Tennessee State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 12

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

TN.CS.1. English I: Language: Standard American English conventions and vocabulary are essential to effective communication and to success in college classrooms and workplaces.

GQ.1. How does language usage reflect mastery of Standard English and its conventions?

CLE 3001.1. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3001.1.1. Demonstrate control of Standard English through the use of grammar, usage, and mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).

CLE 3001.1.2. Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition, pronunciation, etymology, spelling, and usage of words and phrases.

CLE 3001.1.3. Understand and use correctly a variety of sentence structures.

3001.1. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3001.1.1. Apply a variety of strategies to correct sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

3001.1.2. Know and apply a variety of sentence-combining techniques.

3001.1.3. Identify the seven basic sentence patterns.

3001.1.4. Know and use correctly Standard English conventions for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

3001.1.5. Use print and electronic reference sources as aids in understanding all aspects of words (e.g., spelling, part of speech, definition, cognates, etymology, synonyms).

3001.1.6. Use previously learned strategies in determining and clarifying word meanings (e.g., roots, affixes, textual context).

3001.1.7. Use roots and affixes to determine or clarify the meaning of words.

3001.1.8. Recognize and use the appropriate word in frequently confused pairs (e.g., lead/led, there/their).

3001.1.9. Demonstrate understanding of common English phrases and phrases taken from other languages (e.g., coup d'etat, avant-garde).

SPI 3001.1. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3001.1.1. Demonstrate an understanding of troublesome aspects of parts of speech, such as comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, and singular and plural possessive pronouns.

SPI 3001.1.2. Use a variety of techniques to correct sentence fragments.

SPI 3001.1.3. Use commas correctly with appositives and introductory words, phrases, or clauses.

SPI 3001.1.4. Recognize correct subject-verb agreement with intervening elements.

SPI 3001.1.5. Correct a run-on sentence by using a comma and coordinating conjunction, subordinate conjunction, or semicolon.

SPI 3001.1.6. Select correct pronoun usage in a sentence (e.g., with compound elements such as between you and me, or following than or as).

SPI 3001.1.7. Select correct pronoun-antecedent agreement using collective nouns or indefinite pronouns.

SPI 3001.1.8. Recognize the correct placement of end marks with quotation marks.

SPI 3001.1.9. Recognize the correct usage of quotation marks in direct and indirect quotations.

SPI 3001.1.10. Use context clues and/or knowledge of roots, affixes, and cognates to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

SPI 3001.1.11. Select the appropriate word in frequently confused pairs (i.e., there/their/they're, past/passed, led/lead, your/you're, its/it's).

SPI 3001.1.12. Identify the pattern of a given set of sentences.

TN.CS.2. English I: Communication: Effective communication through clear and persuasive expression and attentive listening is necessary for success in the workplace, school, and the larger community.

GQ.2. What communication skills are essential to achieve success in the workplace and in leisurely pursuits?

CLE 3001.2. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3001.2.1. Listening: Demonstrate critical listening skills essential for comprehension, evaluation, problem solving, and task completion.

CLE 3001.2.2. Listening: Analyze the style and structure of a challenging speech.

CLE 3001.2.3. Speaking: Understand strategies for expressing ideas clearly and effectively in a variety of oral contexts.

CLE 3001.2.4. Speaking: Deliver effective oral presentations.

CLE 3001.2.5. Speaking: Participate in work teams and group discussions.

3001.2. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3001.2.1. Listening: Follow multi-tasked or multi-dimensional instructions to perform a specific role in a task, answer difficult questions, and solve challenging problems.

3001.2.2. Listening: Identify the thesis of a challenging speech in which the ideas may be subtle or implied, regardless of whether the organizational pattern is linear.

3001.2.3. Listening: Summarize information presented orally by others, including the purposes, major ideas, and supporting details or evidence.

3001.2.4. Listening: Paraphrase accurately multiple, challenging ideas and information presented orally by others.

3001.2.5. Listening: Analyze the ways in which the style, structure, and rhetorical devices of a challenging speech support or confound its meaning or purpose, taking into account the speaker's nonverbal gestures, credibility, and point of view.

3001.2.6. Listening: Listen actively in group discussions by posing relevant questions and by eliminating barriers to communication.

3001.2.7. Speaking: Include facts, reasons, details, and examples to support increasingly complex points.

3001.2.8. Speaking: Organize oral presentations to emphasize the purpose of the presentation, citing first the simple examples or arguments and then the more abstract ones.

3001.2.9. Speaking: Utilize an organizational pattern that enhances the appeal to the audience and is appropriate for the purpose (e.g., sequential, problem-solution, compare-contrast, cause-effect).

3001.2.10. Speaking: Arrange ideas logically and maintain a consistent focus.

3001.2.11. Speaking: Signal clear connections among ideas through the consistent and effective use of a variety of transitions.

3001.2.12. Speaking: Provide a coherent and effective conclusion that reinforces the focus of the presentation.

3001.2.13. Speaking: Use effective rhetorical devices such as rhetorical questions, parallelism and repetition, and analogies.

3001.2.14. Speaking: Employ effective presentation skills, including good eye contact, careful enunciation, appropriate rate and volume, and relaxed body language.

3001.2.15. Speaking: Participate productively in self-directed work teams for a particular purpose (e.g., to interpret literature, solve a problem, make a decision), including:

3001.2.15.10. Group Dynamics and Roles: Set the ground rules for decision making, either by reaching consensus, following the majority, or some other method.

SPI 3001.2. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3001.2.1. Identify the thesis and main points of a challenging speech.

SPI 3001.2.2. Select the best paraphrase of a challenging speech.

SPI 3001.2.3. Discern the structure of a challenging speech (e.g., sequential, problem-solution, compare-contrast, cause-effect).

SPI 3001.2.4. Identify rhetorical devices used in a challenging speech (e.g., rhetorical questions, parallelism and repetition, analogies).

SPI 3001.2.5. Determine the most effective methods of engaging an audience during an oral presentation (e.g., making eye contact, adjusting speaking rate).

SPI 3001.2.6. Organize a series of note cards in the most effective order for an oral presentation.

SPI 3001.2.7. Select the most appropriate strategies for participating productively in a team.

TN.CS.3. English I: Writing: The ability to write clearly and coherently for a variety of purposes to a variety of audiences is vital to individual success.

GQ.3. How will students demonstrate their ability to write effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences?

CLE 3001.3. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3001.3.1. Write in a variety of modes for a variety of audiences and purposes.

CLE 3001.3.2. Employ a variety of prewriting strategies.

CLE 3001.3.3. Organize ideas into an essay with a thesis statement in the introduction, well-constructed paragraphs, a conclusion, and transition sentences that connect paragraphs into a coherent whole.

CLE 3001.3.4. Revise documents to develop or support ideas more clearly, address potential objections, ensure effective transitions between paragraphs, and correct errors in logic.

3001.3. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3001.3.1. Write in a variety of modes (e.g., summary, explanation, description, persuasion, informational, literary analysis, creative expression).

3001.3.2. Create increasingly complex work-related texts (e.g., instructions, directions, letters, bios, memos, proposals, project plans, work orders, reports) that employ the following strategies:

3001.3.2.10. Use graphics and illustrative material effectively to support ideas in the text.

3001.3.3. Develop topics that address unfamiliar concepts removed from the student's personal experiences and require in-depth analysis.

3001.3.4. Use a variety of strategies when appropriate (e.g., comparisons, anecdotes, detailed descriptions) to provide facts, details, reasons, and examples that support and support the thesis.

3001.3.5. Develop ideas as appropriate to audience and respond to readers' potential questions and counterarguments.

3001.3.6. Include relevant, specific, and compelling details.

3001.3.7. Employ varied and appropriate organizational structures that support the topic.

3001.3.8. Use transitional words and phrases to signal organizational patterns and to indicate relationships among ideas.

3001.3.9. Create text features (e.g., headings, subheadings, formatting) as appropriate to signal important points.

3001.3.10. Use precise language, considering audience and purpose (e.g., technical writing, creative expression).

3001.3.11. Use compelling verbs and a variety of figurative language (e.g., personification, sarcasm, word play) for effect to meet the needs of audience and purpose.

3001.3.12. Use a variety of correct sentence structures for effect.

3001.3.14. Demonstrate control of Standard English through correct application of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

3001.3.15. When sources are used or referenced (e.g., in research, informational essays, literary essays), adhere to the following:

3001.3.16. Generate notes while collecting information, following a logical note-taking system.

3001.3.17. Create a detailed outline based on research, note-taking, or other method of generating content.

3001.3.18. Revise to craft a tone, mood, and style that convey the writer's attitude and are appropriate to audience.

3001.3.19. Drawing on reader's comments, revise papers to focus on the thesis, develop ideas, address potential objections, employ effective transitions, identify a clear beginning and ending, correct logic errors, and identify areas for further development.

3001.3.20. Use both basic and specialized software to incorporate graphics into writing products.

SPI 3001.3. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3001.3.1. Proofread a passage for correct punctuation and mechanics.

SPI 3001.3.2. Proofread a passage for correct English usage.

SPI 3001.3.3. Select the best paraphrase of a given reading passage.

SPI 3001.3.4. Choose the most effective order of sentences in a paragraph.

SPI 3001.3.5. Choose the transitional device that appropriately connects sentences or paragraphs within a writing sample.

SPI 3001.3.6. Select a vivid word (e.g., adjective, adverb, verb) to strengthen a written description.

SPI 3001.3.7. Demonstrate the ability to combine a set of simple sentences into a longer, more interesting sentence.

SPI 3001.3.8. Select from a list of graphic organizers the best one for a given set of information.

SPI 3001.3.9. Select the thesis statement in a writing sample or passage.

SPI 3001.3.10. Evaluate the relevance of supporting sentences by deleting an irrelevant sentence in a passage.

SPI 3001.3.11. Rearrange the order of supporting paragraphs within a writing sample given a specified organizational pattern (e.g., comparison/contrast, chronological).

SPI 3001.3.12. Identify a statement that reveals the writer's attitude.

SPI 3001.3.13. Identify the targeted audience for a selected passage.

SPI 3001.3.14. Determine the writer's purpose in s nonfiction writing sample (e.g., narration, description, persuasion, exposition, creative expression).

SPI 3001.3.15. Identify (from a sample) the stage of the writing process represented (using graphics showing the stages: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing).

TN.CS.4. English I: Research: Effective researchers have the ability to frame, analyze, and solve problems, while building on and evaluating the credibility of existing research.

GQ.4. How can students develop the ability to find and incorporate reliable, valid research materials into their original work and give appropriate credit to sources?

CLE 3001.4. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3001.4.1. Define and narrow a problem or research topic.

CLE 3001.4.2. Gather relevant information from a variety of print and electronic sources, as well as from direct observation, interviews, and surveys.

CLE 3001.4.3. Make distinctions about the credibility, reliability, consistency, strengths, and limitations of resources, including information gathered from Web sites.

CLE 3001.4.4. Write an extended research paper, using primary and secondary sources and technology and graphics, as appropriate.

CLE 3001.4.5. Use a Standard format to arrange text, to cite sources correctly, and to document quotations, paraphrases, and other information.

