Vermont State Standards for Science: Grade 3

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VT.7.1. Inquiry, Experimentation, and Theory: Scientific Method: Students use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena and raise questions in order to: Generate alternative explanations (hypotheses) based on observations and prior knowledge; Design inquiry that allows these explanations to be tested; Deduce the expected results; Gather and analyze data to compare the actual results to the expected outcomes; and Make and communicate conclusions, generating new questions raised by observations and readings.

S3-4:1. Scientific Questioning: Students demonstrate their understanding of scientific questioning by:

1.1. Identifying at least one variable that affects a system and using that variable to generate an experimental question that includes a cause and effect relationship. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 1.1.

S3-4:2. Predicting and Hypothesizing: Students demonstrate their understanding of predicting and hypothesizing by:

2.1. Identifying simple patterns of evidence used to develop a prediction and propose an explanation. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 2.1.

S3-4:3. Designing Experiments: Students demonstrate their understanding of experimental design by:

3.1. Writing a plan related to the question that includes: (a) A list of materials needed; (b) A diagram, with important elements labeled, that supports procedures and illustrates the setup; (c) A procedure that lists steps sequentially (beginning, middle, and end) and describes how the experimenter will manipulate or change only one variable at a time. ('Fair Test'); (d) Appropriate timing between observations (intervals) and/or number of trials needed. 18
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 3.1.

S3-4:4. Conducting Experiments: Students demonstrate their ability to conduct experiments by:

4.1. Referring to and following a detailed plan for an investigation. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.1.

4.2. Clearly describing evidence and quantifying observations with appropriate units. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.2.

4.3. Recording data at various points during an investigation by reporting what actually happens, even when data conflicts with expectations. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.3.

4.4. Recording the sequence in which events take place. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.4.

4.5. Recording relevant details of an object and its surroundings when applicable. 20
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.5.

4.6. Drawing scientifically: (a) Recording varying degrees of color, shading or texture and consistent proportion throughout; (b) Labeling significant parts of a scientific drawing or diagram and includes a key if necessary. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 4.6.

S3-4:5. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to represent data by:

5.1. Classifying objects and phenomena into sets and subsets and justifying groupings. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.1.

5.2. Displaying and labeling data for separate trials/observations. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.2.

5.3. Determining an appropriate representation (graph or table or chart or diagram) to represent their findings most accurately. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.3.

5.4. Including in tables a title, labeled rows and columns and any necessary keys. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.4.

5.5. Including in graphs a title, labels, scale, and recording data correctly. 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 5.5.

S3-4:6. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to analyze data by:

6.1. Interpreting patterns or trends in data. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.1.

6.2. Relating data to the original question and prediction. 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 6.2.

S3-4:7. Representing Data and Analysis: Students demonstrate their ability to explain data by:

7.1. Providing a reasonable explanation that accurately reflects data. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.1.

7.2. Identifying differences between proposed predictions and experimental data. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 7.2.

S3-4:8. Applying Results: Students demonstrate their ability to apply results by:

8.1. Generating a new question to obtain additional information. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.1.

8.2. Creating a plan to investigate a scientific concept further or connecting a classroom model to a real-world example. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.2.

8.3. Connecting the investigation or model to a real world example. 21
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 8.3.

VT.7.12. Space, Time, and Matter: Matter, Motion, Forces, and Energy: Students understand forces and motion, the properties and composition of matter, and energy sources and transformations.

S3-4:9. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of Matter by:

9.1. Investigating and measuring how the total weight of the parts of a substance, no matter how they are combined, remains the same (e.g., water and gravel mixture, or a Lego car system, or the weight of sugar plus the weight of water equals the total weight of the sugar solution). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 9.1.

S3-4:12. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the States of Matter by:

12.1. Identifying , describing and comparing the properties of selected solids, liquids and gases. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 12.1.

S3-4:13. Properties of Matter: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Properties of a Gas by:

13.1. Experimenting with gas in a closed container (such as a balloon or a bag) and describing how pressure on the container changes when the volume of the gas changes. 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 13.1.

S3-4:14. Physical Change: Students demonstrate their understanding of Physical Change by:

14.1. Investigating and explaining what happens to liquids in open containers. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 14.1.

S3-4:21. Force: Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by:

21.1. Investigating and describing how different amounts of force can change the direction and speed of an object in motion. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 21.1.

S3-4:24. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Electrical Energy by:

24.1. Building complete. circuits , drawing diagrams of these electric circuits and explaining why electricity flows or does not flow through the circuit. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.1.

24.2. Using experimental data to classify different materials as conductors and insulators. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 24.2.

S3-4:25. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Magnetism by:

25.1. Describing what happens when like and opposite poles of the magnet are placed near each other. 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 25.1.

