Georgia State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 6

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

GA.ELA6R. Reading and Literature

ELA6R1. The student demonstrates comprehension and shows evidence of a warranted and responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational texts.

ELA6R1.1. For literary texts, the student identifies the characteristics of various genres and produces evidence of reading that:

ELA6R1.1.a. Identifies and analyzes sensory details and figurative language.

ELA6R1.1.b. Identifies and analyzes the author's use of dialogue and description.

ELA6R1.1.c. Relates a literary work to historical events of the period.

ELA6R1.1.d. Applies knowledge of the concept that theme refers the message about life and the world that the author wants us to understand whether implied or stated.

ELA6R1.1.e. Identifies and analyzes the elements of setting, characterization, plot, and the resolution of the conflict of a story or play: i. internal/external conflicts; ii. character conflicts, characters vs. nature, characters vs. society; iii. antagonist/protagonist.

ELA6R1.1.f. Identifies the speaker and recognizes the difference between first- and third person narration.

ELA6R1.1.g. Defines and explains how tone is conveyed in literature through word choice, sentence structure, punctuation, rhythm, repetition, and rhyme.

ELA6R1.1.h. Responds to and explains the effects of sound, figurative language, and graphics in order to uncover meaning in literature: i. Sound (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme); ii. Figurative language (e.g., simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification); iii. Graphics (e.g., capital letters, line length, bold face print, italics).

ELA6R1.1.i. Compares traditional literature and mythology from different cultures.

ELA6R1.1.j. Identifies and analyzes similarities and differences in mythologies from different cultures.

ELA6R1.2. For informational texts, the student reads and comprehends in order to develop understanding and expertise and produces evidence of reading that:

ELA6R1.2.a. Applies knowledge of common textual features (e.g., paragraphs, topic sentences, concluding sentences, glossary, index).

ELA6R1.2.b. Applies knowledge of common graphic features (e.g., graphic organizers, diagrams, captions, illustrations, charts, tables, graphs).

ELA6R1.2.c. Applies knowledge of common organizational structures and patterns (e.g., transitions, logical order, cause and effect, classification schemes).

ELA6R1.2.d. Identifies and analyzes main ideas, supporting ideas, and supporting details.

ELA6R1.2.e. Follows multi-step instructions to complete or create a simple product.

ELA6R2. The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and writing. The student

ELA6R2.a. Determines the meaning of unfamiliar words by using word, sentence, and paragraph clues.

ELA6R2.b. Uses knowledge of Greek and Latin affixes to understand unfamiliar vocabulary.

ELA6R2.c. Identifies and interprets words with multiple meanings.

ELA6R2.d. Uses reference skills to determine pronunciations, meanings, alternate word choices, and parts of speech of words.

ELA6R3. The student reads aloud, accurately (in the range of 95%), familiar material in a variety of genres, in a way that makes meaning clear to listeners. The student

ELA6R3.a. Uses letter-sound knowledge to decode written English and uses a range of cueing systems (e.g., phonics and context clues) to determine pronunciation and meaning.

ELA6R3.b. Uses self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier miscue (self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies).

ELA6R3.c. Reads with a rhythm, flow, and meter that sounds like everyday speech (prosody).

GA.ELA6RC. Reading Across the Curriculum

ELA6RC1. The student reads a minimum of 25 grade-level appropriate books or book equivalents (approximately 1,000,000 words) per year from a variety of subject disciplines. The student reads both informational and fictional texts in a variety of genres and modes of discourse, including technical texts related to various subject areas.

ELA6RC2. The student participates in discussions related to curricular learning in all subject areas. The student

ELA6RC2.a. Identifies messages and themes from books in all subject areas.

ELA6RC2.b. Responds to a variety of texts in multiple modes of discourse.

ELA6RC2.c. Relates messages and themes from one subject area to those in another area.

ELA6RC2.d. Evaluates the merits of texts in every subject discipline.

ELA6RC2.e. Examines the author's purpose in writing.

ELA6RC2.f. Recognizes and uses the features of disciplinary texts (e.g., charts, graphs, photos, maps, highlighted vocabulary).

ELA6RC3. The student acquires new vocabulary in each content area and uses it correctly. The student

ELA6RC3.a. Demonstrates an understanding of contextual vocabulary in various subjects.

ELA6RC3.b. Uses content vocabulary in writing and speaking.

ELA6RC3.c. Explores understanding of new words found in subject area texts.

ELA6RC4. The student establishes a context for information acquired by reading across subject areas. The student

ELA6RC4.a. Explores life experiences related to subject area content.

ELA6RC4.b. Discusses in both writing and speaking how certain words and concepts relate to multiple subjects.

