Oregon State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 4

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

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OR.1. Civics and Government: Understand and apply knowledge about governmental and political systems, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

1.1. Understand the purposes of government and the basic constitutional principles of the United States republican form of government.

1.1.1. Identify essential ideas of our republican form of government as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

1.1.1.a. Know the concept of 'rule of law.' 5
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 1.1.1.a.

1.2. Understand the responsibilities and interrelationships of local, state, and national government in the U.S.

1.2.1. Identify the primary functions of federal, state, and local governments.

1.2.1.a. Identify public safety, transportation, education, and recreation as responsibilities of local governments. 21
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 1.2.1.a.

1.2.1.b. Know how laws are made. 4
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 1.2.1.b.

1.3. Understand the roles and powers of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

1.3.1. Understand the roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government.

1.3.1.a. Name and distinguish the primary function of each branch of government at the federal and state levels. 10
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 1.3.1.a.

1.4. Understand the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizens in the United States.

1.4.1. Identify the rights of U.S. citizens.

1.4.1.a. Identify basic rights that are given to citizens of the United States. 8
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 1.4.1.a.

1.5. Understand the participatory obligations of U.S. citizens.

1.5.1. Understand how citizens can learn about public issues.

1.5.1.a. Identify and give examples of resources that provide information about public issues. 23
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 1.5.1.a.

1.6. Understand how individuals, groups, and international organizations influence government.

1.6.1. Identify and give examples of how individuals can influence the actions of government.

1.6.1.a. Identify and give examples of actions citizens can take to influence government policy and decision-making. 22
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 1.6.1.a.

1.7. Understand how the United States government relates and interacts with other nations.

1.7.1. Recognize and give examples of how nations interact with one another through trade, diplomacy, cultural contacts, treaties, and agreements.

1.7.1.a. Know how the United States makes treaties with other nations, including Indian nations. 1
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 1.7.1.a.

1.7.1.b. Know how nations demonstrate good will toward other nations in a variety of ways. 3
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 1.7.1.b.

1.8. Understand that there are different ways for governments to be organized and to hold power.

1.8.1. Understand that there are different ways for governments to be organized.

1.8.1.a. Recognize that governments are organized in different ways. 18
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 1.8.1.a.

OR.2. Economics: Understand economic concepts and principles and how available resources are allocated in a market economy.

2.1. Understand the economic concept of scarcity.

2.1.1. Understand that all economic choices have costs and benefits, and compare options in terms of costs and benefits.

2.1.1.a. Know that whenever a choice is made, there is a cost. 9
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 2.1.1.a.

2.2. Understand how trade-offs and opportunity costs are decisions that can be measured in terms of costs and benefits.

2.2.1. Identify and give examples of the concepts of 'trade-off' and 'opportunity costs.'

2.2.1.a. Identify and give examples of consequences of economic choices in terms of trade-off and opportunity cost. 4
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 2.2.1.a.

2.2.1.b. Understand the difference between 'needs' and 'wants' and their relationship to economic trade-offs. 6
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 2.2.1.b.

2.3. Understand the concept of supply and demand.

2.3.1. Understand how supply and demand influence price, and how price increases or decreases influence the decisions of consumers.

2.3.1.a. Understand that prices rise and fall depending on supply and demand. 2
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 2.3.1.a.

2.4. Understand how the United States economy relates and interacts with other nations.

2.4.1. Recognize examples of how nations interact economically.

2.4.1.a. Recognize that nations interact through trade. 2
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 2.4.1.a.

2.5. Understand the purpose and functions of money in the economy.

2.5.1. Identify the characteristics of money and the advantages of its use over barter.

2.5.1.a. Distinguish between 'barter' and 'money' and how they facilitate the exchange of goods. 2
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 2.5.1.a.

2.6. Demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to make reasoned and responsible financial decisions as a consumer, producer, saver, and investor in a market economy.

2.6.1. Understand the processes of earning, saving, spending, budgeting, and record keeping in money management.

2.6.1.a. Recognize that people earn income by exchanging their labor for wages and salaries. 3
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 2.6.1.a.

2.6.1.b. Recognize that savings are the part of income not spent on taxes or consumption. 2
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 2.6.1.b.

2.6.1.c. Recognize that spending involves exchanging money for goods or services. 1
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 2.6.1.c.

2.6.1.d. Recognize that a budget is a record-keeping plan for managing income and spending. 3
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 2.6.1.d.

2.6.2. Understand how banks and credit unions serve savers and borrowers.

2.6.2.a. Understand how interest creates incentives for borrowing and saving.

OR.3. Geography: Understand and use geographic skills and concepts to interpret contemporary and historical issues.

3.1. Understand and use spatial concepts of geography.

3.1.1. Define basic geography vocabulary such as concepts of location, direction, distance, scale, movement, and region using appropriate words and diagrams.

3.1.1.a. Know and use basic map elements to answer geographic questions or display geographic information. 18
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.1.1.a.

3.2. Locate places and understand and use geographic information or relationships by reading, interpreting, and preparing maps and other geographic representations.

3.2.1. Examine and understand how to prepare maps, charts, and other visual representations to locate places and interpret geographic information.

3.2.1.a. Use maps and charts to interpret geographic information. 18
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.2.1.a.

3.2.1.b. Use other visual representations to locate, identify, and distinguish physical and human features of places and regions. 3
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.2.1.b.

3.3. Locate major physical and human features of the Earth.

3.3.1. Locate and identify on maps the continents of the world, the 50 states of the United States, and the major physical features of Oregon.

3.3.1.a. Identify the names of the continents and their relative size, shape, and location. 15
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.3.1.a.

