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Katy Kelly - Click to see all titles by this author.

Sense Of Humor - A cheerful view on adversity as to cope, support happiness, and make others smile and laugh.

Katy Kelly’s birthday is on November 13th.

Katy Kelly and her siblings grew up on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., five blocks away from the U.S. Capitol, four from the Senate buildings, and three from the U.S. Supreme Court. She was a reporter and editor for 20 years before becoming an author.

Katy comes from a family of storytellers. Her parents are both writers and the dinner table was always where the events of the day were reported with great hilarity or drama, sometimes both at once. “That taught us about pacing, delivery, what works and what doesn't. We read a lot. Possibly because we had no TV,” said Kelly. “My siblings and I were brought up to value original thinking, honorable behavior, laughter, and books. Our passions were taken seriously.”

Katy studied Painting and Printmaking at Virginia Commonwealth University, graduated, and then worked as an illustrator. She was a writer for People magazine, a feature writer for USA Today and a senior editor at US News magazine. She interviewed many people including Hollywood movie stars, the U.S. President, and Mississippi parents and children who lived in houses that rented for $60 a month. “No plumbing, no electricity, one good wind from toppling over. I learned to listen to what people were (and weren’t) saying, to understand what they cherished and what they feared. I can’t imagine that I could write good fiction without having reported on so many real lives.”

Katy and her husband Steve have two children Emily and Marguerite. They live in Washington, D.C.

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