3001.4. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3001.4.1. Narrow an increasingly complex topic so that the research process is manageable and a clear research question is identified.

3001.4.2. Take and organize notes on information relevant to the topic and identify areas for research.

3001.4.3. Focus on both factual data and on inferences.

3001.4.4. Reference relevant primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, demonstrating a systematic search by including resources that are written by authorities in the topic area and written for an informed audience in the field.

3001.4.5. Evaluate resources for their credibility, reliability, strengths, and limitations, using criteria appropriate to the discipline.

3001.4.6. Collect evidence in varied ways to meet the needs of the research question.

3001.4.7. Summarize, paraphrase, and report research information supporting or refuting the thesis, as appropriate.

3001.4.8. Craft an introductory section in which a research question is stated, point of view is stated or implied, terms are defined, and a research context is provided.

3001.4.9. Maintain coherence through the consistent use of transitions.

3001.4.10. Create an effective organizing structure based on increasingly complex research information, sometimes using multiple organizing structures within the essay.

3001.4.11. Craft a conclusion in which the research question and topic are reemphasized, the main findings are summarized, and conclusions are drawn.

3001.4.12. Acknowledge source material and create a bibliography, following a standard format and with a high degree of accuracy.

3001.4.13. Cite sources using a standard format (e.g., MLA, APA), with a high degree of accuracy.

3001.4.14. Appropriately quote, paraphrase, or summarize text, ideas, or other information taken from print or electronic sources.

3001.4.15. Accurately embed quotations and graphics from others sources.

3001.4.16. Format text and graphics (using technology as appropriate), including a title, numbered pages, and a bibliography.

3001.4.17. Use graphics and illustrative material effectively to support and enhance research ideas.

SPI 3001.4. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3001.4.1. Select the research topic with the highest degree of focus.

SPI 3001.4.2. Differentiate between primary and secondary sources.

SPI 3001.4.3. Evaluate the reliability and credibility of sources for use in research.

SPI 3001.4.4. Evaluate the validity of Web pages as sources of information.

SPI 3001.4.5. Determine which statement presents an opposing view from those stated on a Web page.

SPI 3001.4.6. Select correctly-formatted bibliographic citations.

SPI 3001.4.7. Identify information that must be cited or attributed within a writing sample.

TN.CS.5. English I: Logic: Logic develops the skills of reasoning soundly, thinking critically, arguing persuasively, and conclusions appropriately.

GQ.5. How can students develop and demonstrate the ability to apply logic in a sound and systematic way?

CLE 3001.5. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3001.5.1. Evaluate an argument, considering false premises, logical fallacies, and the quality of evidence presented.

CLE 3001.5.2. Analyze the logical features of an argument.

CLE 3001.5.3. Analyze written and oral communication for persuasive devices.

CLE 3001.5.4. Understand the distinction between a deductive and inductive argument.

3001.5. Checks for Understanding (Formative / Summative Assessment)

3001.5.1. Describe the structure of a multi-faceted argument with a stated main claim or conclusion and explicit or implicit premises.

3001.5.2. Identify the elements of deductive and inductive arguments.

3001.5.3. Identify the roles premises play in developing deductive and inductive arguments.

3001.5.4. Evaluate the relevance and quality of evidence given to support or oppose an argument.

3001.5.5. Identify established methods (e.g., scientific, historical) used to distinguish between factual claims and opinions.

3001.5.6. Distinguish between evidence which is directly stated and evidence which is implied.

3001.5.7. Identify false statements and explain how they are used in certain kinds of persuasive arguments.

3001.5.8. Explain why common logical fallacies (e.g., the appeal to pity, the personal attack, the false dilemma) do not prove the point being argued.

3001.5.9. Identify and analyze the stylistic and rhetorical devices that are used to persuade in written and oral communication (e.g., loaded terms, leading questions, false assumptions).

3001.5.10. Explain and evaluate complex relationships in a variety of argumentative texts.

3001.5.11. Identify and analyze similarities and differences in evidence, premises, and conclusions between two or more arguments on the same topic.

3001.5.12. Evaluate the function of verbal techniques such as ambiguity and paradox in constructing an argument.

SPI 3001.5. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3001.5.1. Select the persuasive device (i.e., loaded terms, leading questions, false assumptions) used in an ad or speech.

SPI 3001.5.2. Identify the logical fallacy (i.e., the appeal to pity, the personal attack, the false dilemma) of a given argument.

SPI 3001.5.3. Differentiate between the stated and implied evidence of a given argument.

SPI 3001.5.4. Determine whether a given argument employ deductive or inductive reasoning.

SPI 3001.5.5. Draw appropriate inferences from a passage.

SPI 3001.5.6. Discern an implied main idea from a passage.

SPI 3001.5.7. Identify a statement that reveals the writer's biases, assumptions, or values within a writing sample.

SPI 3001.5.8. Identify the similarities and differences in evidence, premises, and conclusions between two arguments on the same topic.

SPI 3001.5.9. Distinguish the strongest or weakest point of an argument within a passage.

TN.CS.6. English I: Informational Text: Most texts are informational in nature and require a comprehensive skill set different from those needed for recreational reading.

GQ.6. What specific strategies and skills are required in order to understand and interpret various informational texts?

CLE 3001.6. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3001.6.1. Follow extended multi-tasked or multi-dimensional instructions in informational and technical texts.

CLE 3001.6.2. Comprehend and summarize the main ideas of informational and technical texts and determine the essential elements that elaborate them.

CLE 3001.6.3. Analyze the ways in which an informational or technical text's organizational structure supports or confounds its meaning or purpose.

CLE 3001.6.4. Read, interpret, and analyze graphics that support informational and technical texts.

3001.6. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessments)

3001.6.1. Follow extended multi-tasked or multi-dimensional instructions in informational and technical texts to perform specific tasks, answer questions, or solve problems.

3001.6.2. Identify and interpret essential details in passages and interpret minor or subtle details in informational and technical texts.

3001.6.3. Identify the main ideas in informational and technical texts.

3001.6.4. Identify and distinguish the essential and non-essential details that support the main idea of informational texts.

3001.6.5. Recognize clear, subtle, or implied relationships among ideas in informational and technical texts.

3001.6.6. Draw appropriate inferences and conclusions in informational and technical texts.

3001.6.7. Summarize in a concise and well-organized way the main ideas and supporting details in informational and technical texts.

3001.6.8. Distinguish between a summary and a critique and identify non-essential information in a summary and unsubstantiated opinions in a critique.

3001.6.9. Synthesize information across multiple informational and technical texts and sources.

3001.6.10. Identify and analyze involved or unconventional organizational structures that may be found informational and technical texts.

3001.6.11. Evaluate informational and technical texts for clarity, coherence and appropriateness of graphics.

SPI 3001.6. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3001.6.1. Discern the stated or implied main idea and supporting details of informational and technical passages.

SPI 3001.6.2. Make inferences and draw conclusions based on evidence from informational and technical passages.

SPI 3001.6.3. Use the graphics of informational and technical passages to answer questions.

SPI 3001.6.4. Determine the appropriateness of a graphic used to support an informational or technical passage.

SPI 3001.6.5. Identify an informational or technical text's organizational structure.

SPI 3001.6.6. Differentiate between a critique and summary.

SPI 3001.6.7. Select the best synthesis of a given set of information.

TN.CS.7. English I: Media: An ability to understand and analyze media and technology will be vital, ongoing life skills.

GQ.7. What strategies will help students become thoughtful users of information coming from a wide variety of media?

CLE 3001.7. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3001.7.1. Evaluate the aural, visual, and written images and other special effects used in television, radio, film, and the Internet for their ability to inform, persuade, and entertain.

CLE 3001.7.2. Examine the agreements and conflicts between the visual (e.g., media images, painting, film, graphic arts) and the verbal.

CLE 3001.7.3. Recognize how visual and sound techniques or design (e.g., special effects, camera angles, music) carry or influence messages in various media.

CLE 3001.7.4. Apply and adapt the principles of written composition to create coherent media productions.

3001.7. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3001.7.1. Recognize the effects of sound, visual images, and language on audience.

3001.7.2. Analyze and apply visual and verbal presentations of the same subject matter agree or conflict in matters of culture, audience, and medium.

3001.7.3. Analyze and apply visual and sound techniques and design elements (e.g., special effects, camera angles, lighting and music in television and film; layout, pictures, and typeface in newspaper, magazines, and print advertisements; layout, navigation, links, and interactive features on Web sites).

3001.7.4. Present clearly identifiable messages, using increasingly complex visual, audio, and graphic effects and interactive features.

3001.7.5. Demonstrate consistent and effective audience focus through purposeful choice of medium; compelling images, words, and sounds; and focused supporting ideas.

3001.7.6. Demonstrate awareness of the transactional nature of media by considering audience in preparing productions.

3001.7.7. Use visual images, text, graphics, music and/or sound effects that relate to and support clear, explicit messages.

SPI 3001.7. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3001.7.1. Draw an inference from a non-print medium.

SPI 3001.7.2. Select the type of conflict represented in a non-print medium.

SPI 3001.7.3. Choose a visual image that best reinforces a viewpoint.

SPI 3001.7.4. Determine the impact of production elements (e.g., font, color, layout, graphics, light, camera angle) on a message.

SPI 3001.7.5. Discern how the limitations imposed by a particular medium restrict the delivery of a particular message.

TN.CS.8. English I: Literature: Educated members of adult society gain knowledge of themselves and others through the study of literature, thus becoming critical readers and lifelong members of literacy communities.

GQ.8. What skills and strategies are necessary for students to understand literary text and to make appropriate connections among themselves, the text, and the human community?

CLE 3001.8. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3001.8.1. Demonstrate knowledge of significant works of world literature.

CLE 3001.8.2. Understand the characteristics of various literary genres (e.g., poetry, novel, biography, short story, essay, literary drama).

CLE 3001.8.3. Recognize the conventions of various literary genres and understand how they articulate the artist's vision.

CLE 3001.8.4. Analyze works of literature for what they suggest about the historical period in which they were written.

CLE 3001.8.5. Comprehend and use figurative language (e.g., idioms; metaphors; similes; classical, literary, and biblical allusions).

3001.8. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3001.8.1. Analyze the setting, plot, theme, characterization, and narration of classic and contemporary short stories and novels.

3001.8.2. Demonstrate understanding of non-linear plot progressions.

3001.8.3. Analyze how plot structures (e.g., conflict, resolution, climax, and subplots) function and advance action.

3001.8.4. Analyze the role and function of characters and determine ways in which the author reveals those characters.

3001.8.5. Analyze the moral dilemmas in works of literature, as revealed by characters' motivation and behavior.

3001.8.6. Identify ways that the plot shapes the character and presentation of moral dilemmas in increasingly complex texts.

3001.8.7. Identify how setting and changes in setting can affect the literary elements (e.g., plot, character, theme, tone) in texts.

3001.8.8. Analyze the narration and point of view in increasingly complex texts in which the narrator and point of view shift with multiple characters acting as narrators.

