New York State Standards for Science: Grade 11

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

NY.1. Earth Science: Analysis, Inquiry and Design: Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.

1.1. Mathematical Analysis: Abstraction and symbolic representation are used to communicate mathematically.

1.1.1. Students use algebraic and geometric representations to describe and compare data.

1.2. Mathematical Analysis: Deductive and inductive reasoning are used to reach mathematical conclusions.

1.2.1. Students use deductive reasoning to construct and evaluate conjectures and arguments, recognizing that patterns and relationships in mathematics assist them in arriving at these conjectures and arguments.

1.3. Mathematical Analysis: Critical thinking skills are used in the solution on mathematical problems.

1.3.1. Students apply algebraic and geometric concepts and skills to the solution of problems.

1.4. Scientific Inquiry: The central purpose of scientific inquiry is to develop explanations of natural phenomena in a continuing, creative process.

1.4.1. Students elaborate on basic scientific and personal explanations of natural phenomena, and develop extended visual models and mathematical formulations to represent their thinking.

1.4.2. Students hone ideas through reasoning, library research, and discussion with others, including experts.

1.4.3. Students work toward reconciling competing explanations; clarifying points of agreement and disagreement.

1.4.4. Students coordinate explanations at different levels of scale, points of focus, and degrees of complexity and specificity and recognize the need for such alternative representations of the natural world.

1.5. Scientific Inquiry: Beyond the use of reasoning and consensus, scientific inquiry involves the testing of proposed explanations involving the use of conventional techniques and procedures and usually requiring considerable ingenuity.

1.5.1. Students devise ways of making observations to test proposed explanations.

1.5.2. Students refine their research ideas through library investigations, including electronic information retrieval and reviews of the literature, and through peer feedback obtained from review and discussion.

1.5.3. Students develop and present proposals including formal hypotheses to test their explanations, i.e., they predict what should be observed under specified conditions if the explanation is true.

1.5.4. Students carry out their research plan for testing explanations, including selecting and developing techniques, acquiring and building apparatus, and recording observations as necessary.

1.6. Scientific Inquiry: The observations made while testing proposed explanations, when analyzed using conventional and invented methods, provide new insights into phenomena.

1.6.1. Students use various means of representing and organizing observations (e.g., diagrams, tables, charts, graphs, equations, matrices) and insightfully interpret the organized data.

1.6.2. Students apply statistical analysis techniques when appropriate to test if chance alone explains the result.

1.6.3. Students assess correspondence between the predicted result contained in the hypothesis and the actual result and reach a conclusion as to whether or not the explanation on which the prediction was based is supported.

1.6.4. Students based on the results of the test and through public discussion, they revise the explanation and contemplate additional research.

1.6.5. Students develop a written report for public scrutiny that describes their proposed explanation, including a literature review, the research they carried out, its result, and suggestions for further research.

1.7. Engineering Design: Engineering design is an iterative process involving modeling and optimization finding the best solution within given constraints which is used to develop the logical solutions to problems within given constraints.

1.7.1. Students initiate and carry out a thorough investigation of an unfamiliar situation and identify needs and opportunities for technological invention or innovation.

1.7.2. Students identify, locate, and use a wide range of information resources, and document through notes and sketches how findings relate to the problem.

1.7.3. Students generate creative solutions, break ideas into significant functional elements, and explore possible refinements; predict possible outcomes using mathematical and functional modeling techniques; choose the optimal solution to the problem, clearly documenting ideas against design criteria and constraints; and explain how human understandings, economic, ergonomics, and environmental considerations have influenced the solution.

1.7.4. Students develop work schedules and working plans which include optimal use and cost of materials, processes, time, and expertise; construct a model of the solution, incorporating developmental modifications while working to a high degree of quality (craftsmanship).

1.7.5. Students devise a test of the solution according to the design criteria and perform the test; record, portray, and logically evaluate performance test results through quantitative, graphic, and verbal means. Students use a variety of creative verbal and graphic techniques effectively and persuasively to present conclusions, predict impacts and new problems, and suggest and pursue modifications.

