Arkansas State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 3

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

AR.1. Oral and Visual Communication: Speaking: Students shall demonstrate effective oral communication skills to express ideas and to present information.

OV.1.3.1. Speaking vocabulary: Use pronouns appropriately in speech.

OV.1.3.2. Speaking vocabulary: Clarify and explain words and ideas orally .

OV.1.3.3. Speaking vocabulary: Use adjectives appropriately in speech.

OV.1.3.4. Speaking behaviors: Focus on audience (i.e., gestures and body language).

OV.1.3.5. Speaking behaviors: Respond appropriately when being introduced.

OV.1.3.6. Speaking behaviors: Adapt spoken language to the audience, purpose and occasion (i.e., volume, pitch, and rate).

OV.1.3.7. Speaking behaviors: Communicate ideas sequentially or organized around major points of information.

OV.1.3.8. Speaking to share understanding of information: Support spoken ideas and opinions with examples, evidence, and elaboration.

OV.1.3.9. Speaking to share understanding of information: Give multiple step directions and explanation as needed.

OV.1.3.10. Speaking to share understanding of information: Participate in formal and informal discussions about a variety of topics including community events .

OV.1.3.11. Speaking to share understanding of information: Provide supportive verbal and nonverbal cues to participants in a discussion to encourage an exchange of ideas and opinions.

OV.1.3.12. Speaking for literary response and expression: Tell and retell stories in an informal storytelling format using descriptive language, story elements, and voice to create interest and mood.

OV.1.3.13. Speaking for literary response and expression: Participate in a variety of speaking activities, including book talks.

OV.1.3.14. Speaking for critical analysis and evaluation: Express opinions and solve problems.

OV.1.3.15. Speaking for critical analysis and evaluation: Accept contributions of teacher or group to establish goals to improve speaking performance.

AR.2. Oral and Visual Communication: Listening: Students shall demonstrate effective listening skills in formal and informal settings to facilitate communication.

OV.2.3.1. Listening for information and understanding: Demonstrate active listening behaviors (i.e., appropriate feedback and contributions of relevant information).

OV.2.3.2. Listening for information and understanding: Listen and summarize information .

OV.2.3.3. Listening for information and understanding: Listen to acquire new vocabulary.

OV.2.3.4. Listening for information and understanding: Follow oral directions and monitor for clarity.

OV.2.3.5. Listening and responding to literature: Listen and respond to literature, including identifying the craftsmanship of the author.

OV.2.3.6. Listening for critical analysis and evaluation: Identify the purpose and content of verbal communication and nonverbal cues.

OV.2.3.7. Listening for critical analysis and evaluation: Evaluate a performance on the basis of a predetermined criteria/rubric developed by the teacher.

AR.3. Oral and Visual Communication: Media Literacy: Students shall demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media as a mode of communication.

OV.3.3.1. Utilizing media for information and understanding: Gather and use information from various types of media.

OV.3.3.2. Utilizing media for personal response and expression: Respond to media in a variety of ways (i.e., art, writing, and plays).

OV.3.3.3. Utilizing media for critical analysis and evaluation: Compare and contrast literature from two media sources presentations .

AR.4. Writing: Process: Students shall employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately.

W.4.3.1. Prewriting: Use a variety of planning strategies/ organizers.

W.4.3.2. Prewriting: Focus on a central idea.

W.4.3.3. Prewriting: Identify the audience.

W.4.3.4. Prewriting: Select appropriate resources for personal and informational writing.

W.4.3.5. Prewriting: Use available technology to collect information for writing.

W.4.3.6. Drafting: Develop drafts by sorting information into categories and using the categories as paragraphs.

W.4.3.7. Drafting: Create well-developed introductory and concluding paragraphs.

W.4.3.8. Drafting: Include descriptive details that elaborate the central idea.

W.4.3.9. Revising: Revise writing for organization, precise vocabulary, and purposefully selected information from peer responses and teacher conference.

W.4.3.10. Revising: Utilize a revision checklist developed by the class to independently revise writing.

W.4.3.11. Editing: Edit for spelling of appropriate words, usage, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure.

W.4.3.12. Editing: Utilize available resources to edit personal writing (i.e., editing checklist, thesaurus, dictionary, available technology, etc.).

W.4.3.13. Publishing: Prepare pieces for publication (i.e., illustrations, rewriting or typing/word processing, page break, charts, and diagrams, etc.).

W.4.3.14. Publishing: Polish approximately ten pieces throughout the year (i.e., letters, stories, poems, and reports, etc.).

W.4.3.15. Publishing: Use available technology for publishing.

W.4.3.16. Publishing: Select pieces for a writing portfolio that demonstrate success in writing in a variety of genres.