3001.8.9. Explain the impact of the author's choice of a particular point of view(s).

3001.8.10. Demonstrate understanding that form relates to meaning (e.g., compare a poem, an essay, and a novel on the same theme or topic).

3001.8.11. Recognize and identify the characteristics of lyric poetry, blank verse, free verse, epic, sonnet, dramatic poetry, and ballad.

3001.8.12. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the effect and use of metrics, rhyme scheme (e.g., end, internal, slant, eye), rhythm, alliteration, and other conventions of verse in more challenging poetry (including poetic forms such as lyric, blank verse, epic, sonnet, dramatic poetry).

3001.8.13. Identify and analyze elements of literary drama (e.g., dramatic irony, dialogue, soliloquy, monologue, aside).

3001.8.14. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the development of the theme(s) of a literary text.

3001.8.15. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the development of similar or contrasting themes across two or more literary texts of varying complexity.

3001.8.16. Analyze literary texts to identify the author's attitudes, viewpoints, and beliefs and to compare these to the larger historical context of the texts.

3001.8.17. Identify and analyze the use of literary elements such as allegory, paradox, satire, and foreshadowing.

3001.8.18. Recognize and interpret figures of speech in all literary genres (e.g., metaphor, simile, personification, allusion).

3001.8.19. Identify and analyze biblical, classical, historical, and literary allusions.

SPI 3001.8. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3001.8.1. Identify simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, alliteration, or personification in poetry or prose.

SPI 3001.8.2. Differentiate among verbal, situational, and dramatic irony.

SPI 3001.8.3. Identify an author's point of view (i.e., first person, third person limited, third person omniscient).

SPI 3001.8.4. Identify how the author reveals character (i.e., what the author tells us, what the other characters say about him or her, what the character does, what the character says, what the character thinks).

SPI 3001.8.5. Determine the significance/meaning of a symbol in poetry or prose.

SPI 3001.8.6. Identify standard literary elements (i.e., allegory, parable, paradox, parody, satire, foreshadowing).

SPI 3001.8.7. Differentiate between mood and tone in poetry or prose.

SPI 3001.8.8. Determine the impact of setting on literary elements (i.e., plot, character, theme, tone.)

SPI 3001.8.9. Identify the common theme in a series of passages.

SPI 3001.8.10. Demonstrate knowledge of the appropriate use of sound and metric devices (i.e., rhyme (internal, slant), rhythm, repetition, alliteration, onomatopoeia).

SPI 3001.8.11. Demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of lyric poetry, blank verse, free verse, epics, sonnets, dramatic poetry, and ballads.

SPI 3001.8.12. Identify the elements of drama (i.e., stage directions, dialogue, soliloquy, monologue, aside).

SPI 3001.8.13. Locate words or phrases in a passage that provide historical or cultural cues.

SPI 3001.8.14. Identify classical and literary allusions in context.

CLE 3002.1. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3002.1.1. Demonstrate control of Standard English through the use of grammar, usage, and mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).

CLE 3002.1.2. Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition, pronunciation, etymology, spelling, and usage of words and phrases.

CLE 3002.1.3. Understand and use correctly a variety of sentence structures.

3002.1. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3002.1.1. Apply a variety of strategies to correct sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

3002.1.2. Know and apply a variety of sentence-combining techniques.

3002.1.3. Identify the seven basic sentence patterns.

3002.1.4. Know and use correctly Standard English conventions for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

3002.1.5. Use print and electronic reference sources as aids in understanding all aspects of words (e.g., spelling, part of speech, definition, cognates, etymology, synonyms).

3002.1.6. Use previously learned strategies in determining and clarifying word meanings (e.g., roots, affixes, textual context).

3002.1.7. Use roots and affixes to determine or clarify the meaning of words.

3002.1.8. Recognize and use the appropriate word in frequently confused pairs (e.g., lead/led, there/their).

3002.1.9. Demonstrate understanding of common English phrases and phrases taken from other languages (e.g., coup d'etat, avant-garde).

SPI 3002.1. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3002.1.1. Demonstrate an understanding of troublesome aspects of parts of speech, such as how to form the past and past participle of irregular but commonly used verbs.

SPI 3002.1.2. Use sentence-combining techniques, effectively avoiding problematic comma splices, run-on sentences, and sentence fragments.

SPI 3002.1.3. Use commas correctly with appositives and introductory words, phrases, or clauses.

SPI 3002.1.4. Use commas to set off nonessential elements in a sentence.

SPI 3002.1.5. Correct a run-on sentence by using a comma and coordinating conjunction, subordinate conjunction, or semicolon.

SPI 3002.1.6. Recognize correct subject-verb agreement with intervening elements.

SPI 3002.1.7. Recognize a shift in either verb tense or point or view within a writing sample.

SPI 3002.1.8. Select correct pronoun usage in a sentence (e.g., with compound elements such as between you and me, or following than or as).

SPI 3002.1.9. Select correct pronoun-antecedent agreement using collective nouns or indefinite pronouns.

SPI 3002.1.10. Select the appropriate word in frequently confused pairs (i.e., stationary/stationery, complement/compliment, principle/principal, accept/except, capitol/capital, affect/effect, where/were, to/too).

SPI 3002.1.11. Recognize the correct placement of end marks and other marks of punctuation with quotation marks used in dialogue.

SPI 3002.1.12. Use context clues and/or knowledge of roots, affixes, and cognates to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

SPI 3002.1.13. Identify the pattern of a given set of sentences.

CLE 3002.2. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3002.2.1. Listening: Demonstrate critical listening skills essential for comprehension, evaluation, problem solving, and task completion.

CLE 3002.2.2. Listening: Analyze the style and structure of a challenging speech.

CLE 3002.2.3. Speaking: Understand strategies for expressing ideas clearly and effectively in a variety of oral contexts.

CLE 3002.2.4. Speaking: Deliver effective oral presentations.

CLE 3002.2.5. Speaking: Participate in work teams and group discussions.

3002.2. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3002.2.1. Listening: Follow multi-tasked or multi-dimensional instructions to perform a specific role in a task, answer difficult questions, and solve challenging problems.

3002.2.2. Listening: Identify the thesis of a challenging speech in which the ideas may be subtle or implied, regardless of whether the organizational pattern is linear.

3002.2.3. Listening: Summarize information presented orally by others, including the purposes, major ideas, and supporting details or evidence.

3002.2.4. Listening: Paraphrase accurately multiple, challenging ideas and information presented orally by others.

3002.2.5. Listening: Analyze the ways in which the style, structure, and rhetorical devices of a challenging speech support or confound its meaning or purpose, taking into account the speaker's nonverbal gestures, credibility, and point of view.

3002.2.6. Listening: Listen actively in group discussions by posing relevant questions and by eliminating barriers to communication.

3002.2.7. Speaking: Include facts, reasons, details, and examples to support increasingly complex points.

3002.2.8. Speaking: Organize oral presentations to emphasize the purpose of the presentation, citing first the simple examples or arguments and then the more abstract ones.

3002.2.9. Speaking: Utilize an organizational pattern that enhances the appeal to the audience and is appropriate for the purpose (e.g., sequential, problem-solution, compare-contrast, cause-effect).

3002.2.10. Speaking: Arrange ideas logically and maintain a consistent focus.

3002.2.11. Speaking: Signal clear connections among ideas through the consistent and effective use of a variety of transitions.

3002.2.12. Speaking: Provide a coherent and effective conclusion that reinforces the focus of the presentation.

3002.2.13. Speaking: Use effective rhetorical devices such as rhetorical questions, parallelism and repetition, and analogies.

3002.2.14. Speaking: Employ effective presentation skills, including good eye contact, careful enunciation, appropriate rate and volume, and relaxed body language.

3002.2.15. Speaking: Participate productively in self-directed work teams for a particular purpose (e.g., to interpret literature, solve a problem, make a decision), including:

3002.2.15.10. Group Dynamics and Roles: Set the ground rules for decision making, either by reaching consensus, following the majority, or some other method.

SPI 3002.2. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3002.2.1. Identify the thesis and main points of a challenging speech.

SPI 3002.2.2. Select the best paraphrase of a challenging speech.

SPI 3002.2.3. Discern the structure of a challenging speech (e.g., sequential, problem-solution, compare-contrast, cause-effect).

SPI 3002.2.4. Identify rhetorical devices used in a challenging speech (e.g., rhetorical questions, parallelism and repetition, analogies).

SPI 3002.2.5. Determine the most effective methods of engaging an audience during an oral presentation (e.g., making eye contact, adjusting speaking rate).

SPI 3002.2.6. Organize a series of note cards in the most effective order for an oral presentation.

SPI 3002.2.7. Select the most appropriate strategies for participating productively in a team.

CLE 3002.3. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3002.3.1. Write in a variety of modes for a variety of audiences and purposes.

CLE 3002.3.2. Employ a variety of prewriting strategies.

CLE 3002.3.3. Organize ideas into an essay with a thesis statement in the introduction, well-constructed paragraphs, a conclusion, and transition sentences that connect paragraphs into a coherent whole.

CLE 3002.3.4. Revise documents to develop or support ideas more clearly, address potential objections, ensure effective transitions between paragraphs, and correct errors in logic.

3002.3. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3002.3.1. Write in a variety of modes (e.g., summary, explanation, persuasion, informational, literary analysis, creative expression).

3002.3.2. Create increasingly complex work-related texts (e.g., instructions, directions, letters, bios, memos, proposals, project plans, work orders, reports) that employ the following strategies:

3002.3.2.10. Use graphics and illustrative material effectively to support ideas in the text.

3002.3.3. Develop topics that address unfamiliar concepts removed from the student's personal experiences and require in-depth analysis.

3002.3.4. Use a variety of strategies when appropriate (e.g., comparisons, anecdotes, detailed descriptions) to provide facts, details, reasons, and examples that support and support the thesis.

3002.3.5. Develop ideas as appropriate to audience and respond to readers' potential questions and counterarguments.

3002.3.6. Include relevant, specific, and compelling details.

3002.3.7. Employ varied and appropriate organizational structures that support the topic.

3002.3.8. Use transitional words and phrases to signal organizational patterns and to indicate relationships among ideas.

3002.3.9. Create text features (e.g., headings, subheadings, formatting) as appropriate to signal important points.

3002.3.10. Use precise language, considering audience and purpose (e.g., technical writing, creative expression).

3002.3.11. Use compelling verbs and a variety of figurative language (e.g., personification, sarcasm, word play) for effect to meet the needs of audience and purpose.

3002.3.12. Use a variety of correct sentence structures for effect.

3002.3.13. Demonstrate control of Standard English through correct application of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

3002.3.14. When sources are used or referenced (e.g., in research, informational essays, literary essays), adhere to the following:

3002.3.15. Generate notes while collecting information, following a logical note-taking system.

3002.3.16. Create a detailed outline based on research, note-taking, or other method of generating content.

3002.3.17. Revise to craft a tone, mood, and style that convey the writer's attitude and are appropriate to audience.

3002.3.18. Drawing on reader's comments, revise papers to focus on the thesis, develop ideas, address potential objections, employ effective transitions, identify a clear beginning and ending, correct logic errors, and identify areas for further development.