S3-4:28. Energy and Energy Transformation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Light Energy by:

28.1. Investigating with flash lights and other light sources and describing how light rays reflect off of objects. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.1.

28.2. Explaining what occurs when light rays are blocked (e.g., shadows). 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 28.2.

VT.7.13. The Living World: Organisms, Evolution, and Interdependence: Students understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognize the interdependence of all systems that support life.

S3-4:30. Survival of Organisms: Students demonstrate their understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by:

30.1. Identifying how the physical structure/characteristic of an organism allows it to survive and defend itself (e.g., The coloring of a fiddler crab allows it to camouflage itself in the sand and grasses of its environment so that it will be protected from predators. A rose is protected by its thorns.). 19
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 30.1.

S3-4:31. Life Cycles and Reproduction: Students demonstrate their understanding of Reproduction by:

31.1. Investigating and describing a variety of plant and animal life cycles. 120
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 31.1.

S3-4:34. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an Ecosystem by:

34.1. Identifying the source of energy for the survival of organisms. 23
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 34.1.

S3-4:35. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Food Webs in an Ecosystem by:

35.1. Recognizing that, in a simple food chain, all animals' food begins with plants. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 35.1.

35.2. Researching and designing a habitat and explaining how it meets the needs of the organisms that live there. 54
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 35.2.

S3-4:36. Interdependence within Ecosystems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Equilibrium in an ecosystem by:

36.1. Explaining how one organism depends upon another organism to survive. 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 36.1.

S3-4:38. Classification of Living Things: Students demonstrate their understanding of Classification of Organisms by:

38.1. Describing and sorting plants and animals into groups based on structural similarities and differences (e.g., All pine, spruce and evergreen trees have similar leaf structures; Spiders have eight legs, and insects have six). 33
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 38.1.

S3-4:39. Natural Selection/Evolution: Students demonstrate their understanding of Evolution/Natural Selection by:

39.1. Identifying differences in characteristics of a certain type of organism (e.g., dogs with long hair or short hair; humans with blue or brown eyes). 3
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 39.1.

VT.7.14. The Living World: The Human Body: Students demonstrate understanding of the human body heredity, body systems, and individual development and understand the impact of the environment on the human body.

S3-4:40. Heredity: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Heredity by:

40.1. Identifying similarities that are inherited from a biological parent. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 40.1.

S3-4:41. Body Systems: Students demonstrate their understanding of Human Body Systems by:

41.1. Showing connections between external and internal body structures and how they help humans survive,. 4
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 41.1.

S3-4:42. Human Disease: Students demonstrate their understanding of the Patterns of Human Health/Disease by:

42.1. Explaining that tears, saliva, and skin, can protect the body from harmful germs. 7
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 42.1.

VT.7.15. The Universe, Earth, and The Environment: Theories, Systems, and Forces: Students demonstrate understanding of the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in terms of the systems that characterize them, the forces that affect and shape them over time, and the theories that currently explain their evolution.

S3-4:44. Solar System: Students demonstrate their understanding Characteristics of the Solar System by:

44.1. Creating a model of the planets and their correct order from the sun. 37
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.1.

44.2. Drawing or building and then explaining a model of the earth rotating on its axis in relation to the sun and moon (i.e., day and night). 6
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 44.2.

S3-4:45. Scale, Distances, Star Formation, Theories, Instrumentation: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by:

45.1. Identifying similar star patterns/or groups from night photographs of the same location at different times of the years. 5
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.1.

45.2. Comparing (similarities) between the sun and stars. 9
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 45.2.

S3-4:46. Earth Materials and the Rock Cycle: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

46.1. Observing and identifying components of soils and rocks. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.1.

46.2. Recognizing and identifying the four basic materials of the earth (i.e., rocks, soil water and gases). 15
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.2.

46.3. Observing and describing the properties of rocks. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 46.3.

S3-4:47. Forces and Changes on the Earth's Surface: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

47.1. Building models that simulate deposits of sediments (e.g., a stream table. 8
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.1.

47.2. Investigating local land forms and comparing them with models created in the classroom. 26
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 47.2.

S3-4:48. Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Weather, Seasons: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Earth Systems by:

48.1. Observing, recording and analyzing local weather data and making predictions based on that data. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.1.

48.2. Describing water as it changes into vapor in the air and reappears as a liquid when it is cooled. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.2.

48.3. Explaining how this cycle of water relates to weather and the formation of clouds. 12
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 48.3.

S3-4:49. Natural Resources: Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change within Natural Resources by:

49.1. Observing and describing properties of living and nonliving resources. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.1.

49.2. Explaining how the properties of living and n on-living resources make them suitable for use by humans. 17
Suggested Titles for Vermont Science State Standard 49.2.

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