NY.2. Earth Science: Information Systems: Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies.

2.1. Information Systems: Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information and as a tool to enhance learning.

2.1.1. Students understand and use the more advanced features of word processing, spreadsheets, and database software.

2.1.2. Students prepare multimedia presentations demonstrating a clear sense of audience and purpose.

2.1.3. Students access, select, collate, and analyze information obtained from a wide range of sources such as research data bases, foundations, organizations, national libraries, and electronic communication networks, including the Internet.

2.1.4. Students receive news reports from abroad and work in groups to produce newspapers reflecting the perspectives of different countries.

2.1.5. Students utilize electronic networks to share information.

2.1.6. Students model solutions to a range of problems in mathematics, science, and technology using computer simulation software.

2.2. Information Systems: Knowledge of the impacts and limitations of information systems is essential to its effective and ethical use.

2.2.1. Students explain the impact of the use and abuse of electronically generated information on individuals and families.

2.2.2. Students evaluate software packages relative to their suitability to a particular application and their ease of use.

2.2.3. Students discuss the ethical and social issues raised by the use and abuse of information systems.

2.3. Information Systems: Information technology can have positive and negative impacts on society, depending upon how it is used.

2.3.1. Students work with a virtual community to conduct a project or solve a problem using the network.

2.3.2. Students discuss how applications of information technology can address some major global problems and issues.

2.3.3. Students discuss the environmental, ethical, moral, and social issues raised by the use and abuse of information technology.

NY.4. Earth Science: Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.

4.1. The Earth and celestial phenomena can be described by principles of relative motion and perspective.

4.1.1. Students explain complex phenomena, such as tides, variations in day length, solar insulation, apparent motion of the planets, and annual traverse of the constellations.

4.1.2. Students describe current theories about the origin of the universe and solar system.

4.2. Many of the phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among components of air, water, and land.

4.2.1. Students use the concepts of density and heat energy to explain observations of weather patterns, seasonal changes, and the movements of the Earth's plates.

4.2.2. Students explain how incoming solar radiations, ocean currents, and land masses affect weather and climate.

4.3. Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity.

4.3.1. Students explain the properties of materials in terms of the arrangement and properties of the atoms that compose them.

NY.6. Earth Science: Interconnectedness: Common Themes: Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

6.1. Systems Thinking: Through systems thinking, people can recognize the commonalities that exist among all systems and how parts of a system interrelate and combine to perform specific functions.

6.1.1. Students explain how positive feedback and negative feedback have opposite effects on system outputs.

6.1.2. Students use an input-process-output-feedback diagram to model and compare the behavior of natural and engineered systems.

6.1.3. Students define boundary conditions when doing systems analysis to determine what influences a system and how it behaves.

6.2. Models: Models are simplified representations of objects, structures, or systems used in analysis, explanation, interpretation, or design.

6.2.1. Students revise a model to create a more complete or improved representation of the system.

6.2.2. Students collect information about the behavior of a system and use modeling tools to represent the operation of the system.

6.2.3. Students find and use mathematical models that behave in the same manner as the processes under investigation.

6.2.4. Students compare predictions to actual observations using test models.

6.3. Magnitude and Scale: The grouping of magnitudes of size, time, frequency, and pressures or other units of measurement into a series of relative order provides a useful way to deal with the immense range and the changes in scale that affect the behavior and design of systems.

6.3.1. Students describe the effects of changes in scale on the functioning of physical, biological, or designed systems.

6.3.2. Students extend their use of powers of ten notation to understanding the exponential function and performing operations with exponential factors.

6.4. Equilibrium and Stability: Equilibrium is a state of stability due either to a lack of changes (static equilibrium) or a balance between opposing forces (dynamic equilibrium).

6.4.1. Students describe specific instances of how disturbances might affect a system's equilibrium, from small disturbances that do not upset the equilibrium to larger disturbances (threshold level) that cause the system to become unstable.

6.4.2. Students cite specific examples of how dynamic equilibrium is achieved by equality of change in opposing directions.

