Vermont State Standards for Social Studies: Kindergarten

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VT.6.1. Critical Evaluation: Causes and Effects in Human Societies: Students examine complex webs of causes and effects in relations to events in order to generalize about the workings of human societies, and they apply their findings to problems.

H&SSK:1. Grade Level Expectation: Social and Historical Questioning: Students initiate an inquiry by:

K:1.a. Developing a question by completing prompts, 'I wonder...?', 'Why...?', 'How is this like...?'. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:1.a.

H&SSK:2. Grade Level Expectation: Hypothesis/Research Statement: Students develop a hypothesis, thesis, or research statement by:

K:2.a. Sharing ideas about possible answers to questions (e.g., What might we see on a field trip to a factory?). 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:2.a.

H&SSK:3. Grade Level Expectation: Research Plan: Students design research by:

K:3.a. Identifying resources for finding answers to their questions (e.g., books, videos, and people). 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:3.a.

K:3.b. Explaining what their jobs will be during an inquiry investigation (e.g., drawing pictures after a field trip). 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:3.b.

K:3.c. Identifying ways they will show what they have learned. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:3.c.

H&SSK:4. Grade Level Expectation: Conducting Research: Students conduct research by:

K:4.a. Following directions to complete an inquiry. 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:4.a.

K:4.b. Asking questions and observing during the investigation process. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:4.b.

K:4.c. Recording observations with words, numbers, symbols, and/or pictures (e.g., drawing or labeling a diagram, creating a title for a drawing or diagram, recording data provided by the teacher in a table). 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:4.c.

H&SSK:5. Grade Level Expectation: Conducting Research: Students develop reasonable explanations that support the research statement by:

K:5.a. Organizing and displaying information (e.g., pictograph, bar graph, chart, building blocks). 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:5.a.

K:5.b. Analyzing evidence (e.g., sorting objects, justifying groupings, role playing). 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:5.b.

H&SSK:6. Grade Level Expectation: Students make connections to research by:

K:6.a. Discussing if their findings answered their research question. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:6.a.

K:6.b. Proposing solutions to problems and asking other questions. 10
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:6.b.

H&SSK:7. Grade Level Expectation: Students communicate their findings by:

K:7.a. Speaking, using pictures (e.g., sharing ideas or artifacts with classmates) or writing a story or letter by dictating ideas to a teacher. 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:7.a.

H&SSK:8. Grade Level Expectation: Students connect the past with the present by:

K:8.a. Recognizing objects from long ago and today (e.g., a slate was used long ago and a computer is used today). 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:8.a.

K:8.b. Describing ways that family life has both changed and stayed the same over time (e.g., chores in the past vs. chores today). 11
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:8.b.

K:8.c. Identifying how events and people have shaped their families (e.g., How does life change when one starts school?). 27
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:8.c.

H&SSK:9. Grade Level Expectation: Students show understanding of how humans interpret history by:

K:9.a. Collecting information about the past by interviewing a parent or grandparent for family or personal history. 26
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:9.a.

K:9.b. Differentiating among fact, opinion, and interpretation when sharing stories or retelling events, especially those that relate to family and friends. 25
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:9.b.

H&SSK:10. Grade Level Expectation: Students show understanding of past, present, and future time by:

K:10.a. Placing events from their lives in their correct sequence. 1
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:10.a.

K:10.b. Constructing a time line of events in their own lives. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:10.b.

K:10.c. Differentiating between broad categories of historical time (e.g., long, long ago; yesterday, today, tomorrow; past, present, and future). 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:10.c.

K:10.d. Identifying an important event in their lives. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:10.d.

VT.6.7. Geography: Geographical Knowledge: Students use geographical knowledge and images of various places to understand the present, communicate historical interpretations, develop solutions for problems, and plan for the future.

H&SSK:11. Grade Level Expectation: Students interpret geography and solve geographic problems by:

K:11.a. Verbalizing their names and addresses. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:11.a.

