R03-S2C1-02. Describe characters (e.g., traits, roles, similarities) within a literary selection.

R03-S2C1-03. Sequence a series of events in a literary selection.

R03-S2C1-04. Make relevant connections (e.g., relationships, cause/effect, comparisons) between earlier events and later events in text.

R03-S2C1-05. Identify the speaker or narrator in a literary selection.

R03-S2C1-06. Identify rhyme, rhythm, repetition, and sensory images in poetry.

R03-S2C1-07. Distinguish between/among fiction, nonfiction, poetry, plays, and narratives, using knowledge of their structural elements.

R03-S2C2. Historical and Cultural Aspects of Literature: Recognize and apply knowledge of the historical and cultural aspects of American, British, and world literature.

R03-S2C2-01. Compare events, characters and conflicts in literary selections from a variety of cultures to their experiences.

AZ.R03-S3. Comprehending Informational Text

R03-S3C1. Expository Text: Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, and elements of expository text.

R03-S3C1-01. Identify the main idea and supporting details in expository text.

R03-S3C1-02. Locate facts in response to questions about expository text.

R03-S3C1-03. Locate specific information by using organizational features (e.g., title, table of contents, headings, captions, bold print, key words, glossary, indices, italics, key words) in expository text. (Connected to Research Strand in Writing)

R03-S3C1-04. Use a variety of sources (e.g., trade books, encyclopedias, magazines, atlases, almanacs, electronic source, textbooks) to answer specific questions, and/or gather information. (Connected to Research Strand in Writing)

R03-S3C1-05. Interpret information from graphic features (e.g., charts, maps, diagrams, illustrations, tables, timelines) of expository text. (Connected to Research Strand in Writing).

R03-S3C2. Functional Text: Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, clarity, and relevancy of functional text.

R03-S3C2-01. Follow a set of written multi-step directions.

R03-S3C2-02. Provide multi-step directions.

R03-S3C2-03. Evaluate written directions for sequence and completeness.

R03-S3C2-04. Interpret information in functional documents (e.g., maps, schedules, pamphlets) for a specific purpose.

R03-S3C3. Persuasive Text: Explain basic elements of argument in text and their relationship to the author's purpose and use of persuasive strategies.

R03-S3C3-01. Distinguish fact from opinion in persuasive text (e.g., advertisements, product labels, written communications).

R03-S3C3-02. Identify persuasive vocabulary (e.g., emotional words) used to influence readers' perspectives.

AZ.W03-S1. Writing Process

W03-S1C1. Prewriting: Prewriting includes using strategies to generate, plan, and organize ideas for specific purposes.

W03-S1C1-01. Generate ideas through a variety of activities (e.g., brainstorming, graphic organizers, drawing, writer's notebook, group discussion, printed material).

W03-S1C1-02. Determine the purpose (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to communicate, to persuade) of a writing piece.

W03-S1C1-03. Determine the intended audience of a writing piece.

W03-S1C1-04. Use organizational strategies (e.g., graphic organizer, KWL chart, logs) to plan writing.

W03-S1C1-05. Maintain a record (e.g., lists, pictures, journals, folders, notebooks) of writing ideas.

W03-S1C1-06. Use time management strategies, when appropriate, to produce a writing product within a set time period.

W03-S1C2. Drafting: Drafting incorporates prewriting activities to create a first draft containing necessary elements for a specific purpose.

W03-S1C2-01. Use a prewriting plan to develop a draft with main idea(s) and supporting details.

W03-S1C2-02. Organize writing into a logical sequence that is clear to the audience.

W03-S1C3. Revising: Revising includes evaluating and refining the rough draft for clarity and effectiveness. (Ask: Does this draft say what you want it to say?)

W03-S1C3-01. Evaluate the draft for use of ideas and content, organization, voice, word choice, and sentence fluency.

W03-S1C3-02. Add details to the draft to more effectively accomplish the purpose.

W03-S1C3-03. Rearrange words, sentences, and paragraphs to clarify the meaning of the draft.

W03-S1C3-04. Use a combination of sentence structures (i.e., simple, compound) to improve sentence fluency in the draft.

W03-S1C3-05. Modify word choice appropriate to the application in order to enhance the writing.

W03-S1C3-06. Apply appropriate tools or strategies (e.g., peer review, checklists, rubrics) to refine the draft.

W03-S1C3-07. Use resources and reference materials to select more precise vocabulary.

W03-S1C4. Editing: Editing includes proofreading and correcting the draft for conventions.

W03-S1C4-01. Identify punctuation, spelling, and grammar and usage errors in the draft.

W03-S1C4-02. Use resources (e.g., dictionary, word lists, spelling/grammar checkers) to correct conventions.

W03-S1C4-03. Apply proofreading marks to indicate errors in conventions, although may be inconsistent or experimental.

W03-S1C4-04. Apply appropriate tools or strategies (e.g., peer review, checklists, rubrics) to edit the draft.