6.5. Patterns of Change: Identifying patterns of change is necessary for making predictions about future behavior and conditions.

6.5.1. Students use sophisticated mathematical models, such as graphs and equations of various algebraic or trigonometric functions.

6.5.2. Students search for multiple trends when analyzing data for patterns, and identify data that do not fit the trends.

6.6. Optimization: In order to arrive at the best solution that meets criteria within constraints, it is often necessary to make trade-offs.

6.6.1. Students use optimization techniques, such as linear programming, to determine optimum solutions to problems that can be solved using quantitative methods.

6.6.2. Students analyze subjective decision making problems to explain the trade-offs that can be made to arrive at the best solution.

NY.7. Earth Science: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving: Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions.

7.1. Connections: The knowledge and skills of mathematics, science, and technology are used together to make informed decisions and solve problems, especially those relating to issues of science/ technology/ society, consumer decision making, design, and inquiry into phenomena.

7.1.1. Students analyze science/technology/society problems and issues on a community, national, or global scale and plan and carry out a remedial course of action.

7.1.2. Students analyze and quantify consumer product data, understand environmental and economic impacts, develop a method for judging the value and efficacy of competing products, and discuss cost/benefit and risk/benefit tradeoffs made in arriving at the optimal choice.

7.1.3. Students design solutions to real-world problems on a community, national, or global scale using a technological design process that integrates scientific investigation and rigorous mathematical analysis of the problem and of the solution.

7.1.4. Students explain and evaluate phenomena mathematically and scientifically by formulating a testable hypothesis, demonstrating the logical connections between the scientific concepts guiding the hypothesis and the design of an experiment, applying and inquiring into the mathematical ideas relating to investigation of phenomena, and using (and if needed, designing) technological tools and procedures to assist in the investigation and in the communication of results.

7.2. Strategies: Solving interdisciplinary problems involves a variety of skills and strategies, including effective work habits; gathering and processing information; generating and analyzing ideas; realizing ideas; making connections among the common themes of mathematics, science, and technology; and presenting results.

7.2.1. Students participate in an extended, culminating mathematics, science, and technology project. The project would require students to: work effectively; gather and process information; generate and analyze ideas; observe common themes; realize ideas; and present results.

NY.1. Biology: Analysis, Inquiry and Design: Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.

1.1. Scientific Inquiry: The central purpose of scientific inquiry is to develop explanations of natural phenomena in a continuing, creative process.

1.1.1. Students elaborate on basic scientific and personal explanations of natural phenomena, and develop extended visual models and mathematical formulations to represent their thinking.

1.1.2. Students hone ideas through reasoning, library research, and discussion with others, including experts.

1.1.3. Students work toward reconciling competing explanations; clarifying points of agreement and disagreement.

1.1.4. Students coordinate explanations at different levels of scale, points of focus, and degrees of complexity and specificity and recognize the need for such alternative representations of the natural world.

1.2. Scientific Inquiry: Beyond the use of reasoning and consensus, scientific inquiry involves the testing of proposed explanations involving the use of conventional techniques and procedures and usually requiring considerable ingenuity.

1.2.1. Students devise ways of making observations to test proposed explanations.

1.2.2. Students refine their research ideas through library investigations, including electronic information retrieval and reviews of the literature, and through peer feedback obtained from review and discussion.

1.2.3. Students develop and present proposals including formal hypotheses to test their explanations, i.e., they predict what should be observed under specified conditions if the explanation is true.

1.2.4. Students carry out a research plan for testing explanations, including selecting and developing techniques, acquiring and building apparatus, and recording observations as necessary.

1.3. Scientific Inquiry: The observations made while testing proposed explanations, when analyzed using conventional and invented methods, provide new insights into phenomena.

1.3.1. Students use various means of representing and organizing observations (e.g., diagrams, tables, charts, graphs, equations, matrices) and insightfully interpret the organized data.

1.3.2. Students apply statistical analysis techniques when appropriate to test if chance alone explains the result.

1.3.3. Students assess correspondence between the predicted result contained in the hypothesis and the actual result and reach a conclusion as to whether or not the explanation on which the prediction was based is supported.

