Tennessee State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 8

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

TN.CS.1. Language: Standard American English conventions and vocabulary are essential to effective communication and to success in college classrooms and workplaces.

GQ.1. How does language usage reflect mastery of Standard English and its conventions?

GLE 0801.1. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0801.1.1. Demonstrate control of Standard English through the use of grammar, usage, and mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).

GLE 0801.1.2. Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition, pronunciation, and usage of words and phrases.

GLE 0801.1.3. Understand and use correctly a variety of sentence structures.

0801.1. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0801.1.1. Use parts of speech (i.e., adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, interjections, nouns, prepositions, pronouns, verbs) correctly.

0801.1.2. Recognize and correct usage errors (e.g., subject-verb agreement, pronoun case, double negatives, comparative and superlative forms, troublesome word pairs).

0801.1.3. Use capitalization correctly.

0801.1.4. Use punctuation (apostrophes, commas, colons, semicolons, quotation marks, hyphens, end marks) correctly.

0801.1.5. Distinguish between clauses (adjective, adverb, noun) and phrases (adjective, adverb, appositive, prepositional, verb, verbal {including gerunds and participles).

0801.1.6. Demonstrate knowledge of correct sentence structure by correcting run-on sentences (e.g., using correct punctuation, forming separate sentences, using coordinating or subordinating clauses) and sentence fragments (e.g., supplying the missing sentence elements).

0801.1.7. Apply orthographic conventions, including spelling, contractions, and possessives.

0801.1.8. Recognize and differentiate among simple, compound, and complex sentences.

0801.1.9. Use printed and electronic dictionaries, thesauruses, and glossaries to determine the pronunciation, spelling, and part of speech of words; to clarify meaning and improve understanding of words (including connotation and denotation); and to distinguish among contextually appropriate synonyms and definitions.

0801.1.10. Identify and define English words derived from Latin and Greek words that form common roots (e.g., audio, auto, malus) and recognize English words that are based on them (e.g., audible, autobiography, malice).

0801.1.11. Use roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words, to clarify the meaning of familiar words, and to make connections with word families (e.g., suffixes such as -phobia and -ology).

0801.1.12. Use textual structure (e.g., examples of cause-effect and compare-contrast relationships) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or distinguish multi-meaning words in more challenging texts about concrete and abstract topics (e.g., After the harvest, we had an abundance of apples, and so we made apple pie, apple sauce, and apple juice).

0801.1.13. Demonstrate understanding of common phrases and terms from other languages commonly used in English (e.g., RSVP, deja vu, faux pas).

SPI 0801.1. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0801.1.1. Identify the correct use of commas (i.e., compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, introductory words, appositives, interrupters) within context.

SPI 0801.1.2. Identify the correct placement of prepositions and prepositional phrases within context.

SPI 0801.1.3. Select the most appropriate method to correct a run-on sentence (i.e., conjunctions, semicolons, periods to join or separate elements).

SPI 0801.1.4. Identify the correct us of nouns, (i.e., common/proper, singular/plural, possessives, direct/indirect objects, predicates nouns), pronouns (i.e., reflexive, interrogative, demonstrative), verbs (i.e., action/linking, regular/irregular, agreement, perfect tenses, verb phrases), adjectives (i.e., common/proper, comparative/superlative, adjective clauses), adverbs (i.e., comparative/superlative), interjections, and conjunctions (i.e., coordinating, correlative, subordinating) within context.

SPI 0801.1.5. Identify the correct use of appositives/appositive phrases and infinitive/ infinitive phrases within context.

SPI 0801.1.6. Select the correct pronoun-antecedent agreement for personal pronouns within context.

SPI 0801.1.7. Use context clues and/or knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

SPI 0801.1.8. Choose the correct meaning/usage of a multi-meaning word by replacing the word in context with an appropriate synonym or antonym.

SPI 0801.1.9. Recognize the effect of stressed or unstressed syllable to aid in identifying the meaning of multiple meaning words.

SPI 0801.1.10. Identify correctly or incorrectly spelled words in context.

