Arkansas State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 9

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

AR.1. Oral and Visual Communication: Speaking: Students shall demonstrate effective oral communication skills to express ideas and to present information.

OV.1.9.1. Speaking to share understanding and information: Adjust oral language to audience and appropriately apply the rules of standard English.

OV.1.9.2. Speaking to share understanding and information: Prepare and participate in structured discussions, such as panel discussions.

OV.1.9.3. Speaking to share understanding and information: Use appropriate visual aids in presentations.

OV.1.9.4. Speaking for literary response, expression and analysis: Participate in a variety of such speaking activities as scenes from a play, oral book reports, monologues, memorization of lines, character analysis, and literary reviews.

AR.2. Oral and Visual Communication: Listening: Students shall demonstrate effective listening skills in formal and informal settings.

OV.2.9.1. Listening for information, interpretation, critical analysis, and evaluation: Analyze how the conventions of English affect oral expressions.

OV.2.9.2. Listening for information, interpretation, critical analysis, and evaluation: Establish a purpose for listening and identify relevant information.

OV.2.9.3. Listening for information, interpretation, critical analysis, and evaluation: Identify barriers to listening and generate methods to overcome them.

OV.2.9.4. Listening for information, interpretation, critical analysis, and evaluation: Demonstrate attentive, reflective, and critical listening skills to respond to and interpret speaker's message.

AR.3. Oral and Visual Communication: Media Literacy: Students shall demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media as a mode of communication.

OV.3.9.1. Analyzing media: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of various types of media.

OV.3.9.2. Analyzing media: Articulate personal response to such media as editorials, news stories, and advertisements.

OV.3.9.3. Evaluating media credibility: Identify and evaluate a media source for bias and point of view .

AR.4. Writing: Process: Students shall employ a wide range of strategies as they write, using the writing process appropriately.

W.4.9.1. Prewriting: Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing.

W.4.9.2. Prewriting: Plan and organize writing to address a specific audience and purpose with emphasis on narration.

W.4.9.3. Drafting: Communicate clearly the purpose of the writing.

W.4.9.4. Drafting: Write clear and varied sentences.

W.4.9.5. Drafting: Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately through word choice, vivid description, and selected information.

W.4.9.6. Drafting: Adapt content vocabulary, voice, and tone to audience, purpose, and situation.

W.4.9.7. Drafting: Arrange paragraphs into a logical progression with appropriate transition.

W.4.9.8. Revising: Revise content of writing for central idea, elaboration, unity, and organization.

W.4.9.9. Revising: Revise style of writing for selected vocabulary, selected information, sentence variety, tone and voice.

W.4.9.10. Revising: Revise sentence formation in writing for completeness, coordination, subordination, standard word order, and absence of fused sentences.

W.4.9.11. Editing: Apply grammatical conventions to edit for standard inflections, agreement, word meaning, and conventions.

W.4.9.12. Editing: Apply grammatical conventions for capitalization, punctuation, formatting, and spelling.

W.4.9.13. Publishing: Refine selected pieces frequently to publish for intended audiences and purposes.

W.4.9.14. Publishing: Maintain a writing portfolio that exhibits growth and reflection in the progress of meeting goals and expectations.

W.4.9.15. Publishing: Use available technology for all aspects of the writing process.

AR.5. Writing: Purposes, Topics, Forms, and Audiences: Students shall demonstrate competency in writing for a variety of purposes, topics and audiences employing a wide range of forms.

W.5.9.1. Purposes and Audiences: Adjust levels of formality, style, and tone when composing for different audiences.

W.5.9.2. Topics and Forms: Write biographies or autobiographies that: communicate the significance of the events and characters; specify scenes and incidents in specific places; describe using sensory details; pace time and mood; maintain consistency in point of view.

W.5.9.3. Topics and Forms: Write expository compositions, including analytical essays and research reports that: assemble and convey evidence in support of the thesis.

W.5.9.4. Topics and Forms: Write using rhetorical strategies with special emphasis on definition, narration, description, exemplification, and compare/contrast.

W.5.9.5. Topics and Forms: Write a variety of letters including letter of apology that: follow a conventional format; address the intended audience; provide clear, purposeful information.

W.5.9.6. Topics and Forms: Write poems using a range of poetic techniques, forms, and figurative language, emphasizing narrative poetry.