1.3.4. Students based on the results of the test and through public discussion, they revise the explanation and contemplate additional research.

1.3.5. Students develop a written report for public scrutiny that describes their proposed explanation, including a literature review, the research they carried out, its result, and suggestions for further research.

NY.1. Biology: The Living Environment: Laboratory Checklist: Biology students need to develop proficiency in certain laboratory or technical skills in order to successfully conduct investigations in biological science.

1.1. During the school year, teachers should ensure that students develop the capacity to successfully perform each of the laboratory skills.

1.1.1. Student follows safety rules in the laboratory: selects and uses correct instruments; uses graduated cylinders to measure volume; uses metric ruler to measure length; uses thermometer to measure temperature; and uses triple-beam or electronic balance to measure mass.

1.1.2. Student uses a compound microscope/stereoscope effectively to see specimens clearly, using different magnifications; identifies and compares parts of a variety of cells; compares relative sizes of cells and organelles; and prepares wet-mount slides and uses appropriate staining techniques.

1.1.3. Student designs and uses dichotomous keys to identify specimens.

1.1.4. Student makes observations of biological processes.

1.1.5. Student dissects plant and/or animal specimens to expose and identify internal structures.

1.1.6. Student follows directions to correctly use and interpret chemical indicators.

1.1.7. Student uses chromatography and/or electrophoresis to separate molecules.

1.1.8. Student designs and carries out a controlled, scientific experiment based on biological processes.

1.1.9. Student states an appropriate hypothesis.

1.1.10. Student differentiates between independent and dependent variables.

1.1.11. Student identifies the control group and/or controlled variables.

1.1.12. Student collects, organizes, and analyzes data, using a computer and/or other laboratory equipment.

1.1.13. Student organizes data through the use of data tables and graphs.

1.1.14. Student analyzes results from observations/expressed data.

1.1.15. Student formulates an appropriate conclusion or generalization from the result of an experiment.

1.1.16. Student recognizes assumptions and limitations of the experiment.

NY.4. Biology: The Living Environment: Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.

4.1. Living things are both similar to and different from each other and nonliving things.

4.1.1. Students explain how diversity of populations within ecosystems relates to the stability of ecosystems.

4.1.2. Students describe and explain the structures and functions of the human body at different organizational levels (e.g., systems, tissues, cells, organelles).

4.1.3. Students explain how a one-celled organism is able to function despite lacking the levels of organization present in more complex organisms.

4.2. Organisms inherit genetic information in a variety of ways that result in continuity of structure and function between parents and offspring.

4.2.1. Students explain how the structure and replication of genetic material result in offspring that resemble their parents.

4.2.2. Students explain how the technology of genetic engineering allows humans to alter the genetic makeup of organisms.

4.3. Individual organisms and species change over time.

4.3.1. Students explain the mechanisms and patterns of evolution.

4.4. The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development.

4.4.1. Students explain how organisms, including humans, reproduce their own kind.

4.5. Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustains life.

4.5.1. Students explain the basic biochemical processes in living organisms and their importance in maintaining dynamic equilibrium.

4.5.2. Students explain disease as a failure of homeostasis.

4.5.3. Students relate processes at the system level to the cellular level in order to explain dynamic equilibrium in multicelled organisms.

4.6. Plants and animals depend on each other and their physical environment.

4.6.1. Students explain factors that limit growth of individuals and populations.

4.6.2. Students explain the importance of preserving diversity of species and habitats.

4.6.3. Students explain how the living and nonliving environments change over time and respond to disturbances.

4.7. Human decisions and activities have had a profound impact on the physical and living environment.

4.7.1. Students describe the range of interrelationships of humans with the living and nonliving environment.

4.7.2. Students explain the impact of technological development and growth in the human population on the living and non-living environment.

4.7.3. Students explain how individual choices and societal actions can contribute to improving the environment.

NY.1. Chemistry: Analysis, Inquiry and Design: Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.