3002.3.19. Use both basic and specialized software to incorporate graphics into writing products.

SPI 3002.3. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3002.3.1. Proofread a passage for correct punctuation and mechanics.

SPI 3002.3.2. Proofread a passage for correct English usage.

SPI 3002.3.3. Select the best paraphrase of a given reading passage.

SPI 3002.3.4. Choose the most effective order of sentences in a paragraph.

SPI 3002.3.5. Choose the transitional device that appropriately connects sentences or paragraphs within a writing sample.

SPI 3002.3.6. Select a vivid word (e.g., adjective, adverb, verb) to strengthen a written description.

SPI 3002.3.7. Demonstrate the ability to combine a set of simple sentences into a longer, more interesting sentence.

SPI 3002.3.8. Determine the most effective placement of information using a prewriting graphic organizer.

SPI 3002.3.9. Select the thesis statement in a writing sample or passage.

SPI 3002.3.10. Evaluate the relevance of supporting sentences by deleting an irrelevant sentence in a passage.

SPI 3002.3.11. Rearrange the order of supporting paragraphs within a writing sample given a specified organizational pattern (e.g., comparison/contrast, chronological).

SPI 3002.3.12. Identify a statement that reveals the writer's attitude.

SPI 3002.3.13. Identify the targeted audience for a selected passage.

SPI 3002.3.14. Determine the writer's purpose in a nonfiction writing sample (e.g., narration, description, persuasion, exposition, creative expression).

SPI 3002.3.15. Revise or identify sentences using effective parallelism within a writing sample.

CLE 3002.4. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3002.4.1. Define and narrow a problem or research topic.

CLE 3002.4.2. Gather relevant information from a variety of print and electronic sources, as well as from direct observation, interviews, and surveys.

CLE 3002.4.3. Make distinctions about the credibility, reliability, consistency, strengths, and limitations of resources, including information gathered from Web sites.

CLE 3002.4.4. Write an extended research paper, using primary and secondary sources and technology and graphics, as appropriate.

CLE 3002.4.5. Use a standard format to arrange text, to cite sources correctly, and to document quotations, paraphrases, and other information.

3002.4. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3002.4.1. Narrow an increasingly complex topic so that the research process is manageable and a clear research question is identified.

3002.4.2. Take and organize notes on information relevant to the topic and identify areas for research.

3002.4.3. Focus on both factual data and on inferences.

3002.4.4. Reference relevant primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, demonstrating a systematic search by including resources that are written by authorities in the topic area and written for an informed audience in the field.

3002.4.5. Evaluate resources for their credibility, reliability, strengths, and limitations, using criteria appropriate to the discipline.

3002.4.6. Collect evidence in varied ways to meet the needs of the research question.

3002.4.7. Summarize, paraphrase, and report research information supporting or refuting the thesis, as appropriate.

3002.4.8. Craft an introductory section in which a research question is stated, point of view is stated or implied, terms are defined, and a research context is provided.

3002.4.9. Maintain coherence through the consistent use of transitions.

3002.4.10. Create an effective organizing structure based on increasingly complex research information, sometimes using multiple organizing structures within the essay.

3002.4.11. Craft a conclusion in which the research question and topic are reemphasized, the main findings are summarized, and conclusions are drawn.

3002.4.12. Acknowledge source material and create a bibliography, following a standard format and with a high degree of accuracy.

3002.4.13. Cite sources using a standard format (e.g., MLA, APA), with a high degree of accuracy.

3002.4.14. Appropriately quote, paraphrase, or summarize text, ideas, or other information taken from print or electronic sources.

3002.4.15. Accurately embed quotations and graphics from others sources.

3002.4.16. Format text and graphics (using technology as appropriate), including a title, numbered pages, and a bibliography.

3002.4.17. Use graphics and illustrative material effectively to support and enhance research ideas.

SPI 3002.4. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3002.4.1. Select the research topic with the highest degree of focus.

SPI 3002.4.2. Differentiate between primary and secondary sources.

SPI 3002.4.3. Evaluate the reliability and credibility of sources for use in research.

SPI 3002.4.4. Evaluate the validity of Web pages as sources of information.

SPI 3002.4.5. Determine which statement presents an opposing view from those stated on a Web page.

SPI 3002.4.6. Select correctly-formatted bibliographic citations.

SPI 3002.4.7. Identify information that must be cited or attributed within a writing sample.

CLE 3002.5. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3002.5.1. Evaluate an argument, considering false premises, logical fallacies, and the quality of evidence presented.

CLE 3002.5.2. Analyze the logical features of an argument.

CLE 3002.5.3. Analyze written and oral communication for persuasive devices.

CLE 3002.5.4. Understand the distinction between a deductive and inductive argument.

3002.5. Checks for Understanding (Formative / Summative Assessment)

3002.5.1. Describe the structure of a multi-faceted argument with a stated main claim or conclusion and explicit or implicit premises.

3002.5.2. Analyze the elements of deductive and inductive arguments.

3002.5.3. Identify the roles premises play in developing deductive and inductive arguments.

3002.5.4. Evaluate the relevance and quality of evidence given to support or oppose an argument.

3002.5.5. Identify established methods (e.g., scientific, historical) used to distinguish between factual claims and opinions.

3002.5.6. Distinguish between evidence which is directly stated and evidence which is implied.

3002.5.7. Identify false statements and explain how they are used in certain kinds of persuasive arguments.

3002.5.8. Explain why common logical fallacies (e.g., the appeal to pity, the personal attack, the false dilemma) do not prove the point being argued.

3002.5.9. Identify and analyze the stylistic and rhetorical devices that are used to persuade in written and oral communication (e.g., loaded terms, leading questions, false assumptions).

3002.5.10. Explain and evaluate complex relationships in a variety of argumentative texts.

3002.5.11. Identify and analyze similarities and differences in evidence, premises, and conclusions between two or more arguments on the same topic.

3002.5.12. Evaluate the function of verbal techniques such as ambiguity and paradox in constructing an argument.

SPI 3002.5. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3002.5.1. Select the persuasive device (i.e., loaded terms, leading questions, false assumptions) used in an ad or speech.

SPI 3002.5.2. Identify the logical fallacy (i.e., the appeal to pity, the personal attack, the false dilemma) of a given argument.

SPI 3002.5.3. Differentiate between the stated and implied evidence of a given argument.

SPI 3002.5.4. Determine whether a given argument employ deductive or inductive reasoning.

SPI 3002.5.5. Draw appropriate inferences from a passage.

SPI 3002.5.6. Discern an implied main idea from a passage.

SPI 3002.5.7. Identify a statement that reveals the writer's biases, assumptions, or values within a writing sample.

SPI 3002.5.8. Identify the similarities and differences in evidence, premises, and conclusions between two arguments on the same topic.

SPI 3002.5.9. Select an additional sentence to add to an argument within a persuasive writing sample or passage.

SPI 3002.5.10. Select a rebuttal statement that best refutes the writer's viewpoint.

CLE 3002.6. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3002.6.1. Follow extended multi-tasked or multi-dimensional instructions in informational and technical texts.

CLE 3002.6.2. Comprehend and summarize the main ideas of informational and technical texts and determine the essential elements that elaborate them.

CLE 3002.6.3. Analyze the ways in which an informational or technical text's organizational structure supports or confounds its meaning or purpose.

CLE 3002.6.4. Read, interpret, and analyze graphics that support informational and technical texts.

3002.6. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessments)

3002.6.1. Follow extended multi-tasked or multi-dimensional instructions in informational and technical texts to perform specific tasks, answer questions, or solve problems.

3002.6.2. Identify and interpret essential details in passages and interpret minor or subtle details in informational and technical texts.

3002.6.3. Identify the main ideas in informational and technical texts.

3002.6.4. Identify and distinguish the essential and non-essential details that support the main idea of informational texts.

3002.6.5. Recognize clear, subtle, or implied relationships among ideas in informational and technical texts.

3002.6.6. Draw appropriate inferences and conclusions in informational and technical texts.

3002.6.7. Summarize in a concise and well-organized way the main ideas and supporting details in informational and technical texts.

3002.6.8. Distinguish between a summary and a critique and identify non-essential information in a summary and unsubstantiated opinions in a critique.

3002.6.9. Synthesize information across multiple informational and technical texts and sources.

3002.6.10. Identify and analyze involved or unconventional organizational structures that may be found informational and technical texts.

3002.6.11. Evaluate informational and technical texts for clarity, coherence and appropriateness of graphics.

SPI 3002.6. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3002.6.1. Discern the stated or implied main idea and supporting details of informational and technical passages.

SPI 3002.6.2. Make inferences and draw conclusions based on evidence from informational and technical passages.

SPI 3002.6.3. Use the graphics of informational and technical passages to answer questions.

SPI 3002.6.4. Determine the appropriateness of a graphic used to support an informational or technical passage.

SPI 3002.6.5. Identify an informational or technical text's organizational structure.

SPI 3002.6.6. Differentiate between a critique and summary.

SPI 3002.6.7. Select the best synthesis of a given set of information.

CLE 3002.7. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3002.7.1. Evaluate the aural, visual, and written images and other special effects used in television, radio, film, and the Internet for their ability to inform, persuade, and entertain.

CLE 3002.7.2. Examine the agreements and conflicts between the visual (e.g., media images, painting, film, graphic arts) and the verbal.

CLE 3002.7.3. Recognize how visual and sound techniques or design (e.g., special effects, camera angles, music) carry or influence messages in various media.

CLE 3002.7.4. Apply and adapt the principles of written composition to create coherent media productions using effective images, text, graphics, music and/or sound effects-if possible-and present a distinctive point of view on a topic (e.g., PowerPoint presentations, videos).

3002.7. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3002.7.1. Recognize the effects of sound, visual images, and language on audience.

3002.7.2. Analyze the ways in which visual and verbal presentations of the same subject matter agree or conflict in matters of culture, audience, and medium.

3002.7.3. Analyze the effects of visual and sound techniques and design elements (e.g., special effects, camera angles, lighting and music in television and film; layout, pictures, and typeface in newspaper, magazines, and print advertisements; layout, navigation, links, and interactive features on Web sites).

3002.7.4. Present clearly identifiable messages, using increasingly complex visual, audio, and graphic effects and interactive features.

3002.7.5. Demonstrate consistent and effective audience focus through purposeful choice of medium; compelling images, words, and sounds; and focused supporting ideas.

3002.7.6. Demonstrate awareness of the transactional nature of media by considering audience in preparing productions.

SPI 3002.7. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3002.7.1. Draw an inference from a non-print medium.

SPI 3002.7.2. Select the type of conflict represented in a non-print medium.

SPI 3002.7.3. Choose a visual image that best reinforces a viewpoint.

SPI 3002.7.4. Determine the impact of production elements (e.g., font, color, layout, graphics, light, camera angle) on a message.

SPI 3002.7.5. Discern how the limitations imposed by a particular medium restrict the delivery of a particular message.

SPI 3002.7.6. Infer either the mood or tone represented in a non-print medium.

CLE 3002.8. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3002.8.1. Demonstrate knowledge of significant works of world literature.