SPI 0801.1.11. Form singular and plural possessive using apostrophes correctly.

SPI 0801.1.12. Recognize usage errors occurring within context (i.e., subject-verb agreement, pronoun case, double negatives, comparative/superlative forms, troublesome word pairs: where/were, which/that, who/whom) within context.

SPI 0801.1.13. Select the appropriate use of underlining/italicizing with titles, specific words, numbers, letters, and figures.

TN.CS.2. Communication: Effective communication through clear and persuasive expression and attentive listening is necessary for success in the workplace, school, and the larger community.

GQ.2. What communication skills are essential to achieve success in the workplace and in leisurely pursuits?

GLE 0801.2. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0801.2.1. Listening: Demonstrate critical listening skills essential for comprehension, evaluation, problem solving, and task completion.

GLE 0801.2.2. Listening: Analyze the style and structure of a speech.

GLE 0801.2.5. Speaking: Understand strategies for expressing ideas clearly and effectively in a variety of oral contexts.

GLE 0801.2.6. Speaking: Deliver effective oral presentations.

GLE 0801.2.7. Speaking: Participate in work teams and group discussions.

0801.2. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0801.2.1. Listening: Follow multi-step spoken instructions to perform single tasks, to answer questions, and to solve problems.

0801.2.2. Listening: Identify the thesis of a speech in which the main idea may be explicitly or implicitly stated, concepts may be more abstract, and extended metaphors may be used, and determine the essential elements that elaborate it.

0801.2.3. Listening: Summarize information presented orally by others in which the main ideas may be explicitly or implicitly stated, including the purposes, major ideas, and supporting details or evidence.

0801.2.4. Listening: Paraphrase accurately challenging ideas and information presented orally by others.

0801.2.5. Listening: Analyze the ways in which the style and structure of a more challenging speech support or confound its meaning and purpose.

0801.2.6. Listening: Listen actively in group discussions by asking clarifying and elaborating questions and by managing internal (e.g., emotional state, prejudices) and external (e.g., physical setting, difficulty hearing, recovering from distractions) barriers to aid comprehension.

0801.2.7. Speaking: Include relevant facts, reasons, details, and examples to support a relatively complicated thesis.

0801.2.8. Speaking: Organize oral presentations maintaining a relatively simple three-part structure, previewing the content of presentation in introduction, offering ideas with supporting details, and providing a brief summary or conclusion.

0801.2.9. Speaking: Use an organizational pattern appropriate for the topic and purpose (e.g., sequential, problem-solution, compare-contrast).

0801.2.10. Speaking: Logically arrange ideas and group related ideas in ways that enhance the topic.

0801.2.11. Speaking: Connect ideas using a variety of transition strategies that signal addition of information and relationships between ideas (e.g., Use listing words such as first, in addition, but, and however).

0801.2.12. Speaking: Provide an effective conclusion that reinforces the focus of the presentation.

0801.2.13. Speaking: Use effective rhetorical devices such as rhetorical questions to engage the audience, repetition to reinforce ideas, and analogies to convey complex ideas.

0801.2.14. Speaking: Employ presentation skills such as good eye contact, clear enunciation, effective speaking rate and volume, and natural gestures.

0801.2.15. Speaking: Participate productively in self-directed work teams for a particular purpose (e.g., to interpret literature, solve a problem, make a decision) by adhering to the following:

0801.2.15.10. Group Dynamics and Roles: Maintain collaboration by ensuring that all appropriate ideas and contributions are respectfully acknowledged and valued by the team and follow a prescribed for doing this (e.g., List every idea in a brainstorming session before criticism is allowed).

SPI 0801.2. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0801.2.1. Identify the purpose of a speech (i.e., to inform, to describe, to explain, to persuade).

SPI 0801.2.2. Identify the targeted audience of a speech.

SPI 0801.2.3. Identify the thesis and main points of a speech.

SPI 0801.2.4. Determine the most effective methods of engaging an audience during an oral presentation (e.g., making eye contact, adjusting speaking rate).