1.1. Mathematical Analysis: Abstraction and symbolic representation are used to communicate mathematically.

1.1.1. Students use algebraic and geometric representations to describe and compare data.

1.1.2. Students hone ideas through reasoning, library research, and discussion with others, including experts.

1.1.3. Students work toward reconciling competing explanations; clarifying points of agreement and disagreement.

1.2. Mathematical Analysis: Deductive and inductive reasoning are used to reach mathematical conclusions.

1.2.1. Students use deductive reasoning to construct and evaluate conjectures and arguments, recognizing that patterns and relationships in mathematics assist them in arriving at these conjectures and arguments.

1.2.2. Students refine their research ideas through library investigations, including electronic information retrieval and reviews of the literature, and through peer feedback obtained from review and discussion.

1.2.3. Students develop and present proposals including formal hypotheses to test their explanations, i.e., they predict what should be observed under specified conditions if the explanation is true.

1.2.4. Students carry out a research plan for testing explanations, including selecting and developing techniques, acquiring and building apparatus, and recording observations as necessary.

1.3. Mathematical Analysis: Critical thinking skills are used in the solution on mathematical problems.

1.3.1. Students apply algebraic and geometric concepts and skills to the solution of problems.

1.3.2. Students apply statistical analysis techniques when appropriate to test if chance alone explains the result.

1.3.3. Students assess correspondence between the predicted result contained in the hypothesis and the actual result and reach a conclusion as to whether or not the explanation on which the prediction was based is supported.

1.3.4. Students using results of the test and through public discussion, revise the explanation and contemplate additional research.

1.3.5. Students develop a written report for public scrutiny that describes their proposed explanation, including a literature review, the research they carried out, its result, and suggestions for further research.

1.4. Engineering Design: Engineering design is an iterative process involving modeling and optimization finding the best solution within given constraints which is used to develop the logical solutions to problems within given constraints.

1.4.1. Students initiate and carry out a thorough investigation of an unfamiliar situation and identify needs and opportunities for technological invention or innovation.

1.4.2. Students identify, locate, and use a wide range of information resources, and document through notes and sketches how findings relate to the problem.

1.4.3. Students generate creative solutions, break ideas into significant functional elements, and explore possible refinements; predict possible outcomes using mathematical and functional modeling techniques; choose the optimal solution to the problem, clearly documenting ideas against design criteria and constraints; and explain how human understandings, economics, ergonomics, and environmental considerations have influenced the solution.

1.4.4. Students develop work schedules and working plans which include optimal use and cost of materials, processes, time, and expertise; construct a model of the solution, incorporating developmental modifications while working to a high degree of quality (craftsmanship).

1.4.5. Students devise a test of the solution according to the design criteria and perform the test; record, portray, and logically evaluate performance test results through quantitative, graphic, and verbal means. Students use a variety of creative verbal and graphic techniques effectively and persuasively to present conclusions, predict impact and new problems, and suggest and pursue modifications.

NY.2. Chemistry: Information Systems: Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies.

2.1. Information Systems: Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information and as a tool to enhance learning.

2.1.1. Students use the Internet to retrieve information systems for classroom use, e.g., Periodic Table, acid rain.

2.2. Information Systems: Knowledge of the impacts and limitations of information systems is essential to its effective and ethical use.

2.2.1. Students critically assess the value of information with or without benefit of scientific backing and supporting data, and evaluate the effect such information could have on public judgment or opinion, e.g., environmental issues.

2.2.2. Students discuss the use of the peer-review process in the scientific community and explain its value in maintaining the integrity of scientific publication, e.g., 'cold fusion'.

NY.4. Chemistry: The Physical Setting: Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.

4.3. Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity.

4.3.1. Students explain the properties of materials in terms of the arrangement and properties of the atoms that compose them.

4.3.2. Students use atomic and molecular models to explain common chemical reactions.

4.3.3. Students apply the principle of conservation of mass to chemical reactions.

4.3.4. Students use kinetic molecular theory to explain rates of reactions and the relationships among temperature, pressure, and volume of a substance.