3.3.1.b. Identify the names of the fifty states and their location relative to other states. 25
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.3.1.b.

3.3.1.c. Locate, identify, and know the significance of major mountains, rivers, and land regions of Oregon. 4
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.3.1.c.

3.4. Identify and analyze physical and human characteristics of places and regions, the processes that have shaped them, and their geographic significance.

3.4.1. Identify physical and human characteristics of regions in the United States and the processes that have shaped them.

3.4.1.a. Identify and locate major landforms, bodies of water, vegetation, and climate found in regions of the United States. 14
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.4.1.a.

3.4.1.b. Identify the type of economic activity, population distribution, and cities found in regions of the United States. 26
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.4.1.b.

3.5. Understand the distribution and movement of people, ideas, and products.

3.5.1. Identify patterns of migration and cultural interaction in the United States.

3.5.1.a. Understand how physical geography affects the routes, flow, and destinations of migration. 50
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.5.1.a.

3.5.1.b. Explain how migrations affect the culture of emigrants and native populations. 10
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.5.1.b.

3.6. Understand, analyze and evaluate the consequences of population changes resulting from economic, cultural, or environmental factors.

3.6.1. Identify and give examples of issues related to population increases and decreases.

3.6.1.a. Identify and give examples of positive and negative impacts of population increases or decreases. 5
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.6.1.a.

3.7. Understand how humans affect the physical environment.

3.7.1. Understand how physical environments are affected by human activities.

3.7.1.a. Understand how and why people alter the physical environment. 17
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.7.1.a.

3.7.1.b. Describe how human activity can impact the environment. 37
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.7.1.b.

3.8. Understand how physical characteristics in the environment and changes in the environment affect human activities.

3.8.1. Understand how human activities are affected by the physical environment.

3.8.1.a. Identify constraints on human activity caused by the physical environment. 1
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.8.1.a.

3.8.1.b. Understand how the physical environment presents opportunities for economic and recreational activity. 20
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 3.8.1.b.

OR.4. History: Relate significant events and eras in United States and world history to past and present issues and development.

4.1. Historical Skills: Understand, represent, and interpret chronological relationships in history.

4.1.1. Interpret data and chronological relationships presented in timelines and narratives.

4.1.1.a. Order events found in historical narratives. 14
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.1.1.a.

4.1.1.b. Calculate time and infer information from timelines. 25
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.1.1.b.

4.2. Historical Skills: Identify and analyze cause and effect relationships in history.

4.2.1. Identify cause and effect relationships in a sequence of events. 14
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.2.1.

4.3. Historical Skills: Interpret and represent chronological relationships and patterns of change and continuity over time.

4.3.1. Understand how history can be organized using themes, geography, or chronology. 8
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.3.1.

4.4. Historical Skills: Identify and analyze various perspectives and interpretations of historical issues and events.

4.4.1. Identify primary and secondary sources. 17
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.4.1.

4.5. U. S. History: Understand the importance and lasting influence of individuals, issues, events, people, and developments in U.S. history.

4.5.1. Understand how individuals, issues, and events changed or significantly influenced the course of U.S. history from pre-history through the period of the American Revolution.

4.5.1.a. Identify and understand the groups living in the Western Hemisphere before European exploration, their ways of life, and the empires they developed. 9
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.5.1.a.

4.5.1.b. Understand the impact of early European exploration on Native Americans and on the land. 33
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.5.1.b.

4.5.1.c. Understand the impact of individuals through the period of the American Revolution, on ideas, ways of life, or the course of events in U.S. history. 30
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.5.1.c.

4.5.1.d. Understand the colonial experience and how it led to the American Revolution. 13
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.5.1.d.

4.5.1.e. Identify and understand the causes, course, and impact of the American Revolution, including the roles of George Washington, Samuel Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. 20
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.5.1.e.

4.6. State and Local History: Understand and interpret events, issues, and developments in Oregon history.

4.6.1. Understand how individuals changed or significantly influenced the course of Oregon state history.

4.6.1.a. Identify significant people in the history of Oregon from pre-history through the period of the American Revolution. 4
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.6.1.a.

4.6.1.b. Understand the interactions and contributions of the various people and cultures that have lived in or migrated to the area that is now Oregon from pre-history through the period of the American Revolution. 4
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.6.1.b.

4.7. State and Local History: Understand and interpret events, issues, and developments in local history.

4.7.1. Understand how individuals changed or significantly influenced the course of local history. 3
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 4.7.1.

OR.5. Social Science Analysis: Design and implement strategies to analyze issues, explain perspectives, and resolve issues using the social sciences.

5.1. Identify, research, and clarify an event, issue, problem, or phenomenon of significance to society.

5.1.1. Examine an event, issue, or problem through inquiry and research. 9
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 5.1.1.

5.2. Gather, use, and evaluate researched information to support analysis and conclusions.

5.2.1. Gather, use, and document information from multiple sources (e.g. print, electronic, human, primary, secondary). 27
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 5.2.1.

5.3. Understand an event, issue, problem, or phenomenon from multiple perspectives.

5.3.1. Identify and study two or more points of view of an event, issue, or problem. 11
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 5.3.1.

5.4. Identify and analyze characteristics, causes, and consequences of an event, issue, problem, or phenomenon.

5.4.1. Identify characteristics of an event, issue, or problem, suggesting possible causes and results. 23
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 5.4.1.

5.5. Identify, compare, and evaluate outcomes, responses, or solutions; then reach a supported conclusion.

5.5.1. Identify a response or solution and support why it makes sense, using support from research. 9
Suggested Titles for Oregon Social Studies State Standard 5.5.1.

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