SPI 0801.2.5. Organize a series of note cards in the most effective order for an oral presentation.

SPI 0801.2.6. Discern the organizational pattern of a speech (e.g., sequential, problem-solution, comparison-contrast).

SPI 0801.2.7. Select the most appropriate strategies for participating productively in a team.

SPI 0601.2.8. Select the rhetorical device used in a speech (i.e., rhetorical questions, repetition, analogies).

TN.CS.3. Writing: The ability to write clearly and coherently for a variety of purposes to a variety of audiences is vital to individual success.

GQ.3. How will students demonstrate their ability to write effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences?

GLE 0801.3. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0801.3.1. Write in a variety of modes for a variety of audiences and purposes.

GLE 0801.3.2. Employ a variety of prewriting strategies.

GLE 0801.3.3. Organize ideas into an essay with an introduction, developing paragraphs, conclusion, and appropriate transitions.

GLE 0801.3.4. Refine strategies for editing and revising written work.

0801.3. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0801.3.1. Write in a variety of modes and genres, including description, narration, exposition, persuasion, literary response, personal expression, and imaginative.

0801.3.2. Practice writing to expository prompts within a specified time.

0801.3.3. Create somewhat complicated work-related texts, such as instructions, directions, letters, memos, and reports that employ the following techniques:

0801.3.4. Develop topics that are generally familiar and concrete, but may also be abstract and somewhat removed from prior knowledge and experience, and that may involve analysis.

0801.3.5. Create a thesis statement and include relevant facts, details, reasons, and examples that support the thesis.

0801.3.6. Develop relevant details or reasons in a manner that meets the needs of the audience and purpose.

0801.3.7. Organize writing using structures appropriate for the topic, and meet the needs of the audience (e.g., If using an anecdote to provide an example, use chronological order with sufficient time signals for the reader to follow easily).

0801.3.8. Use appropriate and effective words and phrases to indicate the organizational pattern (e.g., problem-solution, with order of steps necessary indicated in the solution).

0801.3.9. Use text features (e.g., headings, subheadings, formatting) as appropriate to signal simple relationships between ideas.

0801.3.10. Use appropriate vocabulary, sentence, and usage to distinguish between formal and informal language.

0801.3.11. Use strong verbs and figurative language (e.g., metaphors, similes) for emphasis or creative effect as appropriate to the purpose.

0801.3.12. Use correct sentence structures that are appropriate for audience and purpose.

0801.3.13. Incorporate some variety of syntactic structures for effect when appropriate (e.g., modifying phrases, parenthetical expressions).

0801.3.14. Edit to craft a tone that is appropriate for the topic and audience, and supports the purpose.

0801.3.15. Use language that conveys the writer's point of view.

0801.3.16. Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar, usage, and mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, spelling).

0801.3.17. When other sources are used or referenced (such as in research, informational essays, or literary essays) adhere to the following:

0801.3.18. Generate notes on text, and identify main and supporting ideas.

0801.3.19. Based on research or note-taking, or other method of generating content, generate a plan of ideas following an appropriate organizational pattern.

0801.3.20. Edit more challenging writing for mechanics (punctuation, capitalization), spelling, grammar (e.g., consistent verb tense, noun and pronoun agreement).

0801.3.21. Drawing on reader's comments, revise papers to focus on topic or thesis, develop ideas, employ transitions, and identify a clear beginning and ending.

0801.3.22. Demonstrate confidence in using the Tennessee Writing Assessment Rubric while evaluating one's own writing and the writing of others.

0801.3.23. Use relatively basic software programs (e.g., Word PowerPoint) to write more challenging texts and create graphics to present ideas visually and in writing.

SPI 0801.3. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0801.3.1. Identify the purpose for writing (i.e., to inform, to describe, to explain, to persuade).

SPI 0801.3.2. Identify individual written selections as technical, narrative, persuasive, and/or descriptive in mode.

SPI 0801.3.3. Identify the targeted audience for a selected passage.