4.4. Energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change energy is conserved.

4.4.1. Students observe and describe transmission of various forms of energy.

4.4.2. Students explain heat in terms of kinetic molecular theory.

4.4.4. Students explain the uses and hazards of radioactivity.

4.5. Energy and matter interact through forces that result in changes in motion.

4.5.2. Students explain chemical bonding in terms of the motion of electrons.

4.5.3. Students compare energy relationships within an atom's nucleus to those outside the nucleus.

NY.6. Chemistry: Interconnectedness: Common Themes: Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

6.1. Systems Thinking: Through systems thinking, people can recognize the commonalities that exist among all systems and how parts of a system interrelate and combine to perform specific functions.

6.1.1. Students use the concept of systems and surroundings to describe heat flow in a chemical or physical change, e.g., dissolving process.

6.2. Models: Models are simplified representations of objects, structures, or systems used in analysis, explanation, interpretation, or design.

6.2.1. Students revise a model to create a more complete or improved representation of the system.

6.2.2. Students collect information about the behavior of a system and use modeling tools to represent the operation of the system.

6.2.3. Students find and use mathematical models that behave in the same manner as the processes under investigation.

6.2.4. Students compare predictions to actual observations using test models.

6.3. Magnitude and Scale: The grouping of magnitudes of size, time, frequency, and pressures or other units of measurement into a series of relative order provides a useful way to deal with the immense range and the changes in scale that affect the behavior and design of systems.

6.3.1. Students describe the effects of changes in scale on the functioning of physical, biological, or designed systems.

6.3.2. Students extend the use of powers of ten notation to understanding the exponential function and performing operations with exponential factors.

6.4. Equilibrium and Stability: Equilibrium is a state of stability due either to a lack of changes (static equilibrium) or a balance between opposing forces (dynamic equilibrium).

6.4.1. Students describe specific instances of how disturbances might affect a system's equilibrium, from small disturbances that do not upset the equilibrium to larger disturbances (threshold level) that cause the system to become unstable.

6.4.2. Students cite specific examples of how dynamic equilibrium is achieved by equality of change in opposing directions.

6.5. Patterns of Change: Identifying patterns of change is necessary for making predictions about future behavior and conditions.

6.5.1. Students use graphs to make predictions, e.g., half-life, solubility.

6.5.2. Students use graphs to identify patterns and interpret experimental data, e.g., heating and cooling curves.

NY.7. Chemistry: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving: Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions.

7.1. Connections: The knowledge and skills of mathematics, science, and technology are used together to make informed decisions and solve problems, especially those relating to issues of science/ technology/ society, consumer decision making, design, and inquiry into phenomena.

7.1.1. Students analyze science/technology/society problems and issues on a community, national, or global scale and plan and carry out a remedial course of action.

7.1.2. Students analyze and quantify consumer product data, understand environmental and economic impacts, develop a method for judging the value and efficacy of competing products, and discuss cost/benefit and risk/benefit tradeoffs made in arriving at the optimal choice.

7.1.3. Students design solutions to real-world problems on a community, national, or global scale using a technological design process that integrates scientific investigation and rigorous mathematical analysis of the problem and of the solution.

7.1.4. Students explain and evaluate phenomena mathematically and scientifically by formulating a testable hypothesis, demonstrating the logical connections between the scientific concepts guiding the hypothesis and the design of an experiment, applying and inquiring into the mathematical ideas relating to investigation of phenomena, and using (and if needed, designing) technological tools and procedures to assist in the investigation and in the communication of results.

7.2. Strategies: Solving interdisciplinary problems involves a variety of skills and strategies, including effective work habits; gathering and processing information; generating and analyzing ideas; realizing ideas; making connections among the common themes of mathematics, science, and technology; and presenting results.

7.2.1. Students participate in an extended, culminating mathematics, science, and technology project. The project would require students to: work effectively; gather and process information; generate and analyze ideas; observe common themes; realize ideas; and present results.

NY.1. Physics: Analysis, Inquiry and Design: Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.