K:11.b. Recognizing that neighborhood spaces are defined by boundaries - yard, playground, sidewalk, roads. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:11.b.

K:11.c. Describing or identifying a map or globe. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:11.c.

K:11.d. Using vocabulary which defines location in space (e.g. near, far, above, below). 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:11.d.

K:11.e. Using a simple map to find something. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:11.e.

K:11.f. Creating a simple map showing the student in relation to some other meaningful place (e.g., using a flannel board to show the location of the student's desk in the classroom). 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:11.f.

H&SSK:12. Grade Level Expectation: Students show understanding of human interaction with the environment over time by:

K:12.a. Identifying ways in which they take care of or hurt the environment (e.g., recycling vs. littering, planting trees and flowers). 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:12.a.

K:12.b. Identifying ways in which they adapt to their physical environment (e.g., dressing for seasonal weather, outdoor play opportunities). 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:12.b.

H&SSK:13. Grade Level Expectation: Students analyze how and why cultures continue and change over time by:

K:13.a. Identifying ways culture is expressed in their families (e.g., celebrations, food, and traditions). 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:13.a.

K:13.b. Understanding and appreciating that he or she is alike and different from other people in many different ways (e.g., personal physical characteristics, likes and dislikes). 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:13.b.

VT.6.9. Citizenship: Meaning of Citizenship: Students examine and debate the meaning of citizenship and act as citizens in a democratic society.

H&SSK:14. Grade Level Expectation: Students act as citizens by:

K:14.a. Identifying various groups that they belong to (e.g., I'm a part of a family, I'm a part of a class, I'm a part of a school, etc.). 22
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:14.a.

K:14.b. Demonstrating positive interaction with group members (e.g., sharing play space). 13
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:14.b.

K:14.c. Contributing to the life of the class and the school. 16
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:14.c.

H&SSK:15. Grade Level Expectation: Students show understanding of various forms of government by:

K:15.a. Identifying the need for rules in a variety of settings, and demonstrating appropriate behavior in a variety of settings (e.g., classroom, playground, field trip). 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:15.a.

K:15.b. Explaining that rules are established for the benefit of individuals and groups. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:15.b.

K:15.c. Identifying authority figures who make, apply, and enforce rules (e.g., at home, in the family, school personnel, police, firefighters, etc.), and how these people help to meet the needs of the people in the community. 14
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:15.c.

H&SSK:16. Grade Level Expectation: Students examine how different societies address issues of human interdependence by:

K:16.a. Practicing communication skills with individuals and groups. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:16.a.

K:16.b. Identifying feelings that might lead to conflict (e.g., what happens when two people want the same thing?). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:16.b.

H&SSK:17. Grade Level Expectation: Students examine how access to various institutions affects justice, reward, and power by:

K:17.a. Naming various social, economic, and governmental institutions in their community (e.g., schools, churches, post office, grocery store, etc.). 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:17.a.

VT.6.15. Economics: Knowledge of Economic Principles: Students use the basic principles of economics to interpret local, state, national, and international economic activity.

H&SSK:18. Grade Level Expectation: Students show an understanding of the interaction/ interdependence between humans, the environment, and the economy by:

K:18.a. Participating in activities as a buyer or seller (e.g., bake sale, school store, etc.). 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:18.a.

K:18.b. Identifying economic activities that use resources in the local region (e.g., farmers' markets). 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:18.b.

K:18.c. Identifying jobs people do in the home and school. 22
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:18.c.

H&SSK:19. Grade Level Expectation: Students show understanding of the interconnectedness between government and the economy by:

K:19.a. Describing ways in which people exchange money for goods. 2
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:19.a.

H&SSK:20. Grade Level Expectation: Students make economic decisions as a consumer, producer, saver, investor, and citizen by:

K:20.a. Recognizing the differences between the basic needs and wants (e.g., food, clothing, shelter, and affection vs. toys and sweets). 2
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:20.a.

K:20.b. Explaining why people earn, spend, and save. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Social Studies State Standard K:20.b.

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