AR.5. Writing: Purposes, Topics, Forms and Audiences: Students shall demonstrate competency in writing for a variety of purposes, topics and audiences employing a wide range of forms.

W.5.3.1. Purposes and Audiences: Write for a specific purpose and audience .

W.5.3.2. Purposes and Audiences: Write to persuade, inform, entertain, and describe.

W.5.3.3. Topics and Forms: Write daily.

W.5.3.4. Topics and Forms: Write informational pieces with at least two paragraphs.

W.5.3.5. Topics and Forms: Respond to literature with specific reference to the text .

W.5.3.6. Topics and Forms: Write descriptive narratives.

W.5.3.7. Topics and Forms: Write an original fable and tall tale.

W.5.3.8. Topics and Forms: Write cinquains and diamantes .

W.5.3.9. Topics and Forms: Explain connections between text and world.

W.5.3.10. Topics and Forms: Write on demand to a specified prompt within a given time frame .

AR.6. Writing: Conventions: Students shall apply knowledge of Standard English conventions in written work.

W.6.3.1. Sentence Formation: Use a variety of simple and compound sentences .

W.6.3.2. Sentence Formation: Eliminate fragments.

W.6.3.3. Sentence Formation: Create sentences with compound subjects.

W.6.3.4. Usage: Use subject and verb agreement in compound sentences.

W.6.3.5. Usage: Use possessive pronouns correctly.

W.6.3.6. Usage: Use the pronouns I and me correctly in sentences.

W.6.3.7. Usage: Use past and present verb tense.

W.6.3.8. Usage: Use singular possessives .

AR.7. Writing: Craftsmanship: Students shall develop personal style and voice as they approach the craftsmanship of writing.

W.7.3.1. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Use organizational structure that is useful to the reader.

W.7.3.2. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Include relevant information and elaboration on the topic .

W.7.3.3. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Arrange steps in a logical sequence .

W.7.3.4. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Use transition words .

W.7.3.5. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Make word choices to accurately convey the message .

W.7.3.6. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Apply new vocabulary and concepts from reading to writing.

W.7.3.7. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Use a checklist to monitor expectations in writing.

W.7.3.8. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Respond to the writing of others by giving specific feedback on the clarity, coherence, and logical order.

W.7.3.9. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Identify the most effective features of a piece of writing using criteria generated by the teacher (i.e., precise verbs and adjectives, etc.).

W.7.3.10. Purposefully shaping and controlling language: Examine written work to determine progress in writing and work habits and explain personal changes over time.

AR.8. Reading: Foundations of Reading: Students shall apply concepts of print, acquire knowledge of spoken words and understand the relationship of speech to print as they develop a foundation for literacy.

AR.9. Reading: Comprehension: Students shall apply a variety of strategies to read and comprehend printed material.

R.9.3.1. Using prior knowledge to make meaning: Activate prior knowledge by previewing and using text structure.

R.9.3.2. Using prior knowledge to make meaning: Use prior knowledge to determine a purpose for reading.

R.9.3.3. Using connections to make meaning: Make connections from text to world during reading.

R.9.3.4. Using visualization to make meaning: Form mental pictures to organize and visualize the content of the text.

R.9.3.5. Using questioning and monitoring to make meaning: Generate questions and check the text for answers.

R.9.3.6. Using questioning and monitoring to make meaning: Question the author's purpose.

R.9.3.7. Using questioning and monitoring to make meaning: Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal and inferential information found in the text.

R.9.3.8. Using inferences to make meaning: Discuss why an author may have selected particular words or phrases.

R.9.3.9. Using inferences to make meaning: Draw inferences, such as conclusions or generalizations, and support them with text evidence and/or personal experiences.

R.9.3.10. Determining importance to make meaning: Organize information and events logically.

R.9.3.11. Determining importance to make meaning: Determine the purpose for reading.

R.9.3.12. Summarizing and synthesizing for meaning: Summarize a story.

R.9.3.13. Summarizing and synthesizing for meaning: Summarize major points found in nonfiction materials.

R.9.3.14. Summarizing and synthesizing for meaning: Follow directions encountered in functional texts.

AR.10. Reading: Variety of texts: Students shall read, examine, and respond to a wide range of text for a variety of purposes.

R.10.3.1. Exhibit behaviors and habits of an active reader: Read daily.

R.10.3.2. Exhibit behaviors and habits of an active reader: Demonstrate knowledge of the content, style, and theme of the works of a single author.

R.10.3.3. Exhibit behaviors and habits of an active reader: Discuss authors, stories, and other texts and make recommendations to classmates and teachers.

R.10.3.4. Exhibit behaviors and habits of an active reader: Respond to a wide variety of texts by contributing to a reading journal which demonstrates appropriate comprehension skills, including written responses, reading log, interest list, and reading goals.