SPI 0801.3.4. Select the most appropriate title for a passage.

SPI 0801.3.5. Select appropriate time-order or transitional words/phrases to enhance the flow of a writing sample.

SPI 0801.3.6. Rearrange multi-paragraphed work in a logical and coherent order.

SPI 0801.3.7. Select an appropriate thesis statement for a writing sample.

SPI 0801.3.8. Identify sentences irrelevant to a paragraph's theme or flow.

SPI 0801.3.9. Choose the supporting sentence that best fits the context and flow of ideas in a paragraph.

SPI 0801.3.10. Select vivid words to strengthen a description (adjective or adverb) within a writing sample or passage.

SPI 0801.3.11. Identify within context a variety of appropriate sentence-combining techniques (i.e., comma + coordinating conjunction, use of semicolon, introductory phrases or clauses).

SPI 0801.3.12. Complete a graphic organizer (i.e., clustering, listing, mapping, webbing) with information from notes for a writing selection.

TN.CS.4. Research: Effective researchers have the ability to frame, analyze, and solve problems, while building on and evaluating the credibility of existing research.

GQ.4. How can students develop the ability to find and incorporate reliable, valid research materials into their original work and give appropriate credit to sources?

GLE 0801.4. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0801.4.1. Define and narrow a problem or research topic.

GLE 0801.4.2. Gather relevant information from a variety of print and electronic sources, as well as from direct observation, interviews, and surveys.

GLE 0801.4.3. Make distinctions about the credibility, reliability, consistency, strengths, and limitations of resources, including information gathered from Web sites.

GLE 0801.4.4. Write a research paper, using primary and secondary sources, a standard format, and technology and graphics, as appropriate.

0801.4. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0801.4.1. Narrow a topic so that the research process is manageable and the controlling idea is focused.

0801.4.2. Take and organize notes on what is known and what needs to be researched about the topic.

0801.4.3. Focus on information and/or relevant theories.

0801.4.4. Distinguish between primary and secondary sources, defining the characteristics of each and evaluating each for their benefits and limitations.

0801.4.5. Choose among sources provided and those found independently based on the usefulness, credibility, and reliability of the sources.

0801.4.6. Identify reasons for choosing one source over another, including those found on Web sites.

0801.4.7. Identify the characteristics and limitations of source material.

0801.4.8. Provide relevant research information to develop and support a complicated topic.

0801.4.9. Analyze and interpret data in multiple forms (e.g., a bar or circle graph) on a familiar topic

0801.4.10. Collect evidence in various ways (e.g., gathering relevant reasons, examples, and facts; defining key terms and ideas; identifying relationships such as cause-effect).

0801.4.11. Summarize, paraphrase, and report research information supporting or refuting the thesis, as appropriate.

0801.4.12. Craft an introductory paragraph in which a thesis statement(s) clearly presents the topic of the documented essay.

0801.4.13. Present a body of well-developed and specific facts and information pertinent to the topic, developed as a series of paragraphs which support the topic.

0801.4.14. Connect more complicated ideas using a variety of transition strategies.

0801.4.15. Create an effective organizing structure based on more complicated research information (e.g., description, problem-solution, question-answer, compare-contrast, cause-effect).

0801.4.16. Craft a conclusion in which closure is provided, such as by restating the topic and summarizing findings.

0801.4.17. Acknowledge source material (e.g. list sources).

0801.4.18. Understand the differences among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

0801.4.19. Quote, paraphrase, or summarize text, ideas, or other information taken from print or electronic sources.

0801.4.20. Embed graphics with good accuracy and some skill, when appropriate.

0801.4.21. Format text graphics (using technology as appropriate), including a title, a contents page, numbered pages, and a bibliography (following a standard format).

0801.4.22. Include graphics and illustrative material effectively to support research ideas in the text as appropriate.

SPI 0801.4. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0801.4.1. Select the research topic that is sufficiently narrow.

SPI 0801.4.2. Determine the most appropriate research source for a given research topic.

SPI 0801.4.3. Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.