CLE 3002.8.2. Understand the characteristics of various literary genres (e.g., poetry, novel, biography, short story, essay, literary drama).

CLE 3002.8.3. Recognize the conventions of various literary genres and understand how they articulate the writer's vision.

CLE 3002.8.4. Analyze works of literature for what they suggest about the historical period in which they were written.

CLE 3002.8.5. Comprehend and use figurative language (e.g., idioms; metaphors; similes; biblical, classical, historical, and literary allusions).

3002.8. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3002.8.1. Demonstrate understanding of non-linear plot progressions.

3002.8.2. Analyze how plot structures (e.g., conflict, resolution, climax, and subplots) function and advance action.

3002.8.3. Analyze the role and function of characters and determine ways in which the author reveals those characters.

3002.8.4. Analyze the moral dilemmas in works of literature, as revealed by characters' motivation and behavior.

3002.8.5. Identify ways that the plot shapes the character and presentation of moral dilemmas in increasingly complex texts.

3002.8.6. Identify how setting and changes in setting can affect the literary elements (e.g., plot, character, theme, tone) in texts.

3002.8.7. Analyze the narration and point of view in increasingly complex texts in which the narrator and point of view shift with multiple characters acting as narrators.

3002.8.8. Explain the impact of the author's choice of a particular point of view(s).

3002.8.9. Demonstrate understanding that form relates to meaning (e.g., compare a poem, an essay, and a novel on the same theme or topic).

3002.8.10. Recognize and identify the characteristics of lyric poetry, blank verse, free verse, epic, sonnet, dramatic poetry, and ballad.

3002.8.11. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the effect and use of metrics, rhyme scheme (e.g., end, internal, slant, eye), rhythm, alliteration, and other conventions of verse in more challenging poetry (including poetic forms such as lyric, blank verse, epic, sonnet, dramatic poetry).

3002.8.12. Identify and analyze elements of literary drama (e.g., dramatic irony, dialogue, soliloquy, monologue, aside).

3002.8.13. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the development of the theme(s) of a literary text.

3002.8.14. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the development of similar or contrasting themes across two or more literary texts of varying complexity.

3002.8.15. Analyze literary texts to identify the author's attitudes, viewpoints, and beliefs and to compare these to the larger historical context of the texts.

3002.8.16. Identify and analyze the use of literary elements such as allegory, paradox, satire, and foreshadowing.

3002.8.17. Identify and analyze biblical, classical, historical, and literary allusions.

SPI 3002.8. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3002.8.1. Identify simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, alliteration, or personification in poetry or prose.

SPI 3002.8.2. Differentiate among verbal, situational, and dramatic irony.

SPI 3002.8.3. Identify an author's point of view (i.e., first person, third person limited, third person omniscient).

SPI 3002.8.4. Identify how the author reveals character (i.e., what the author tells us, what the other characters say about him or her, what the character does, what the character says, what the character thinks).

SPI 3002.8.5. Determine the significance/meaning of a symbol in poetry or prose.

SPI 3002.8.6. Differentiate between mood and tone in poetry or prose.

SPI 3002.8.7. Determine the impact of setting on literary elements (i.e., plot, character, theme, tone.)

SPI 3002.8.8. Identify the common theme in a series of passages.

SPI 3002.8.9. Demonstrate knowledge of the appropriate use of sound and metric devices (i.e., rhyme (internal, slant), rhythm, repetition, alliteration, onomatopoeia).

SPI 3002.8.10. Demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of lyric poetry, blank verse, free verse, epics, sonnets, dramatic poetry, and ballads.

SPI 3002.8.11. Identify the elements of drama (i.e., stage directions, dialogue, soliloquy, monologue, aside).

SPI 3002.8.12. Locate words or phrases in a passage that provide historical or cultural cues.

SPI 3002.8.13. Identify standard literary elements (i.e., allegory, parable, paradox, parody, satire, foreshadowing).

SPI 3002.8.14. Identify classical and literary allusions in context.

CLE 3003.1. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3003.1.1. Demonstrate control of Standard English through the use of grammar, usage, and mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).

CLE 3003.1.2. Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition, pronunciation, etymology, spelling, and usage of words and phrases.

CLE 3003.1.3. Understand and use correctly a variety of sentence structures.

CLE 3003.1.4. Consider language as a reflection of its time and culture.

3003.1. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3003.1.1. Apply a variety of strategies to correct sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

3003.1.2. Know and apply a variety of sentence-combining techniques.

3003.1.3. Know and use correctly Standard English conventions for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

3003.1.4. Be aware of the power of language well-used as a reflection and change agent of its time and culture (e.g., political correctness, ethnic identity, persuasion).

3003.1.5. Use roots and affixes to determine or clarify the meaning of specialized vocabulary across the content areas (e.g., antecedent, antebellum, circumference, millimeter, amphibian, heterogeneous).

3003.1.6. Use the origins, history, and evolution of words and concepts to enhance understanding.

3003.1.7. Consider why certain words have come into the English language or undergone a semantic change within the last fifteen year.

3003.1.8. Demonstrate understanding of phrases taken from other languages (e.g., ad hoc, enfant terrible, cause celebre).

SPI 3003.1 State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.1.1. Demonstrate the correct use of commas and lesser-used punctuation marks (e.g., hyphens, dashes, colons) in complex and sophisticated constructions.

SPI 3003.2 State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.1.2. From a group of grammatically-correct sentences, choose the clearest, most coherent sentence.

SPI 3003.3 State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.1.3. Differentiate between parallel and nonparallel constructions.

SPI 3003.4 State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.1.4. Identify the pattern of challenging complex sentences.

SPI 3003.5 State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.1.5. Use phrases and clauses in a variety of ways to create sophisticated complex sentences.

SPI 3003.6 State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.1.6. Use previously learned techniques such as recognizing cognates, root words, affixes, foreign phrases, allusions, and textual context to identify unfamiliar words.

SPI 3003.7 State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.1.7. From a given list, choose the word that has entered the English language within the last fifteen years.

SPI 3003.8 State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.1.8. Choose correctly or incorrectly spelled words.

SPI 3003.9 State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.1.9. Proofread for errors in capitalization and punctuation.

SPI 3003.10 State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.1.10. Identify pronoun antecedents in complex sentence constructions and correct ambiguous references.

SPI 3003.11 State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.1.11. Correctly choose verb forms in terms of tense, voice (i.e., active and passive), and mood for continuity.

CLE 3003.2. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3003.2.1. Listening: Demonstrate critical listening skills essential for comprehension, evaluation, problem solving, and task completion.

CLE 3003.2.2. Listening: Analyze the style and structure of a complex speech.

CLE 3003.2.3. Speaking: Understand strategies for expressing ideas clearly and effectively in a variety of oral contexts.

CLE 3003.2.4. Speaking: Deliver effective oral presentations.

CLE 3003.2.5. Speaking: Participate in work teams and group discussions.

3003.2. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3003.2.1. Listening: Follow multi-tasked or multi-dimensional spoken instructions to perform a specific role in a task, answer difficult questions, and solve challenging problems.

3003.2.2. Listening: Identify the thesis of a complex speech in which ideas may be abstract, theoretical, and philosophical and in which the organization is not necessarily linear, but may proceed from point to point; distinguish the essential and less important details that may subtly elaborate it.

3003.2.3. Listening: Summarize concisely information presented orally by others including the purposes, major ideas, and supporting details or evidence, and demonstrate the ability to distinguish more important from less important details.

3003.2.4. Listening: Paraphrase accurately multiple, challenging ideas and information presented orally by others.

3003.2.5. Listening: Analyze the ways in which the style, structure, and rhetorical devices of a challenging speech support or confound its meaning or purpose, taking into account the speaker's nonverbal gestures, credibility, and point of view.

3003.2.6. Listening: Listen actively in group discussions by asking clarifying, elaborating, and synthesizing questions and by managing internal (e.g., emotional state, prejudices) and external (e.g., physical setting, difficulty hearing, recovering from distractions) barriers to aid comprehension.

3003.2.7. Speaking: Include abstract and theoretical ideas, valid arguments, substantive and relevant details, and sound evidence to support complex points effectively.

3003.2.8. Speaking: Organize oral presentation on a complex topic by breaking the topic into parts accessible to listeners, emphasizing key concepts or points, and closing with a recommendation or observation on the relevance of the subject to a wider context.

3003.2.9. Speaking: Provide a coherent and effective conclusion that reinforces the presentation in a powerful way; presents the topic in a new light (e.g., as a call to action, placing the topic in context to emphasize its importance) and brings the talk to a clear and logical close.

3003.2.10. Speaking: Use effective rhetorical devices such as:

3003.2.11. Speaking: Employ presentation skills including good eye contact, correct enunciation, appropriate rate and volume, effective gestures.

3003.2.12. Speaking: Participate productively in self-directed work teams for a particular purpose (e.g., to interpret literature, solve a problem, make a decision), including:

3003.2.12.10. Group Dynamics and Roles: Establish group agreements and ensure appropriate contributions are respected by the team.

SPI 3003.2. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.2.1. Identify the thesis and main points of a complex speech.

SPI 3003.2.2. Discern the structure of a complex speech (e.g., sequential, problem-solution, compare-contrast, cause-effect).

SPI 3003.2.3. Select the best paraphrase of a complex speech.

SPI 3003.2.4. Identify the rhetorical devices used in a complex speech (i.e., rhetorical questions, parallelism, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, antithesis).

SPI 3003.2.5. Select the most appropriate strategies for participating productively in a work team.

CLE 3003.3. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3003.3.1. Write in a variety of modes, with particular emphasis on persuasion, for a variety of purposes and audiences.

CLE 3003.3.2. Employ a variety of prewriting strategies.

CLE 3003.3.3. Organize ideas into an essay with a thesis statement in the introduction, well-constructed paragraphs, a conclusion, and transition sentences that connect paragraphs into a coherent whole.

CLE 3003.3.4. Revise documents to develop or support ideas more clearly, address potential objections, ensure effective transitions between paragraphs, and correct errors in logic.

3003.3. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3003.3.1. Write in a variety of modes (e.g., a summary; an explanation; a description; a creative expression; a literary analysis, informational, research, or argumentative essay).

3003.3.2. Create sophisticated, complex work-related texts (e.g., instructions, directions, letters, bios, memos, proposals, project plans, work orders, reports) that employ the following strategies:

3003.3.2.10. Employ formatting and varied visual elements to guide the reader (e.g., headings, bulleted lists, effective use of white space on the page).

3003.3.3. Develop topics that address unfamiliar and abstract removed from students' personal experiences and require in-depth analysis.

3003.3.4. Use a variety of strategies when appropriate (e.g., comparisons, anecdotes, detailed descriptions) to provide facts, details, reasons, and examples that support the thesis.

3003.3.5. Develop and elaborate on ideas as appropriate to audience and anticipate and respond to readers' potential questions and counterarguments.

3003.3.6. Include relevant, specific, and compelling details.

3003.3.7. Employ organizational structures and support, and incorporate multiple patterns when appropriate (e.g., combine question-answer and compare-contrast and utilize cause-and-effect as one example of comparison).

