Montana State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 5

MT.1. Reading: Students construct meaning as they comprehend, interpret, and respond to what they read.

1.1. Students will make predictions and clearly describe, with details, meaningful connections between new material and previous information/experiences.

1.2. Students will compare and contrast important print/nonprint information with existing knowledge to draw conclusions and make application.

1.3. Students will interpret and provide oral, written, and/or artistic responses to ideas and feelings generated by the reading material and compare responses with peers.

1.4. Students will demonstrate understanding of main ideas and select important supporting facts and details.

1.5. Students will provide accurate, detailed summaries using key elements of appropriate reading material.

MT.2. Reading: Students apply a range of skills and strategies to read.

2.1. Students will decode unknown words combining the elements of phonics, grammatical structures, analysis of word parts, and context to understand reading material.

2.2. Students will demonstrate understanding of and analyze literary elements (e.g., plot, character, setting, point of view, conflict).

2.3. Students will identify and compare literary devices (e.g., figurative language, exaggeration, irony, humor, dialogue).

2.4. Students will use features and organization of fiction and nonfiction material to comprehend complex materials (e.g., paragraphs, chapters, titles, indexes, tables of contents, graphs, charts, visuals).

2.5. Students will adjust fluency, rate, and style of reading to the content and purpose of the material.

2.6. Students will develop vocabulary through the use of context clues, analysis of word parts, auditory clues, and reference sources, and construct general and specialized vocabularies related to specific academic areas, culture, and technology.

2.7. Students will use a variety of reading strategies to comprehend meaning, including self-correcting, rereading, using context, and adjusting rate.

2.8. Students will ask questions, check predictions, and summarize information prior to, during, and after reading.

MT.3. Reading: Students set goals, monitor, and evaluate their progress in reading.

3.1. Students will articulate and evaluate strategies to self-monitor reading progress, overcome reading difficulties, and seek guidance as needed.

3.2. Students will monitor reading successes and set reading goals.

3.3. Students will select authors, subjects, and print and nonprint material, expressing reasons for recommendations.

MT.4. Reading: Students select, read, and respond to print and nonprint material for a variety of purposes.

4.1. Students will establish and adjust the purposes for reading (e.g., personal satisfaction, lifelong reading habits, sharing and reflecting upon their reading).

4.2. Students will read to organize and understand information, and to use material to investigate a topic (e.g., reference material, manuals, public documents, newspapers, magazines and electronic information).

4.3. Students will read, interpret, and apply information to perform specific tasks (e.g., maps, travel books, first aid manuals, catalogs).

4.4. Students will read, analyze, and provide oral, written, and/or artistic responses to traditional and contemporary literature.

4.5. Students will identify recurring themes, perspectives, cultures, and issues by reading (e.g., identity, conflict, change).

4.6. Students will read and identify civic and social responsibilities by interpreting and analyzing social rules (e.g., handbooks, newspapers, other information).

4.7. Students will identify, read and interpret information from a variety of documents and sources (e.g., graphs, tables, policy statements, television, Internet).

MT.5. Reading: Students gather, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information from a variety of sources, and communicate their findings in ways appropriate for their purposes and audiences.

5.1. Students will compare and contrast information and textual elements in print and nonprint material.

5.2. Students will make connections, explain relationships among a variety of sources, and integrate similar information.

5.3. Students will recognize authors' points of view and purposes.

5.4. Students will recognize authors' use of language and literary devices to influence readers.

5.5. Students will recognize, express, and defend a point of view.

1.6. Students will respond to literary works on the basis of personal insights and respect the different responses of others.

3.4. Students will monitor understanding by identifying and using strategies (e.g., inquiring, taking notes, summarizing oral and visual clues).

3.5. Students will distinguish information from persuasion, and logic from emotion.

3.6. Students will compare and contrast one's own experiences, information, and insights with the message received in a variety of communication situations.

3.7. Students will compare and contrast enjoyable listening experiences by examining different renditions of the same work (e.g., the same selection interpreted by different performers).

3.8. Students will identify, anticipate, and manage barriers to listening.

MT.6. Writing: Students use the inquiry process, problem-solving strategies, and resources to synthesize and communicate information.

6.1. Students will pose questions or identify problems.

6.2. Students will find and use a variety of technologies and information sources.

6.3. Students will identify several explanations or solutions, and draw conclusions based on their analysis of the information.

6.4. Students will share information in appropriate ways for intended audiences.

MT.R.GLE. Communication Arts: Reading Grade Level Expectations

R.GLE.1. Makes predictions and describes connections between new materials and previous information/experience.

R.GLE.2. Summarizes the main idea and details from materials read.

R.GLE.3. Decodes unknown words in grade-level text and applies a variety of strategies when reading literature and content area material.

R.GLE.4. Identifies and compares literary elements and devices in works of literature at grade-level.

R.GLE.5. Uses a substantial reading vocabulary appropriate to grade-level.

R.GLE.6. Applies, articulates, and self-monitors decoding and comprehension strategies and evaluates reading progress - not measurable on statewide assessment.

R.GLE.7. Sets and meets appropriate reading goals - not measurable on statewide assessment.

R.GLE.8. Selects and uses appropriate reading material to meet a variety of purposes at grade-level.

R.GLE.9. Recognizes an author's point of view and purpose and can distinguish fact from opinion.

R.GLE.10. Identifies cultural perspectives of diverse populations including American Indians in various materials.

R.GLE.11. Compares and integrates information from a variety of sources.

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