W03-S1C5. Publishing: Publishing includes formatting and presenting a final product for the intended audience.

W03-S1C5-01. Prepare writing in a format (e.g., oral presentation, manuscript, multimedia) appropriate to audience and purpose.

W03-S1C5-02. Share the writing with the intended audience.

W03-S1C5-03. Use margins and spacing to enhance the final product.

W03-S1C5-04. Write legibly.

AZ.W03-S2. Writing Elements

W03-S2C1. Ideas and Content: Writing is clear and focused, holding the reader's attention throughout. Main ideas stand out and are developed by strong support and rich details. Purpose is accomplished.

W03-S2C1-01. Express ideas that are clear and directly related to the topic.

W03-S2C1-02. Provide content and selected details that are well-suited to audience and purpose.

W03-S2C1-03. Use relevant details to provide adequate support for the ideas.

W03-S2C2. Organization: Organization addresses the structure of the writing and threads the central meaning and the patterns that hold the piece together.

W03-S2C2-01. Organize content in a selected format. (e.g., friendly letter, narrative, expository text).

W03-S2C2-02. Create a beginning that captures the reader's interest.

W03-S2C2-03. Place details appropriately to support the main idea.

W03-S2C2-04. Use transitional words and phrases (e.g., next, then, so, but, while, after that, because) to connect ideas.

W03-S2C2-05. Create an ending that provides a sense of resolution or closure.

W03-S2C2-06. Construct a paragraph that groups sentences around a topic.

W03-S2C3. Voice: Voice will vary according to the type of writing, but should be appropriately formal or casual, distant or personal, depending on the audience and purpose.

W03-S2C3-01. Show awareness of the audience through word choice and style.

W03-S2C3-02. Convey a sense of originality, sincerity, liveliness, or humor appropriate to topic and type of writing.

W03-S2C4. Word Choice: Word choice reflects the writer's use of specific words and phrases to convey the intended message and employs a variety of words that are functional and appropriate to the audience and purpose.

W03-S2C4-01. Use a variety of specific and accurate words that effectively convey the intended message.

W03-S2C4-02. Use descriptive words and phrases that energize the writing.

W03-S2C4-03. Apply vocabulary and/or terminology appropriate to the type of writing.

W03-S2C4-04. Use literal and figurative language in a variety of ways (e.g., imitating, creating new words, rhyming), although may be inconsistent or experimental.

W03-S2C5. Sentence Fluency: Fluency addresses the rhythm and flow of language. Sentences are strong and varied in structure and length.

W03-S2C5-01. Write simple and compound sentences.

W03-S2C5-02. Write sentences that flow together and sound natural when read aloud.

W03-S2C5-03. Vary sentence beginnings, lengths, and patterns to enhance the flow of the writing.

W03-S2C6. Conventions: Organization addresses the structure of the writing and threads the central meaning and the patterns that hold the piece together.

W03-S2C6-01. Use capital letters for:

W03-S2C6-01-a. Proper nouns (i.e., names, days, months)

W03-S2C6-01-b. Titles

W03-S2C6-01-c. Names of places

W03-S2C6-01-d. Abbreviations

W03-S2C6-01-e. Literary titles (i.e., book, story, poem)

W03-S2C6-02. Punctuate endings of sentences using:

W03-S2C6-02-a. Periods

W03-S2C6-02-b. Question marks

W03-S2C6-02-c. Exclamation points

W03-S2C6-03. Use commas to punctuate:

W03-S2C6-03-a. Items in a series

W03-S2C6-03-b. Greetings and closings of letters

W03-S2C6-03-c. Dates

W03-S2C6-04. Use quotation marks to punctuate dialogue, although may be inconsistent or experimental.

W03-S2C6-05. Use a colon to punctuate time.

W03-S2C6-06. Use apostrophes to punctuate:

W03-S2C6-06-a. Contractions

W03-S2C6-06-b. Singular possessive

W03-S2C6-07. Spell high frequency words correctly.

W03-S2C6-08. Use common spelling patterns/generalizations to spell words correctly, including:

W03-S2C6-08-a. Word families

W03-S2C6-08-b. Regular plurals

W03-S2C6-08-c. R-controlled

W03-S2C6-08-d. Diphthong

W03-S2C6-08-e. Consonant digraphs

W03-S2C6-08-f. CVC words

W03-S2C6-08-g. CCVC

W03-S2C6-08-h. CVCC

W03-S2C6-08-i. Affixes

W03-S2C6-09. Spell simple homonyms correctly in context.

W03-S2C6-10. Use resources (e.g., dictionaries, word walls) to spell correctly.

W03-S2C6-11. Use the following parts of speech correctly in simple sentences:

W03-S2C6-11-a. Nouns

W03-S2C6-11-b. Action verbs

W03-S2C6-11-c. Personal pronouns

W03-S2C6-11-d. Adjectives

W03-S2C6-12. Use subject/verb agreement in simple sentences.