3003.3.8. Create text features (e.g., headings subheadings, formatting) as appropriate to signal important points.

3003.3.9. Use transitions to signal organizational patterns and to connect and contrast, and ideas.

3003.3.10. Use precise language appropriate to audience and purpose (e.g., connotative words in essays, exact terminology in technical writing).

3003.3.11. Use compelling verbs and a variety of figurative language (e.g., irony, caricature, symbols, allusions) to meet the needs of audience and purpose.

3003.3.12. Use clear sentence structure in developing increasingly complex syntax. (e.g., combining short sentences, varying sentence beginnings, using a variety of sentence types, incorporating parallel structures).

3003.3.13. Demonstrate control of Standard English through correct application of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

3003.3.14. Employ grammar, usage, and mechanics as rhetorical tools, using incorrect structures as appropriate for effect (e.g., utilize short sentences or fragments for effect or have a single-sentence paragraph for effect).

3003.3.15. When other sources are used or referenced (e.g., in research, informational, or literary essays), adhere to the following:

3003.3.16. Generate notes while collecting information.

3003.3.17. Create a detailed outline based on research, note-taking, or other method of generating content.

3003.3.18. Edit writing for mechanics (e.g., punctuation, capitalization), spelling, grammar (e.g., pronoun-antecedent relationship, use of modifying phrases), style (e.g., eliminating verbiage), and tone and mood as appropriate to audience, purpose, and context.

3003.3.19. Drawing on reader's comments, revise papers to focus on the thesis, develop ideas, address potential objections, employ effective transitions, identify a clear beginning and ending, correct logic errors, and identify areas for further development.

3003.3.20. Use software (e.g., Photoshop, Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Pagemaker) to incorporate both basic and specialized effects into writing.

3003.3.21. Determine how and when to employ technology effectively in written communication.

3003.3.22. Practicing writing to a persuasive prompt within a specified time.

3003.3.23. Demonstrate confidence in using the Tennessee Writing Assessment Rubric while evaluating one's own writing and the writing of others.

3003.3.24. Refine the techniques of a persuasive essay, including logical reasons, coherent organization, rebuttal arguments, rhetorical devices, and relevant illustrations.

SPI 3003.3. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.3.1. Choose the most effective order of sentences in a paragraph.

SPI 3003.3.2. Select the thesis statement in a writing sample or passage.

SPI 3003.3.3. Select the most precise word from a given list of synonyms.

SPI 3003.3.4. Select the most vivid and compelling word to strengthen a description.

SPI 3003.3.5. Use a variety of strategies to combine a simple set of sentences into a longer, more complex sentence.

SPI 3003.3.6. Demonstrate knowledge of correct outline format and parallel construction.

SPI 3003.3.7. Identify a statement that reveals the writer's attitude.

SPI 3003.3.8. Identify the targeted audience for a selected passage.

SPI 3003.3.9. Determine the writer's purpose in a writing sample.

CLE 3003.4. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3003.4.1. Define and narrow a problem or research topic.

CLE 3003.4.2. Gather relevant information from a variety of print and electronic sources, as well as from direct observation, interviews, and surveys.

CLE 3003.4.3. Make distinctions about the credibility, reliability, consistency, strengths, and limitations of resources, including information gathered from Web sites.

CLE 3003.4.4. Write an extended research paper, using primary and secondary sources and technology and graphics, as appropriate.

CLE 3003.4.5. Use a standard format to arrange text, to cite sources correctly, and to document quotations, paraphrases, and other information.

3003.4. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3003.4.1. Focus on a complex topic that is sufficiently narrow to examine in depth and that has adequate information available.

3003.4.2. Take and organize notes on relevant knowledge, identifying multiple perspectives and areas for research.

3003.4.3. Focus on relevant data that are complex and theoretical, as well as factual.

3003.4.4. Reference relevant primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, demonstrating a systematic search of resources that are recent and important and are written by authorities to a well-informed audience.

3003.4.5. Select reliable resources using appropriate criteria and avoiding the overuse of any one source.

3003.4.6. Collect evidence in varied ways to answer the research question (e.g., gathering relevant, reasons, examples, and facts; defining key terms; setting up comparisons; analyzing relationships such as cause and effect).

3003.4.7. Craft an introductory section including the limits of a research question, the perspective of the paper, a definition of terms, and a statement of the thesis.

3003.4.8. Maintain coherence through the consistent and effective use of connective transitions.

3003.4.9. Create an effective organizing structure based on complex research information, sometimes using multiple organizing structures within the essay.

3003.4.10. Craft an effective conclusion, answering the research question, explaining the significance of the research findings, making appropriate recommendations, and suggesting future research needs.

3003.4.11. Skillfully acknowledge source material (create a reliable bibliography or list of works cited and/or works consulted).

3003.4.12. Cite sources using a standard format appropriate to the discipline (e.g., MLA, APA), with a high degree of accuracy.

3003.4.13. Skillfully and strategically quote, paraphrase, or summarize text, ideas, or other information taken from print or other electronic sources.

3003.4.14. Accurately and skillfully embed graphics and quotations, when appropriate.

3003.4.15. Use a consistent and effective format, including a title, an abstract, a contents page, numbered pages, and a bibliography.

3003.4.16. Use graphics and illustrative material effectively to support and enhance research ideas.

SPI 3003.4. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.4.1. Select the research topic with the highest degree of focus.

SPI 3003.4.2. Differentiate between primary and secondary sources.

SPI 3003.4.3. Evaluate the reliability and credibility of sources for use in research.

SPI 3003.4.4. Evaluate the validity of Web pages as sources of information.

SPI 3003.4.5. Determine which statement presents an opposing view from those stated on a Web page.

SPI 3003.4.6. Select correctly-formatted bibliographic citations.

SPI 3003.4.7. Identify information that must be cited or attributed within a writing sample.

CLE 3003.5. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3003.5.1. Evaluate an argument, considering false premises, logical fallacies, and quality of evidence presented.

CLE 3003.5.2. Analyze the logical features of an argument.

CLE 3003.5.3. Analyze written and oral communication for persuasive devices.

CLE 3003.5.4. Understand the distinction between a deductive and inductive argument.

3003.5. Checks for Understanding (Formative / Summative Assessment)

3003.5.1. Describe the structure of a multi-faceted argument with an unstated main claim and explicit or implicit premises.

3003.5.2. Evaluate the relevance, quality, and sufficiency of evidence used to support or oppose an argument.

3003.5.3. Identify established methods (e.g., scientific, historical) used to distinguish between factual claims and opinions.

3003.5.4. Distinguish between evidence which is directly stated and evidence which is implied within an argument.

3003.5.5. Identify false premises and explain the role they play in argumentation.

3003.5.6. Analyze common logical fallacies (e.g., the appeal to pity, the personal attack, the appeal to common opinion, and the false dilemma).

3003.5.7. Explain and the differences among evidence, inferences, assumptions, and claims in argumentation (e.g., explain and evaluate op-eds, commercials, political cartoons, philosophical arguments).

3003.5.8. Analyze and explain how a variety of logical arguments reach different and possibly conflicting conclusions on the same topic.

3003.5.9. Identify and analyze the stylistic and rhetorical devices that are used to persuade in written and oral communication. Recognize that these devices accompany arguments but are not necessarily logically connected to them (e.g., loaded terms, caricature, leading questions, false assumptions).

SPI 3003.5. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.5.1. Identify the rhetorical devices used in constructing an argument.

SPI 3003.5.2. Identify the logical fallacy (i.e., the appeal to pity, the personal attach, the appeal to common opinion, the false dilemma) of a given argument.

SPI 3003.5.3. Differentiate between the implied and stated evidence of a given argument.

SPI 3003.5.4. Identify a statement that reveals the writer's biases, assumptions, or values within a writing sample.

SPI 3003.5.5. Select a rebuttal statement that best refutes the writer's viewpoint.

CLE 3003.6. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3003.6.1. Follow extended multi-tasked or multi-dimensional instructions in somewhat complex informational and technical texts.

CLE 3003.6.2. Comprehend and summarize the main ideas of somewhat complex informational texts and determine the essential elements that elaborate them.

CLE 3003.6.3. Analyze the ways in which a text's organizational structure supports or confounds its meaning or purpose.

CLE 3003.6.4. Read, interpret, and analyze graphics that support informational texts.

3003.6. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessments)

3003.6.1. Recognize clear or subtle and implied relationships among ideas (e.g., cause-effect, comparative, sequential) in complex informational texts.

3003.6.2. Summarize in a concise and well-organized way the main ideas, supporting details, and relationships among ideas in complex informational and technical texts.

3003.6.3. Synthesize information across multiple complex informational and technical texts.

3003.6.4. Evaluate the ways in which a complex text's unconventional organizational structure supports or confounds its meaning.

3003.6.5. Comprehend and evaluate complex information presented graphically.

3003.6.6. Evaluate complex informational and technical texts for their clarity, simplicity, and coherence and for the appropriateness of their graphics and visual appeal.

3003.6.7. Follow extended multi-tasked or multi-dimensional instructions in complex informational or technical texts.

SPI 3003.6. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.6.1. Analyze information presented graphically in a complex informational or technical passage.

SPI 3003.6.2. Discern the stated or implied main idea and supporting details of a complex informational or technical passage.

SPI 3003.6.3. Select the clearest, most concise summary of a complex informational passage.

SPI 3003.6.4. Select the best synthesis of a given set of information.

SPI 3003.6.5. Identify the organizational pattern of an informational or technical text.

CLE 3003.7. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3003.7.1. Evaluate the aural, visual, and written images and other special effects used in television, radio, film, and the Internet for their ability to inform, persuade, and entertain.

CLE 3003.7.2. Examine the agreements and conflicts between the visual (e.g., media images, painting, film, graphic arts) and the verbal.

CLE 3003.7.3. Recognize how visual and sound techniques or design (e.g., special effects, camera angles, music) carry or influence messages in various media.

CLE 3003.7.4. Apply and adapt the principles of written composition to create coherent media productions using effective images, text, graphics, music and/or sound effects-if possible-and present a distinctive point of view on a topic (e.g., PowerPoint presentations, videos).

3003.7. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3003.7.1. Analyze and evaluate the effects on the audience of the sounds, visuals, and language used in a wide array of media.

3003.7.2. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the effectiveness of the relationship between visual elements (e.g., media images, painting, film, and graphic arts) and verbal messages in virtually any media, emphasizing the cultural context, audience, and purpose.

3003.7.3. Evaluate the effectiveness of conventional and unconventional visual and sound techniques and design elements (e.g., special effects, camera angles, lighting, and music in television or film; layout, pictures, and typeface in newspapers, magazines, and print advertisements; layout, navigation, and links interactive features on Web sites) to achieve specific purposes and deliver specific messages.

3003.7.4. Demonstrate consistent and effective audience focus through purposeful choice of medium; compelling images, words, and sounds; and focused supporting ideas.

3003.7.5. Understand the transactional nature of media by considering audience in preparing productions.

3003.7.6. Employ conventional and unconventional visual images, text, graphics, music, and/or sound effects to achieve the purposes in complex media presentations.