W.5.9.7. Topics and Forms: Write responses to literature that: articulate the significant ideas of literary works; support important ideas with evidence from text.

W.5.9.8. Topics and Forms: Write on demand to a specified prompt within a given time frame.

W.5.9.9. Topics and Forms: Write across the curriculum.

AR.6. Writing: Conventions: Students shall apply knowledge of Standard English conventions in written work.

W.6.9.1. Sentence Formation: Use knowledge of types of clauses (main, subordinate).

W.6.9.2. Sentence Formation: Use parallel structures.

W.6.9.3. Sentence Formation: Use knowledge of types of verbals (gerunds, infinitives, participles).

W.6.9.4. Usage: Apply rules for the parts of a sentence, including subject/verb, direct/indirect object, predicate nominative/predicate adjective, objective complement, and pronoun case.

W.6.9.5. Usage: Distinguish between active and passive voice.

W.6.9.6. Usage: Maintain consistent verb tense within a writing product.

W.6.9.7. Usage: Select appropriate pronouns when writing.

W.6.9.8. Spelling: Apply conventional spelling to all pieces.

W.6.9.9. Capitalization: Apply conventional rules of capitalization in writing.

W.6.9.10. Punctuation: Use commas and semicolons to distinguish and divide main and subordinate clauses.

W.6.9.11. Punctuation: Use colons and dashes effectively in writing.

W.6.9.12. Punctuation: Use punctuation correctly and recognize its effect on sentence structure.

AR.7. Writing: Craftsmanship: Students shall develop personal style and voice as they approach the craftsmanship of writing.

W.7.9.1. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Use figurative language effectively with emphasis on simile and personification .

W.7.9.2. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Use a variety of sentence structures, types, and lengths to contribute to fluency and interest.

W.7.9.3. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Consider purpose, speaker, audience, and form when completing assignments emphasizing narration .

W.7.9.4. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Demonstrate organization, unity, and coherence by using direct transitions and sequencing.

W.7.9.5. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Use extension and elaboration to develop an idea emphasizing the use of appositives.

W.7.9.6. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Use concrete information for elaboration.

W.7.9.7. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Use precise word choices that convey specific meaning.

W.7.9.8. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Personalize writing to convey voice in formal and informal pieces.

W.7.9.9. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Evaluate own writing to determine the best features of a piece of writing.

AR.9. Reading: Comprehension: Students shall apply a variety of strategies to read and comprehend printed material.

R.9.9.1. Literal and inferential understanding: Connect own background knowledge, including personal experience and perspectives shaped by age, gender, class, or national origin, to determine author's purpose.

R.9.9.2. Literal and inferential understanding: Identify specific ways an author accomplishes purpose, including organization, narrative and persuasive techniques, style, literary forms or genre, portrayal of themes, tone, and intended audiences.

R.9.9.3. Literal and inferential understanding: Differentiate among strategies to aid comprehension, including skimming, scanning, note taking, outlining, questioning, creating graphic organizers, and annotating.

R.9.9.4. Literal and inferential understanding: Recognize how works of a given period reflect author's background, historical events, and cultural influences.

R.9.9.5. Literal and inferential understanding: Draw inferences from a sentence or a paragraph (including conclusions, generalizations, and predictions) and support them with text evidence.

R.9.9.6. Literal and inferential understanding: Recognize the role of bias for both author and reader in the comprehension of a text.

R.9.9.7. Literal and inferential understanding: Recognize how signal/transition words and phrases denote shifts that contribute to the meaning of the text.

R.9.9.8. Summary and generalization: Summarize and paraphrase structures in informational and literary texts, including relationships among concepts and details.

R.9.9.9. Analysis and evaluation: Discriminate between fact/opinion and fiction/nonfiction.

R.9.9.10. Analysis and evaluation: Analyze the structure and format of informational and literary documents and explain how authors use the features to achieve their purposes.

R.9.9.11. Analysis and evaluation: Recognize and define various points of view (e.g., omniscient narrator, third-person limited).

R.9.9.12. Analysis and evaluation: Define fallacies and identify fallacies in a text.

R.9.9.13. Analysis and evaluation: Identify and discuss a position using concepts gained from reading. (e.g., debate, discussion, position paper, etc.).

R.9.9.14. Analysis and evaluation: Identify and categorize figures of speech and sound devices, including simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, oxymoron, and pun.

AR.10. Reading: Variety of Text: Students shall read, examine, and respond to a wide range of texts.