AZ.W03-S3. Writing Applications

W03-S3C1. Expressive: Expressive writing includes personal narratives, stories, poetry, songs, and dramatic pieces. Writing may be based on real or imagined events.

W03-S3C1-01. Write a narrative based on imagined or real events, observations, or memories that includes:

W03-S3C1-01-a. Characters

W03-S3C1-01-b. Setting

W03-S3C1-01-c. Plot

W03-S3C1-01-d. Sensory details

W03-S3C1-01-e. Clear language

W03-S3C1-01f. Logical sequence of events

W03-S3C1-02. Write in a variety of expressive forms (e.g., poetry, skit) that may employ:

W03-S3C1-02-a. Figurative language

W03-S3C1-02-b. Rhythm

W03-S3C1-02-c. Dialogue

W03-S3C1-02-d. Characterization

W03-S3C1-02-e. Plot

W03-S3C1-02-f. Appropriate format

W03-S3C2. Expository: Expository writing includes non-fiction writing that describes, explains, or summarizes ideas and content. The writing supports a thesis based on research, observation, and/or experience.

W03-S3C2-01. Record information (e.g., observations, notes, lists, charts, map labels and legends) related to the topic.

W03-S3C2-02. Write an expository paragraph that contains:

W03-S3C2-02-a. A topic sentence

W03-S3C2-02-b. Supporting details

W03-S3C2-02-c. Relevant information

W03-S3C2-03. Write in a variety of expository forms (e.g., summary, newspaper article, reflective paper, log, journal).

W03-S3C3. Functional: Functional writing provides specific directions or information related to real-world tasks. This includes letters, memos, schedules, directories, signs, manuals, forms, recipes, and technical pieces for specific content areas.

W03-S3C3-01. Write a variety of functional text (e.g., directions, recipes, procedures, rubrics, labels, graphs/tables).

W03-S3C3-02. Write communications, including:

W03-S3C3-02-a. Thank-you notes

W03-S3C3-02-b. Friendly letters

W03-S3C3-02-c. Formal letters

W03-S3C3-02-d. Messages

W03-S3C3-02-e. Invitations

W03-S3C3-03. Address an envelope for correspondence that includes:

W03-S3C3-03-a. An appropriate return address

W03-S3C3-03-b. An appropriate recipient address

W03-S3C4. Persuasive: Persuasive writing is used for the purpose of influencing the reader. The author presents an issue and expresses an opinion in order to convince an audience to agree with the opinion or to take a particular action.

W03-S3C4-01. Write persuasive text (e.g., advertisements, paragraph) that attempts to influence the reader.

W03-S3C5. Literary Response: Literary response is the writer's reaction to a literary selection. The response includes the writer's interpretation, analysis, opinion, and/or feelings about the piece of literature and selected elements within it.

W03-S3C5-01. Write a reflection to a literature selection (e.g., journal entry, book review).

W03-S3C5-02. Write a book report or review that may identify the:

W03-S3C5-02-a. Main idea

W03-S3C5-02-b. Character(s)

W03-S3C5-02-c. Setting

W03-S3C5-02-d. Sequence of events

W03-S3C5-02-e. Problem/solution

W03-S3C5-03. Write a response to a literature selection that connects:

W03-S3C5-03-a. Text to self (personal connection)

W03-S3C5-03-b. Text to world (social connection)

W03-S3C5-03-c. Text to text (compare within multiple texts)

W03-S3C6. Research: Research writing is a process in which the writer identifies a topic or question to be answered. The writer locates and evaluates information about the topic or question, and then organizes, summarizes, and synthesizes the information into a fin

W03-S3C6-01. Paraphrase information from at least one source (e.g., Internet, reference materials).

W03-S3C6-02. Organize notes in a meaningful sequence.

W03-S3C6-03. Write an informational report that includes main idea(s) and relevant details.

AZ.LS3. Listening and Speaking

LS-F. Students effectively listen and speak in situations that serve different purposes and involve a variety of audiences.

LS-F1. Use effective vocabulary and logical organization to relate or summarize ideas, events and other information

LS-F2. Give and follow multiple-step directions

LS-F3. Prepare and deliver information by generating topics; identifying the audience; and organizing ideas, facts or opinions for a variety of speaking purposes such as giving directions, relating personal experiences, telling a story or presenting a report

AZ.VP4. Viewing and Presenting

VP-F. Students use a variety of visual media and resources to gather, evaluate and synthesize information and to communicate with others.

VP-F1. Recognize different types of visual media

VP-F2. Plan and present a report, using two or more visual media

VP-F3. Access, view and respond to visual forms such as computer programs, videos, artifacts, drawings, pictures and collages

VP-F4. Interpret visual clues in cartoons, graphs, tables and charts that enhance the comprehension of text

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