SPI 3003.7. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.7.1. Draw an inference from a non-print medium.

SPI 3003.7.2. Select the type of conflict represented in a non-print medium.

SPI 3003.7.3. Determine the impact of production elements (e.g., font, color, layout, graphics, light, camera angle) on a message.

SPI 3003.7.4. Infer either the mood or tone represented in a non-print medium.

SPI 3003.7.5. Choose the intended audience for a visual medium.

CLE 3003.8. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3003.8.1. Demonstrate knowledge of significant works of American literature from the colonial period to the present and make relevant comparisons.

CLE 3003.8.2. Understand the characteristics of various literary genres (e.g., poetry, novel, biography, short story, essay, dramatic literature).

CLE 3003.8.3. Recognize the conventions of various literary genres and understand how they articulate the writer's vision.

CLE 3003.8.4. Analyze works of American literature for what they suggest about the historical period in which they were written.

CLE 3003.8.5. Comprehend and use figurative language (e.g., idioms; metaphors; similes; biblical, classical, historical, and literary allusions).

3003.8. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3003.8.1. Analyze a literary work, using the characteristics of the literary time period that it represents.

3003.8.2. Compare and contrast the elements (e.g., form, language, plot, and characters) of two works representing different literary periods (e.g., The Scarlet Letter and An American Tragedy).

3003.8.3. Analyze how plot developments determine characters' conflicts and dilemmas.

3003.8.4. Analyze function and effect of plot structure in complex literary texts.

3003.8.5. Identify how setting and changes in setting can affect the literary elements (e.g., plot, character, theme, tone) in complex literary texts.

3003.8.6. Analyze the narration and point of view in complex literary texts, in which the narrator and point of view may shift with multiple characters acting as narrators and/or with some characters serving as unreliable narrators.

3003.8.7. Consider the characteristics of genre and the limitations of form when interpreting complex texts.

3003.8.8. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the effect and use of metrics, rhyme scheme (e.g., end, internal, slant, eye), rhythm, alliteration, and other conventions of verse in complex poetry (including poetic forms such as lyric, blank verse, epic, sonnet, dramatic poetry).

3003.8.9. Recognize and identify the characteristics of lyric poetry, blank verse, free verse, epic, sonnet, dramatic poetry, ballad)

3003.8.10. Identify and analyze elements of literary drama (e.g., dramatic irony, dialogue, soliloquy, monologue, aside).

3003.8.11. Identify elements of literary drama and evaluate they ways in which they articulate a playwright's vision (e.g., dramatic irony, soliloquy, stage direction, dialogue) in complex plays.

3003.8.12. Identify, analyze, and explain the multiple levels of theme(s) within a complex literary text and of similar or contrasting themes across two or more texts.

3003.8.13. Analyze works of literature as reflections of the historical period in which they were written.

3003.8.14. Analyze texts to identify the author's attitudes, viewpoints, and beliefs and to critique how these relate to the larger historical, social, and cultural context of the texts.

3003.8.15. Identify and analyze the use of literary elements, such as irony, archetype, allegory, parody, satire, parable, paradox, symbol, and foreshadowing.

3003.8.16. Use prior knowledge and explicit study to identify the meaning of biblical, classical, historical, and literary allusions, especially those which may be more obscure or extended (e.g., references to Phaeton and Icarus in Dante's Inferno).

3003.8.17. Identify the meaning of metaphors based on common literary allusions and conceits (e.g., the dogs of war, a face that could launch a thousand ships, flying close to the sun).

SPI 3003.8. State Performance Indicators

SPI 3003.8.1. Identify simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, alliteration, personification, hyperbole, and understatement in poetry and prose.

SPI 3003.8.2. Differentiate among verbal, situational, and dramatic irony.

SPI 3003.8.3. Analyze the effect of literary point-of-view on characters, theme, and conflict of a literary work.

SPI 3003.8.4. Identify the symbol of a literary passage and determine the theme it supports.

SPI 3003.8.5. Identify standard literary elements (i.e., archetype, allegory, parable, paradox, parody, satire, foreshadowing).

SPI 3003.8.6. Analyze the impact of setting on the mood and plot of a literary passage.

SPI 3003.8.7. Demonstrate knowledge of the appropriate use of sound devices (i.e., rhyme (internal, slant), rhythm, repetition, alliteration, onomatopoeia).

SPI 3003.8.8. Demonstrate knowledge of characteristics of the characteristics of lyric poetry, blank verse, epics, sonnets, dramatic poetry, and ballads.

SPI 3003.8.9. Identify the common theme in a series of passages.

SPI 3003.8.10. Identify the elements of drama (i.e., stage directions, dialogue, soliloquy, monologue, aside).

SPI 3003.8.11. Locate words or phrases in a passage that provide historical or cultural cues.

SPI 3003.8.12. Analyze texts to identify the author's life experiences, attitudes, viewpoints, and beliefs and how these relate to the larger historical, social, and cultural context of his or her work.

SPI 3003.8.13. Identify classical and literary allusions in context.

CLE 3005.1. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3005.1.1. Demonstrate control of Standard English through the use of grammar, usage, and mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).

CLE 3005.1.2. Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition, pronunciation, etymology, spelling, and usage of words and phrases.

CLE 3005.1.3. Understand and use correctly a variety of sentence structures.

CLE 3005.1.4. Consider language as a reflection of its time and culture.

3005.1. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3005.1.1. Apply a variety of strategies to correct sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

3005.1.2. Know and apply a variety of sentence-combining techniques.

3005.1.3. Know and use correctly Standard English conventions for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

3005.1.4. Be aware of the power of language well-used as a reflection and change agent of its time and culture (e.g., political correctness, ethnic identity, persuasion).

3005.1.5. Use roots and affixes to determine or clarify the meaning of specialized vocabulary across the content areas (e.g., antecedent, antebellum, circumference, millimeter, amphibian, heterogeneous).

3005.1.6. Use the origins, history, and evolution of words and concepts to enhance understanding.

3005.1.7. Demonstrate understanding of phrases taken from other languages (e.g., ad hoc, enfant terrible, cause celebre).

CLE 3005.2. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3005.2.1. Listening: Demonstrate critical listening skills essential for comprehension, evaluation, problem solving, and task completion.

CLE 3005.2.2. Listening: Paraphrase and summarize information presented orally by others.

CLE 3005.2.3. Listening: Identify the thesis and main points of a complex speech.

CLE 3005.2.4. Listening: Analyze the style and structure of a complex speech.

CLE 3005.2.5. Speaking: Understand strategies for expressing ideas clearly and effectively in a variety of oral contexts.

CLE 3005.2.6. Speaking: Deliver effective oral presentations.

CLE 3005.2.7. Speaking: Participate in work teams and group discussions.

3005.2. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3005.2.1. Listening: Follow multi-tasked or multi-dimensional spoken instructions to perform a specific role in a task, answer difficult questions, and solve challenging problems.

3005.2.2. Listening: Identify the thesis of a complex speech in which ideas may be abstract, theoretical, and philosophical and in which the organization is not necessarily linear, but may proceed from point to point; distinguish the essential and less important details that may subtly elaborate it.

3005.2.3. Listening: Summarize concisely information presented orally by others including the purposes, major ideas, and supporting details or evidence, and demonstrate the ability to distinguish more important from less important details.

3005.2.4. Listening: Paraphrase accurately multiple, challenging ideas and information presented orally by others.

3005.2.5. Listening: Analyze the ways in which the style, structure, and rhetorical devices of a challenging speech support or confound its meaning or purpose, taking into account the speaker's nonverbal gestures, credibility, and point of view.

3005.2.6. Listening: Listen actively in group discussions by asking clarifying, elaborating, and synthesizing questions and by managing internal (e.g., emotional state, prejudices) and external (e.g., physical setting, difficulty hearing, recovering from distractions) barriers to aid comprehension.

3005.2.7. Speaking: Include abstract and theoretical ideas, valid arguments, substantive and relevant details, and sound evidence to support complex points effectively.

3005.2.8. Speaking: Organize oral presentation on a complex topic by breaking the topic into parts accessible to listeners, emphasizing key concepts or points, and closing with a recommendation or observation on the relevance of the subject to a wider context.

3005.2.9. Speaking: Provide a coherent and effective conclusion that reinforces the presentation in a powerful way; presents the topic in a new light (e.g., as a call to action, placing the topic in context to emphasize its importance) and brings the talk to a clear and logical close.

3005.2.10. Speaking: Use effective rhetorical devices such as:

3005.2.11. Speaking: Employ presentation skills including good eye contact, correct enunciation, appropriate rate and volume, effective gestures.

3005.2.12. Speaking: Participate productively in self-directed work teams for a particular purpose (e.g., to interpret literature, solve a problem, make a decision), including:

3005.2.12.10. Group Dynamics and Roles: Establish group agreements and ensure appropriate contributions are respected by the team.

CLE 3005.3. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3005.3.1. Write in a variety of modes for a variety of purposes and audiences.

CLE 3005.3.2. Employ a variety of prewriting strategies.

CLE 3005.3.3. Organize ideas into an essay with a thesis statement in the introduction, well-constructed paragraphs, a conclusion, and transition sentences that connect paragraphs into a coherent whole.

CLE 3005.3.4. Revise documents to develop or support ideas more clearly, address potential objections, ensure effective transitions between paragraphs, and correct errors in logic.

3005.3. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3005.3.1. Write in a variety of modes (e.g., a summary; an explanation; a description; a creative expression; a literary analysis, informational, research, or argumentative essay).

3005.3.2. Create sophisticated, complex work-related texts (e.g., instructions, directions, letters, bios, memos, proposals, project plans, work orders, reports) that employ the following strategies:

3005.3.2.10. Employ formatting and varied visual elements to guide the reader (e.g., headings, bulleted lists, effective use of white space on the page).

3005.3.3. Develop topics that address unfamiliar and abstract removed from students' personal experiences and require in-depth analysis.

3005.3.4. Use a variety of strategies when appropriate (e.g., comparisons, anecdotes, detailed descriptions) to provide facts, details, reasons, and examples that support the thesis.

3005.3.5. Develop and elaborate on ideas as appropriate to audience and anticipate and respond to readers' potential questions and counterarguments.

3005.3.6. Include relevant, specific, and compelling details.

3005.3.7. Employ organizational structures and support, and incorporate multiple patterns when appropriate (e.g., combine question-answer and compare-contrast and utilize cause-and-effect as one example of comparison).

3005.3.8. Create text features (e.g., headings subheadings, formatting) as appropriate to signal important points.

3005.3.9. Use transitions to signal organizational patterns and to connect and contrast, and ideas.

3005.3.10. Use precise language appropriate to audience and purpose (e.g., connotative words in essays, exact terminology in technical writing).

3005.3.11. Use compelling verbs and a variety of figurative language (e.g., irony, caricature, symbols, allusions) to meet the needs of audience and purpose.

3005.3.12. Use clear sentence structure in developing increasingly complex syntax. (e.g., combining short sentences, varying sentence beginnings, using a variety of sentence types, incorporating parallel structures).