SPI 0801.4.4. Identify levels of reliability among resources (e.g., eyewitness account, newspaper account, supermarket tabloid account, Internet source).

SPI 0801.4.5. Discern irrelevant research material from written text.

TN.CS.5. Logic: Logic develops the skills of reasoning soundly, thinking critically, arguing persuasively, and conclusions appropriately.

GQ.5. How can students develop and demonstrate the ability to apply logic in a sound and systematic way?

GLE 0801.5. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0801.5.1. Distinguish among facts and opinions, evidence, and inferences.

GLE 0801.5.2. Evaluate arguments for false premises, logical fallacies, and quality of evidence.

GLE 0801.5.3. Analyze the logical features of an argument, including inductive and deductive elements.

GLE 0801.5.4. Analyze written and oral communication for persuasive devices.

0801.5. Checks for Understanding (Formative / Summative Assessment)

0801.5.1. Identify and describe the structure of a multi-faceted argument with a stated main claim or conclusion, supporting premises, and explicit indicators (e.g., therefore, thus, since, because).

0801.5.2. Recognize and distinguish between inductive and deductive arguments.

0801.5.3. Explain how causality and probability function differently in the structures of inductive and deductive arguments, including how conclusions are not necessarily true in inductive arguments.

0801.5.4. Determine the relevance and quality of evidence given to support or oppose an argument.

0801.5.5. Determine simple criteria for recognizing factual claim and opinion, including identifying possible methods (e.g., scientific, historical) used to identify a statement as fact or opinion.

0801.5.6. Identify a variety of false statements, including those involving categorical claims (e.g., All mammals are human beings).

0801.5.7. Explore common logical fallacies (i.e., appeal to pity, appeal to common opinion, personal attack) in a variety of argumentative texts.

0801.5.8. Identify the stylistic and rhetorical devices used to persuade in written and oral communication (e.g., bandwagon, loaded words, testimonials).

0801.5.9. Identify and describe a variety of relationships (e.g., similarity, difference, causality) among evidence, inference, and claims in argumentative texts.

0801.5.10. Compare and contrast evidence and conclusions between two or more arguments on the same topic.

SPI 0801.5. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0801.5.1. Determine cause-effect relationships in context.

SPI 0801.5.2. Draw logical inferences from written text.

SPI 0801.5.3. Recognize a reasonable prediction of future events in a passage.

SPI 0801.5.4. Identify instances of bias and stereotyping in print and non-print texts.

SPI 0801.5.5. Choose a logical word to complete an analogy, using scrambled words and homophones in addition to previously learned analogies.

SPI 0801.5.6. Recognize and identify the techniques of propaganda (i.e., bandwagon, loaded words, testimonials).

SPI 0801.5.7. Identify an example of deductive or inductive reasoning from written text.

SPI 0801.5.8. Differentiate between fact and opinion.

SPI 0801.5.9. Identify a false premise in a written argument.

TN.CS.6. Informational Text: Most texts are informational in nature and require a comprehensive skill set different from those needed for recreational reading.

GQ.6. What specific strategies and skills are required in order to understand and interpret various informational texts?

GLE 0801.6. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0801.6.1. Comprehend and summarize the main ideas and supporting details of informational texts.

GLE 0801.6.2. Analyze the organizational structures of informational texts.

GLE 0801.6.3. Read, interpret, and analyze graphics that support informational texts.

0801.6. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessments)

0801.6.1. Locate and interpret important details in more challenging passages and interpret subtle details in less complicated informational texts.

0801.6.2. Identify/infer the main ideas of more challenging informational texts in which the main idea may be explicitly stated or implied.

0801.6.3. Identify/infer the details that support the main idea of more challenging informational text.

0801.6.4. Recognize clear, but subtly stated relationships among ideas (e.g., cause-effect, comparative, sequential) in more challenging informational texts.

0801.6.5. Make inferences and draw conclusions.

0801.6.6. Summarize succinctly the main idea and supporting details (presented as text and/or visuals) in more challenging informational texts.