R.10.9.1. Practical Texts: Read across the curriculum a variety of such practical texts as advertisements, warranties, manuals, handbooks, agendas, labels, warnings and directions .

R.10.9.2. Practical Texts: Evaluate clarity and accuracy of information in practical texts.

R.10.9.3. Poetry: Read a variety of narrative poetry, including ballad and epic.

R.10.9.4. Poetry: Define and identify poetic conventions and structures, including line, stanza, imagery, rhythm, rhyme, and sound devices.

R.10.9.5. Poetry: Identify the characteristics of narrative poetry.

R.10.9.6. Poetry: Read traditional and contemporary works of poets from many cultures.

R.10.9.7. Poetry: Identify the concept of persona.

R.10.9.8. Poetry: Identify techniques poets use to evoke emotion in a reader.

R.10.9.9. Poetry: Explain how word choice in a poem creates tone and voice.

R.10.9.10. Poetry: Paraphrase and interpret to find the meaning of selected poems, emphasizing the line.

R.10.9.11. Drama: Read a variety of dramatic selections, including an Elizabethan tragedy.

R.10.9.12. Drama: Identify the two basic parts of drama: staging and scripting .

R.10.9.13. Drama: Define and identify examples of dramatic conventions, including soliloquy, aside, monologue, dialogue, and character types .

R.10.9.14. Drama: Compare and contrast the elements of character, setting, and plot in drama.

R.10.9.15. Drama: Describe how stage directions help the reader understand the setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme.

R.10.9.16. Drama: Define and identify the elements of Elizabethan tragedy.

R.10.9.17. Literary and Content Prose: Read a variety of literary and content prose .

R.10.9.18. Literary and Content Prose: Recognize the influence of historical context on the form, style, and point of view of a written work.

R.10.9.19. Literary and Content Prose: Identify the characteristics that distinguish literary forms from different cultures .

R.10.9.20. Literary and Content Prose: Identify and define literary terms .

R.10.9.21. Literary and Content Prose: Explain the relationship between the author's style and literary effect.

R.10.9.22. Literary and Content Prose: Identify literary elements in a work.

R.10.9.23. Literary and Content Prose: Explain the use of verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony.

AR.11. Reading: Vocabulary, Word Study, and Fluency: Students shall acquire and apply skills in vocabulary development and word analysis to be able to read fluently.

R.11.9.1. Word study and vocabulary: Expand vocabulary through reading, listening, and discussing.

R.11.9.2. Word study and vocabulary: Use roots, prefixes, and suffixes to define words.

R.11.9.3. Word study and vocabulary: Use reference materials including glossary, dictionary, thesaurus, and available technology to determine precise meaning and usage of words.

R.11.9.4. Word study and vocabulary: Distinguish between connation and denotation.

AR.12. Inquiring/Researching: Research/Inquiry Process: Students shall engage in inquiry and research to address questions, to make judgments about credibility, and to communicate findings in ways that suit the purpose and audience.

IR.12.9.1. Accessing information: Generate open-ended questions to select a topic.

IR.12.9.2. Accessing information: Establish a focus for research and design a research plan to answer a specific question.

IR.12.9.3. Accessing information: Determine the purpose of using different research tools to access multiple sources.

IR.12.9.4. Accessing information: Use a variety of electronic sources to access information.

IR.12.9.5. Evaluating credibility and identifying relevant information: Recognize ways to assess the credibility of authors and reliability of sources (e.g., author credentials, author biases, copyright dates, etc.).

IR.12.9.6. Evaluating credibility and identifying relevant information: Recognize ways to verify the accuracy and usefulness of information .

IR.12.9.7. Evaluating credibility and identifying relevant information: Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.

IR.12.9.8. Evaluating credibility and identifying relevant information: Define plagiarism and cite quoted sources to avoid plagiarism.

IR.12.9.9. Evaluating credibility and identifying relevant information: Differentiate among paraphrasing, summarizing and plagiarizing.

IR.12.9.10. Interpreting and presenting information: Organize information and use a style manual such as MLA or APA to create: Note cards; Formal outline; Works cited page or resource sheet; Thesis statement.

IR.12.9.11. Interpreting and presenting information: Summarize, paraphrase, and/or quote relevant information.

IR.12.9.12. Interpreting and presenting information: Create research products such as: Oral presentation; Reports; Essays.

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