3005.3.13. Demonstrate control of Standard English through correct application of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

3005.3.14. Employ grammar, usage, and mechanics as rhetorical tools, using incorrect structures as appropriate for effect (e.g., utilize short sentences or fragments for effect or have a single-sentence paragraph for effect).

3005.3.15. When other sources are used or referenced (e.g., in research, informational, or literary essays), adhere to the following:

3005.3.16. Generate notes while collecting information.

3005.3.17. Create a detailed outline based on research, note-taking, or other method of generating content.

3005.3.18. Edit writing for mechanics (e.g., punctuation, capitalization), spelling, grammar (e.g., pronoun-antecedent relationship, use of modifying phrases), style (e.g., eliminating verbiage), and tone and mood as appropriate to audience, purpose, and context.

3005.3.19. Drawing on reader's comments, revise papers to focus on the thesis, develop ideas, address potential objections, employ effective transitions, identify a clear beginning and ending, correct logic errors, and identify areas for further development.

3005.3.20. Use software (e.g., Photoshop, Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Pagemaker) to incorporate both basic and specialized effects into writing.

3005.3.21. Determine how and when to employ technology effectively in written communication.

CLE 3005.4. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3005.4.1. Define and narrow a problem or research topic.

CLE 3005.4.2. Gather relevant information from a variety of print and electronic sources, as well as from direct observation, interviews, and surveys.

CLE 3005.4.3. Make distinctions about the credibility, reliability, consistency, strengths, and limitations of resources, including information gathered from Web sites.

CLE 3005.4.4. Write an extended research paper, using primary and secondary sources and technology and graphics, as appropriate.

CLE 3005.4.5. Use a standard format to arrange text, to cite sources correctly, and to document quotations, paraphrases, and other information.

3005.4. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3005.4.1. Focus on a complex topic that is sufficiently narrow to examine in depth and that has adequate information available.

3005.4.2. Take and organize notes on relevant knowledge, identifying multiple perspectives and areas for research.

3005.4.3. Focus on relevant data that are complex and theoretical, as well as factual.

3005.4.4. Reference relevant primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, demonstrating a systematic search of resources that are recent and important and are written by authorities to a well-informed audience.

3005.4.5. Select reliable resources using appropriate criteria and avoiding the overuse of any one source.

3005.4.6. Collect evidence in varied ways to answer the research question (e.g., gathering relevant, reasons, examples, and facts; defining key terms; setting up comparisons; analyzing relationships such as cause and effect).

3005.4.7. Craft an introductory section including the limits of a research question, the perspective of the paper, a definition of terms, and a statement of the thesis.

3005.4.8. Maintain coherence through the consistent and effective use of connective transitions.

3005.4.9. Create an effective organizing structure based on complex research information, sometimes using multiple organizing structures within the essay.

3005.4.10. Craft an effective conclusion, answering the research question, explaining the significance of the research findings, making appropriate recommendations, and suggesting future research needs.

3005.4.11. Skillfully acknowledge source material (create a reliable bibliography or list of works cited and/or works consulted).

3005.4.12. Cite sources using a standard format appropriate to the discipline (e.g., MLA, APA), with a high degree of accuracy.

3005.4.13. Skillfully and strategically quote, paraphrase, or summarize text, ideas, or other information taken from print or other electronic sources.

3005.4.14. Accurately and skillfully embed graphics and quotations, when appropriate.

3005.4.15. Use a consistent and effective format, including a title, an abstract, a contents page, numbered pages, and a bibliography.

3005.4.16. Use graphics and illustrative material effectively to support and enhance research ideas.

CLE 3005.5. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3005.5.1. Define and narrow a problem or research topic.

CLE 3005.5.2. Gather relevant information from a variety of print and electronic sources, as well as from direct observation, interviews, and surveys.

CLE 3005.5.3. Make distinctions about the credibility, reliability, consistency, strengths, and limitations of resources, including information gathered from Web sites.

CLE 3005.5.4. Write an extended research paper, using primary and secondary sources and technology and graphics, as appropriate.

CLE 3005.5.5. Use a standard format to arrange text, to cite sources correctly, and to document quotations, paraphrases, and other information.

3005.5. Checks for Understanding (Formative / Summative Assessment)

3005.5.1. Describe the structure of a multi-faceted argument with an unstated main claim and explicit or implicit premises.

3005.5.2. Evaluate the relevance, quality, and sufficiency of evidence used to support or oppose an argument.

3005.5.3. Identify established methods (e.g., scientific, historical) used to distinguish between factual claims and opinions.

3005.5.4. Distinguish between evidence which is directly stated and evidence which is implied within an argument.

3005.5.5. Identify false premises and explain the role they play in argumentation.

3005.5.6. Analyze common logical fallacies (e.g., the appeal to pity, the personal attack, the appeal to common opinion, and the false dilemma).

3005.5.7. Explain and the differences among evidence, inferences, assumptions, and claims in argumentation (e.g., explain and evaluate op-eds, commercials, political cartoons, philosophical arguments).

3005.5.8. Analyze and explain how a variety of logical arguments reach different and possibly conflicting conclusions on the same topic.

3005.5.9. Identify and analyze the stylistic and rhetorical devices that are used to persuade in written and oral communication. Recognize that these devices accompany arguments but are not necessarily logically connected to them (e.g., loaded terms, caricature, leading questions, false assumptions).

CLE 3005.6. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3005.6.1. Follow extended multi-tasked or multi-dimensional instructions in somewhat complex informational and technical texts.

CLE 3005.6.2. Comprehend and summarize the main ideas of somewhat complex informational texts and determine the essential elements that elaborate them.

CLE 3005.6.3. Analyze the ways in which a text's organizational structure supports or confounds its meaning or purpose.

CLE 3005.6.4. Read, interpret, and analyze graphics that support informational texts.

3005.6. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessments)

3005.6.1. Recognize clear or subtle and implied relationships among ideas (e.g., cause-effect, comparative, sequential) in complex informational texts.

3005.6.2. Summarize in a concise and well-organized way the main ideas, supporting details, and relationships among ideas in complex informational and technical texts.

3005.6.3. Synthesize information across multiple complex informational and technical texts.

3005.6.4. Evaluate the ways in which a complex text's unconventional organizational structure supports or confounds its meaning.

3005.6.5. Comprehend and evaluate complex information presented graphically.

3005.6.6. Evaluate complex informational and technical texts for their clarity, simplicity, and coherence and for the appropriateness of their graphics and visual appeal.

3005.6.7. Follow extended multi-tasked or multi-dimensional instructions in complex informational or technical texts.

CLE 3005.7. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3005.7.1. Evaluate the aural, visual, and written images and other special effects used in television, radio, film, and the Internet for their ability to inform, persuade, and entertain.

CLE 3005.7.2. Examine the agreements and conflicts between the visual (e.g., media images, painting, film, graphic arts) and the verbal.

CLE 3005.7.3. Recognize how visual and sound techniques or design (e.g., special effects, camera angles, music) carry or influence messages in various media.

CLE 3005.7.4. Apply and adapt the principles of written composition to create coherent media productions using effective images, text, graphics, music and/or sound effects-if possible-and present a distinctive point of view on a topic (e.g., PowerPoint presentations, videos).

3005.7. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3005.7.1. Analyze and evaluate the effects on the audience of the sounds, visuals, and language used in a wide array of media.

3005.7.2. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the effectiveness of the relationship between visual elements (e.g., media images, painting, film, and graphic arts) and verbal messages in virtually any media, emphasizing the cultural context, audience, and purpose.

3005.7.3. Evaluate the effectiveness of conventional and unconventional visual and sound techniques and design elements (e.g., special effects, camera angles, lighting, and music in television or film; layout, pictures, and typeface in newspapers, magazines, and print advertisements; layout, navigation, and links interactive features on Web sites) to achieve specific purposes and deliver specific messages.

3005.7.4. Demonstrate consistent and effective audience focus through purposeful choice of medium; compelling images, words, and sounds; and focused supporting ideas.

3005.7.5. Understand the transactional nature of media by considering audience in preparing productions.

3005.7.6. Employ conventional and unconventional visual images, text, graphics, music, and/or sound effects to achieve the purposes in complex media presentations.

CLE 3005.8. Course Level Expectations

CLE 3005.8.1. Demonstrate knowledge of significant works of British literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present and make relevant comparisons.

CLE 3005.8.2. Understand the characteristics of various literary genres (e.g., poetry, novel, biography, short story, essay, dramatic literature).

CLE 3005.8.3. Recognize the conventions of various literary genres and understand how they articulate the writer's vision.

CLE 3005.8.4. Analyze works of British literature for what they suggest about the historical period in which they were written.

CLE 3005.8.5. Comprehend and use figurative language (e.g., idioms; metaphors; similes; biblical, classical, historical, and literary allusions).

3005.8. Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

3005.8.1. Analyze a literary work, using the characteristics of the literary time period that it represents.

3005.8.2. Compare and contrast the elements (e.g., form, language, plot, and characters) of two works representing different literary periods (e.g., Beowulf and Paradise Lost).

3005.8.3. Analyze how plot developments determine characters' conflicts and dilemmas.

3005.8.4. Analyze function and effect of plot structure in complex literary texts.

3005.8.5. Identify how setting and changes in setting can affect the literary elements (e.g., plot, character, theme, tone) in complex literary texts.

3005.8.6. Analyze the narration and point of view in complex literary texts, in which the narrator and point of view may shift with multiple characters acting as narrators and/or with some characters serving as unreliable narrators.

3005.8.7. Consider the characteristics of genre and the limitations of form when interpreting complex texts.

3005.8.8. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the effect and use of metrics, rhyme scheme (e.g., end, internal, slant, eye), rhythm, alliteration, and other conventions of verse in complex poetry (including poetic forms such as lyric, blank verse, epic, sonnet, dramatic poetry).

3005.8.9. Recognize and identify the characteristics of lyric poetry, blank verse, free verse, epic, sonnet, dramatic poetry, ballad)

3005.8.10. Identify and analyze elements of literary drama (e.g., dramatic irony, dialogue, soliloquy, monologue, aside).

3005.8.11. Identify elements of literary drama and evaluate they ways in which they articulate a playwright's vision (e.g., dramatic irony, soliloquy, stage direction, dialogue) in complex plays.

3005.8.12. Identify, analyze, and explain the multiple levels of theme(s) within a complex literary text and of similar or contrasting themes across two or more texts.

3005.8.13. Analyze works of literature as reflections of the historical period in which they were written.

3005.8.14. Analyze texts to identify the author's attitudes, viewpoints, and beliefs and to critique how these relate to the larger historical, social, and cultural context of the texts.

3005.8.15. Identify and analyze the use of literary elements, such as irony, paradox, symbol, and foreshadowing.

3005.8.16. Use prior knowledge and explicit study to identify the meaning of biblical, classical, historical, and literary allusions, especially those which may be more obscure or extended (e.g., references to Phaeton and Icarus in Dante's Inferno).

3005.8.17. Identify the meaning of metaphors based on common literary allusions and conceits (e.g., the dogs of war, a face that could launch a thousand ships, flying close to the sun).

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