Mississippi State Standards for Mathematics: Grade 1

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

MS.1. Number and Operations: Understand and represent relationships among numbers and compute operations (addition and subtraction) with and without manipulatives.

1.a. Recognize and write numbers 0 to 100. (DOK 1)

1.b. Compose and decompose two-digit numbers with representations in words and physical models. (DOK 2)

1.c. Explain how to compare and order two-digit numbers using the terms 'more,' 'less,' 'greater than,' 'less than,' 'equal to,' and 'almost,' and the symbols >, <, and =. (DOK 1)

1.d. Use multiple representations for addition (combining of sets) and subtraction (take-away, missing addend, comparison) to solve problems. (DOK 1)

1.e. Find the sums of 3 single-digit addends (for example: 3 + 6 + 2 =11). (DOK 1)

1.f. Justify addition and subtraction of two-digit whole numbers without regrouping. (DOK 2)

1.g. Find equal money amounts with different coin combinations up to $0.25. (DOK 1)

1.h. Identify the value of coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter). (DOK 1)

1.i. Determine the value of like coins up to $1.00. (DOK 1)

1.j. Find the value of mixed coins up to $1.00. (DOK 1)

MS.2. Algebra: Recognize, extend, and create patterns.

2.a. Use a pattern rule to translate and recognize patterns from one pattern representation to another. (DOK 2)

2.b. Formulate, explain, and generalize patterns within and across addition and subtraction. (DOK 2)

2.c. Model situations and solve equations that require addition and subtraction of whole numbers; use objects, pictures, and symbols. (DOK 2)

2.d. Count by different units when given a group of objects using 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's. (DOK 1)

MS.3. Geometry: Identify and classify properties of two- and three-dimensional shapes.

3.a. Identify and classify two-dimensional figures (triangle, square, rectangle, circle, trapezoid, hexagon, and rhombus). (DOK 1)

3.b. Identify and classify three-dimensional figures (cube, rectangular prism, and sphere) according to their characteristics. (DOK 1)

3.c. Explain the part-whole relationships resulting from the composition or decomposition of plane and solid figures. (DOK 2)

MS.4. Measurement: Identify and apply measurable attributes.

4.a. Use nonstandard units (paper clips, unifix cubes, etc.) and standard units (inches, centimeters) to measure length. (DOK 1)

4.b. Compare weight of objects using a balance scale with and without nonstandard units. (DOK 1)

4.c. Compare and estimate capacity of various containers in nonstandard units. (DOK 2)

4.d. Tell time to the hour and half-hour intervals using both digital and analog clocks. (DOK 1)

MS.5. Data Analysis and Probability: Collect, organize, and interpret data in graphical form.

5.a. Gather data, construct, and interpret simple bar graphs and pictographs. (DOK 2)

5.b. Analyze and interpret data by using mathematical language such as more than, less than, etc. (DOK 1)

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