1.1. Mathematical Analysis: Abstraction and symbolic representation are used to communicate mathematically.

1.1.1. Students use algebraic and geometric representations to describe and compare data.

1.2. Mathematical Analysis: Deductive and inductive reasoning are used to reach mathematical conclusions.

1.2.1. Students use deductive reasoning to construct and evaluate conjectures and arguments, recognizing that patterns and relationships in mathematics assist them in arriving at these conjectures and arguments.

1.3. Mathematical Analysis: Critical thinking skills are used in the solution on mathematical problems.

1.3.1. Students apply algebraic and geometric concepts and skills to the solution of problems.

1.4. Scientific Inquiry: The central purpose of scientific inquiry is to develop explanations of natural phenomena in a continuing, creative process.

1.4.1. Students develop extended visual models and mathematical formulations to represent an understanding of natural phenomena.

1.4.2. Students clarify ideas through reasoning, research, and discussion.

1.4.3. Students evaluate competing explanations and overcome misconceptions.

1.5. Scientific Inquiry: Beyond the use of reasoning and consensus, scientific inquiry involves the testing of proposed explanations involving the use of conventional techniques and procedures and usually requiring considerable ingenuity.

1.5.1. Students devise ways of making observations to test proposed explanations.

1.5.2. Students refine their research ideas through library investigations, including electronic information retrieval and reviews of the literature, and through peer feedback obtained from review and discussion.

1.5.3. Students develop and present proposals including formal hypotheses to test their explanations, i.e., they predict what should be observed under specified conditions if the explanation is true.

1.5.4. Students carry out a research plan for testing explanations, including selecting and developing techniques, acquiring and building apparatus, and recording observations as necessary.

1.6. Scientific Inquiry: The observations made while testing proposed explanations, when analyzed using conventional and invented methods, provide new insights into phenomena.

1.6.1. Students use various means of representing and organizing observations (e.g., diagrams, tables, charts, graphs, equations, matrices) and insightfully interpret the organized data.

1.6.2. Students apply statistical analysis techniques when appropriate to test if chance alone explains the result.

1.6.3. Students assess correspondence between the predicted result contained in the hypothesis and the actual result and reach a conclusion as to whether or not the explanation on which the prediction was based is supported.

1.6.4. Students using results of the test and through public discussion, revise the explanation and contemplate additional research.

1.7. Engineering Design: Engineering design is an iterative process involving modeling and optimization finding the best solution within given constraints which is used to develop the logical solutions to problems within given constraints.

1.7.1. Students initiate and carry out a thorough investigation of an unfamiliar situation and identify needs and opportunities for technological invention or innovation.

1.7.2. Students identify, locate, and use a wide range of information resources, and document through notes and sketches how findings relate to the problem.

1.7.3. Students generate creative solutions, break ideas into significant functional elements, and explore possible refinements; predict possible outcomes using mathematical and functional modeling techniques; choose the optimal solution to the problem, clearly documenting ideas against design criteria and constraints; and explain how human understandings, economics, ergonomics, and environmental considerations have influenced the solution.

1.7.4. Students develop work schedules and working plans which include optimal use and cost of materials, processes, time, and expertise; construct a model of the solution, incorporating developmental modifications while working to a high degree of quality (craftsmanship).

1.7.5. Students devise a test of the solution according to the design criteria and perform the test; record, portray, and logically evaluate performance test results through quantitative, graphic, and verbal means. Students use a variety of creative verbal and graphic techniques effectively and persuasively to present conclusions, predict impact and new problems, and suggest and pursue modifications.

NY.2. Physics: Information Systems: Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies.

2.1. Information Systems: Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information and as a tool to enhance learning.

2.1.1. Students understand and use the more advanced features of word processing, spreadsheets, and database software.

2.1.2. Students prepare multimedia presentations demonstrating a clear sense of audience and purpose.

2.1.3. Students access, select, collate, and analyze information obtained from a wide range of sources such as research databases, foundations, organizations, national libraries, and electronic communication networks, including the Internet.