R.10.3.5. Exhibit behaviors and habits of an active reader: Self-select materials on independent reading level based on personal interest, knowledge of authors, and different types of texts.

R.10.3.6. Exhibit behaviors and habits of an active reader: Use graphic organizers including character webs and K-W-L charts to make meaning of the reading selection .

R.10.3.7. Exhibit behaviors and habits of an active reader: Utilize the appropriate areas of the library/media center to select reading materials.

R.10.3.8. Reading a variety of informational materials for enjoyment and critical analysis: Read a variety of informational texts, including sequential formats.

R.10.3.9. Reading a variety of informational materials for enjoyment and critical analysis: Recognize expository text structures which are sequential.

R.10.3.10. Reading a variety of informational materials for enjoyment and critical analysis: Describe in own words new information gained from texts and relate it to prior knowledge.

R.10.3.11. Reading a variety of informational materials for enjoyment and critical analysis: Read a variety of stories, including tall tales and fables.

R.10.3.12. Reading a variety of informational materials for enjoyment and critical analysis: Identify and compare the story elements of tall tales and fables.

R.10.3.13. Reading a variety of informational materials for enjoyment and critical analysis: Create own tall tale and/or fable .

R.10.3.14. Reading a variety of informational materials for enjoyment and critical analysis: Identify language and literary devices, including mood.

R.10.3.15. Reading a variety of poetry for enjoyment and critical analysis: Read a variety of poetry, including diamantes and cinquains.

R.10.3.16. Reading a variety of poetry for enjoyment and critical analysis: Discuss poetry to determine meaning.

R.10.3.17. Reading a variety of poetry for enjoyment and critical analysis: Analyze poetry to identify the characteristics of cinquains.

R.10.3.18. Reading a variety of practical materials for enjoyment and critical analysis: Read a variety of functional/practical texts, including menus, recipes, and maps.

R.10.3.19. Reading a variety of practical materials for enjoyment and critical analysis: Use functional print, including recipes, menus, and maps, to accomplish tasks.

R.10.3.20. Reading a variety of practical materials for enjoyment and critical analysis: Use a dictionary, index, thesaurus, encyclopedia, and online reference materials to enhance reading.

AR.11. Reading: Vocabulary, Word Study, and Fluency: Students shall acquire and apply skills in vocabulary development and word analysis to be able to read fluently.

R.11.3.1. Meaning-based word recognition: Use context clues to determine the precise meaning of new words.

R.11.3.2. Meaning-based word recognition: Use knowledge of irregular plurals, verb tenses, homonyms, homographs, homophones, prefixes, and suffixes to read with meaning.

R.11.3.3. Meaning-based word recognition: Recognize the relationship between a pronoun and its referent.

R.11.3.4. Meaning-based word recognition: Recognize and use transition words.

R.11.3.5. Meaning-based word recognition: Recognize and use variations of print .

R.11.3.6. Spelling-sound word recognition (phonics): Decode words using variant vowel patterns.

R.11.3.7. Spelling-sound word recognition (phonics): Decode multi-syllabic words using simple syllable patterns.

R.11.3.8. Sight word recognition: Continue to develop sight word vocabulary, including reading words with irregularly spelled suffixes (i.e. -ous, -ion, -ive).

R.11.3.9. Word Study and vocabulary: Categorize words as nouns, action verbs, synonyms, and antonyms during discussions about words.

R.11.3.10. Accuracy of reading: Read grade level texts with accuracy of 90% or above.

R.11.3.11. Reading with fluency and expression: Read grade level text fluently at a minimum of 110 words per minute.

R.11.3.12. Reading with fluency and expression: Read familiar grade level texts using appropriate rhythm, pace, phrasing, punctuation, and intonation.

AR.12. Inquiring/Researching: Researching/Inquiry Process: Students shall engage in inquiry and research to address questions, to make judgments about credibility, and to communicate findings in ways that suit the purpose and audience.

IR.12.3.1. Accessing information: Generate questions about important and interesting topics.

IR.12.3.2. Accessing information: Use alphabetical order to the third letter to access information.

IR.12.3.3. Accessing information: Use text features of nonfiction (e.g., heading, subheading, bold print, italics, etc.) to locate information.

IR.12.3.4. Accessing information: Access information from globes and schedules.

IR.12.3.5. Accessing information: Consult multiple resources, including print (e.g., dictionaries, encyclopedia, atlases, reference books, thesauri, etc.), technology, and experts to address questions .

IR.12.3.6. Interpreting Information: Compile information into various formats.

IR.12.3.7. Interpreting Information: Organize information to draw a conclusion.

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