0801.6.7. Distinguish between a summary and a critique.

0801.6.8. Synthesize information across multiple informational texts and technical sources; work with more challenging texts.

0801.6.9. Identify the overall and localized organizational structures of more challenging informational texts (e.g., chapters, numbered steps).

0801.6.10. Recognize and analyze the use and function of verbal techniques, including understatement, overstatement, and irony).

0801.6.11. Comprehend and interpret more challenging factual, quantitative, technical, or mathematical information presented in maps, charts, graphs, time lines, tables, and diagrams.

0801.6.12. Evaluate the prose, organization, text features (e.g., headings), formatting (use of space), and graphics of more challenging texts.

0801.6.13. Follow more complicated, extended but single-tasked instructions in more challenging informational texts.

SPI 0801.6. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0801.6.1. Locate information using available text features (e.g., maps, charts, graphics, indexes, glossaries, tables of contents, appendices).

SPI 0801.6.2. Select information using key words and headings.

SPI 0801.6.3. Use text features (e.g., sidebars, footnotes, endnotes) to determine meaning.

SPI 0801.6.4. Identify the main idea and supporting details of an informational text.

SPI 0801.6.5. Choose the correct order of a set of single-tasked instructions featured in an informational text.

SPI 0801.6.6. Make inferences and draw conclusions based on evidence from an informational text.

SPI 0801.6.7. Differentiate between a summary and a critique.

SPI 0801.6.8. Identify the organizational structure of an informational text.

TN.CS.7. Media: An ability to understand and analyze media and technology will be vital, ongoing life skills.

GQ.7. What strategies will help students become thoughtful users of information coming from a wide variety of media?

GLE 0801.7. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0801.7.1. Analyze media for their ability to inform, persuade, and entertain.

GLE 0801.7.2. Examine the relationship between the visual (e.g., media images, painting, film, graphic arts) and the verbal in media.

GLE 0801.7.3. Recognize how visual and sound techniques and design elements (e.g., special effects, camera angles, music) carry or influence messages in various media.

GLE 0801.7.4. Apply and adapt the principles of written composition to create coherent media productions.

0801.7. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0801.7.1. Interpret how the sounds, images, and words used in television, radio, film, and the Internet are used to support the purpose of the production, and evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques.

0801.7.2. Identify, analyze, and discuss the relationship between the visual (e.g., media images, painting, film, graphic arts) and the verbal in more challenging media and explain how the elements support or conflict with each other.

0801.7.3. Identify visual and sound techniques and design elements (e.g., special effects, camera angles, lighting, and music in television or film or layout, pictures, and typeface in newspapers, magazines, and print advertisements) in various media, and explain how they carry or influence messages.

0801.7.4. Present a clearly identifiable, explicit message, using visual, audio, and graphic effects and interactive features. .

0801.7.5. Demonstrate audience awareness through choice of medium; images, words, and sounds; and supporting ideas.

0801.7.6. Anticipate potential audience reaction and consider actual audience reaction (e.g., being aware of verbal and nonverbal cues given by the audience during a presentation) to improve media productions.

0801.7.7. Use visual images, text, graphics, music and/or sound effects that relate to and support clear, explicit messages.

SPI 0801.7. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0801.7.1. Choose the most appropriate medium for a prescribed purpose and audience.

SPI 0801.7.2. Select a visual image that best reinforces a viewpoint or enhances a presentation.

SPI 0801.7.3. Identify the purpose of a medium (i.e., to inform, to persuade, to entertain).

SPI 0801.7.4. Draw an inference from a non-print medium.

SPI 0801.7.5. Select the type of conflict (i.e., person vs. person, person vs. self, person vs. environment) represented in a non-print medium.

SPI 0801.7.6. Choose the statement that best summarizes/communicates the message presented by a medium.

TN.CS.8. Literature: Educated members of adult society gain knowledge of themselves and others through the study of literature, thus becoming critical readers and lifelong members of literacy communities.

GQ.8. What skills and strategies are necessary for students to understand literary text and to make appropriate connections among themselves, the text, and the human community?