2.1.4. Students utilize electronic networks to share information.

2.1.5. Students model solutions to a range of problems in mathematics, science, and technology using computer simulation software.

2.2. Information Systems: Knowledge of the impacts and limitations of information systems is essential to its effective and ethical use.

2.1.5. Students model solutions to a range of problems in mathematics, science, and technology using computer simulation software.

2.3. Information Systems: Information technology can have positive and negative impacts on society, depending upon how it is used.

2.1.5. Students model solutions to a range of problems in mathematics, science, and technology using computer simulation software.

NY.4. Physics: The Physical Setting: Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.

4.4. Energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change energy is conserved.

4.4.1. Students observe and describe transmission of various forms of energy.

4.4.2. Students explain variations in wavelength and frequency in terms of the source of the vibrations that produce them, e.g., molecules, electrons, and nuclear particles.

4.5. Energy and matter interact through forces that result in changes in motion.

4.5.1. Students explain and predict different patterns of motion of objects (e.g., linear and angular motion, velocity and acceleration, momentum and inertia).

4.5.3. Students compare energy relationships within an atom's nucleus to those outside the nucleus.

NY.6. Physics: Interconnectedness: Common Themes: Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

6.1. Systems Thinking: Through systems thinking, people can recognize the commonalities that exist among all systems and how parts of a system interrelate and combine to perform specific functions.

6.1.1. Students define boundary conditions when doing systems analysis to determine what influences a system and how it behaves.

6.2. Models: Models are simplified representations of objects, structures, or systems used in analysis, explanation, interpretation, or design.

6.2.1. Students revise a model to create a more complete or improved representation of the system.

6.2.2. Students collect information about the behavior of a system and use modeling tools to represent the operation of the system.

6.2.3. Students find and use mathematical models that behave in the same manner as the processes under investigation.

6.2.4. Students compare predictions to actual observations using test models.

6.3. Magnitude and Scale: The grouping of magnitudes of size, time, frequency, and pressures or other units of measurement into a series of relative order provides a useful way to deal with the immense range and the changes in scale that affect the behavior and design of systems.

6.3.1. Students describe the effects of changes in scale on the functioning of physical, biological, or designed systems.

6.3.2. Students extend the use of powers of ten notation to understanding the exponential function and performing operations with exponential factors.

6.4. Equilibrium and Stability: Equilibrium is a state of stability due either to a lack of changes (static equilibrium) or a balance between opposing forces (dynamic equilibrium).

6.4.1. Students describe specific instances of how disturbances might affect a system's equilibrium, from small disturbances that do not upset the equilibrium to larger disturbances (threshold level) that cause the system to become unstable.

6.4.2. Students cite specific examples of how dynamic equilibrium is achieved by equality of change in opposing directions.

6.5. Patterns of Change: Identifying patterns of change is necessary for making predictions about future behavior and conditions.

6.5.1. Students use sophisticated mathematical models, such as graphs and equations of various algebraic or trigonometric functions.

6.5.2. Students search for multiple trends when analyzing data for patterns, and identify data that do not fit the trends.

6.6. Optimization: In order to arrive at the best solution that meets criteria within constraints, it is often necessary to make trade-offs.

6.6.1. Students determine optimal solutions to problems that can be solved using quantitative methods.

NY.7. Physics: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving: Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions.

7.1. Connections: The knowledge and skills of mathematics, science, and technology are used together to make informed decisions and solve problems, especially those relating to issues of science/ technology/ society, consumer decision making, design, and inquiry into phenomena.

7.1.1. Students address real-world problems, using scientific methodology.

7.2. Strategies: Solving interdisciplinary problems involves a variety of skills and strategies, including effective work habits; gathering and processing information; generating and analyzing ideas; realizing ideas; making connections among the common themes of mathematics, science, and technology; and presenting results.

7.2.1. Students collect, analyze, interpret, and present data using appropriate tools.

7.2.2. Students participate in an extended, culminating mathematics, science, and technology project. The project would require students to: work effectively; gather and process information; generate and analyze ideas; observe common themes; realize ideas; and present results.

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