GLE 0801.8. Grade Level Expectations

GLE 0801.8.1. Read and comprehend a variety of works from various forms of literature.

GLE 0801.8.2. Understand the characteristics of various literary genres (e.g., poetry, novel, biography, short story, essay, literary drama).

GLE 0801.8.3. Recognize the conventions of various literary genres and understand how they articulate the artist's vision.

GLE 0801.8.4. Analyze works of literature for what they suggest about the historical period in which they were written.

GLE 0801.8.5. Comprehend and use figurative language (e.g., idioms, metaphors, similes, classical and literary allusions).

0801.8. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0801.8.1. Sequence and identify the plot's main events, their causes, and the influence of each event on future actions in more challenging texts.

0801.8.2. Identify plot development techniques (e.g., foreshadowing, flashbacks) and explain their function in the text.

0801.8.3. Identify and describe characters' features and relationships in more challenging literary texts.

0801.8.4. Analyze moral dilemmas in more challenging works of literature, as revealed by characters' motivation and behavior.

0801.8.5. Identify and analyze the setting (location and time) and its impact on plot, character, and theme in more challenging literary texts.

0801.8.6. Analyze the narration and point of view (e.g., first person, third-person omniscient, third-person limited) in more challenging literary texts.

0801.8.7. Consider genre characteristics in interpreting more challenging literary texts.

0801.8.8. Identify sound patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme) and figurative language (e.g., metaphor, simile), and other conventions of verse (e.g., limerick, lyric, narrative, haiku) in more challenging poetry and explain how these contribute to the poem's meaning and to the poem's effect.

0801.8.9. Explain the purpose and use of structural elements particular to dramatic literature (e.g., scenes, acts, cast of characters, stage directions) in more challenging plays that are read or viewed.

0801.8.10. Identify and explain the theme(s) of a more challenging literary text, distinguishing theme from topic.

0801.8.11. Identify and explain the development of similar themes across two or more somewhat challenging literary texts.

0801.8.12. Identify the historical period in which a literary text was written and explain the text in light of this understanding.

0801.8.13. Demonstrate understanding that an author's individual viewpoint may differ from the general values, attitudes, and beliefs of the author's society and culture.

0801.1.14. Determine the appropriate meaning of figurative words and phrases (e.g., idiom, metaphor, simile, personification, pun) in more challenging passages.

0801.8.15. Recognize and analyze classical and literary allusions.

0801.8.16. Explore the concept of allegory.

SPI 0801.8. State Performance Indicators

SPI 0801.8.1. Identify on a graphic organizer the points at which various plot elements occur.

SPI 0801.8.2. Identify an implied theme from a selection or related selections.

SPI 0801.8.3. Distinguish among different genres (e.g., poetry, drama, biography, novel) and their distinguishing characteristics.

SPI 0801.8.4. Recognize the author's point of view (i.e., first person, third person, third-person limited, third-person omniscient).

SPI 0801.8.5. Determine how a story changes if the point of view is changed.

SPI 0801.8.6. Recognize literary elements that shape meaning within context (i.e., flashback, foreshadowing, irony, mood, symbolism, tone).

SPI 0801.8.7. Identify an appropriate title to reinforce the main ideas of a passage or paragraph.

SPI 0801.8.8. Recognize and identify words within context that reveal particular time periods and cultures.

SPI 0801.8.9. Determine the influence of culture and ethnicity on the themes and issue of literary texts.

SPI 0801.8.10. Identify examples within context of similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, personification, and hyperbole.

SPI 0801.8.11. Identify examples of sound devices within context (i.e., rhyme scheme, alliteration, free verse, repetition).

SPI 0801.8.12. Identify how the author reveal character (i.e., what the author tells us, what the other characters say about him or her, what the character does, what the character says, what the character thinks).

SPI 0801.8.14. Identify figurative language (i.e., hyperbole, idiom, metaphor, simile, personification, pun, allusion) within context.

SPI 0801.8.15. Identify classical and literary allusions in context.

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