ELA6RC4.c. Determines strategies for finding content and contextual meaning for unfamiliar words or concepts.

GA.ELA6W. Writing

ELA6W1. The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and provides a satisfying closure. The student

ELA6W1.a. Selects a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based on purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements.

ELA6W1.b. Writes texts of a length appropriate to address the topic or tell the story.

ELA6W1.c. Uses traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, and posing and answering a question).

ELA6W1.d. Uses appropriate structures to ensure coherence (e.g., transition elements).

ELA6W2. The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres.

ELA6W2.1. The student produces a narrative (fictional, personal) that:

ELA6W2.1.a. Engages readers by establishing and developing a plot, setting, and point of view that are appropriate to the story (e.g., varied beginnings, standard plot line, cohesive devices).

ELA6W2.1.b. Creates an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.

ELA6W2.1.c. Includes sensory details and concrete language to develop plot, setting, and character (e.g., vivid verbs, descriptive adjectives, and varied sentence structures).

ELA6W2.1.d. Uses a range of strategies (e.g., suspense, figurative language, dialogue, expanded vocabulary, movement, gestures, expressions).

ELA6W2.1.e. Excludes extraneous details and inconsistencies.

ELA6W2.1.f. Provides a sense of closure appropriate to the writing.

ELA6W2.2. The student produces writing (multi-paragraph expository composition such as description, explanation, comparison and contrast, or problem and solution) that:

ELA6W2.2.a. Engages the reader by establishing a context, creating a speaker's voice, and otherwise developing reader interest.

ELA6W2.2.b. Establishes a statement as the main idea or topic sentence.

ELA6W2.2.c. Develops a controlling idea that conveys a perspective on the subject.

ELA6W2.2.d. Creates an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.

ELA6W2.2.e. Develops the topic with supporting details.

ELA6W2.2.f. Excludes extraneous and inappropriate information.

ELA6W2.2.g. Follows an organizational pattern appropriate to the type of composition.

ELA6W2.2.h. Concludes with a detailed summary linked to the purpose of the composition.

ELA6W2.3. The student produces technical writing (friendly letters, thank-you notes, formula poems, instructions) that:

ELA6W2.3.a. Creates or follows an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.

ELA6W2.3.b. Excludes extraneous and inappropriate information.

ELA6W2.3.c. Follows an organizational pattern appropriate to the type of composition.

ELA6W2.3.d. Applies rules of Standard English.

ELA6W2.4. The student produces a response to literature that:

ELA6W2.4.a. Engages the reader by establishing a context, creating a speaker's voice, and otherwise developing reader interest.

ELA6W2.4.b. Demonstrates an understanding of the literary work.

ELA6W2.4.c. Advances a judgment that is interpretive, analytic, evaluative, or reflective.

ELA6W2.4.d. Organizes an interpretation around several clear ideas, premises, or images.

ELA6W2.4.e. Supports a judgment through references to the text.

ELA6W2.4.f. Provides a sense of closure to the writing.

ELA6W2.5. The student produces a multi-paragraph persuasive essay that:

ELA6W2.5.a. Engages the reader by establishing a context, creating a speaker's voice, and otherwise developing reader interest.

ELA6W2.5.b. States a clear position of a proposition or proposal.

ELA6W2.5.c. Supports the position with organized and relevant evidence.

ELA6W2.5.d. Excludes information and arguments that are irrelevant.

ELA6W2.5.e. Creates an organizing structure appropriate to a specific purpose, audience, and context.

ELA6W2.5.f. Anticipates and addresses readers' concerns and counter-arguments.

ELA6W2.5.g. Provides a sense of closure to the writing.

ELA6W3. The student uses research and technology to support writing. The student

ELA6W3.a. Uses organizational features of electronic text (e.g., bulletin boards, databases, keyword searches, e-mail addresses) to locate relevant information.

ELA6W3.b. Includes researched information in different types of products (e.g., compositions, multimedia presentations, graphic organizers, projects, etc.).

ELA6W3.c. Cites references.

ELA6W4. The student consistently uses the writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student

ELA6W4.a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully.

ELA6W4.b. Revises manuscripts to improve the organization and consistency of ideas within and between paragraphs.

ELA6W4.c. Edits to correct errors in spelling, punctuation, etc.

GA.ELA6C. Conventions

ELA6C1. The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves the appropriate application of conventions and grammar in both written and spoken formats. The student

ELA6C1.a. Identifies and uses the eight basic parts of speech and demonstrates that words can be different parts of speech within a sentence.

ELA6C1.a.i. Identifies and uses nouns - abstract, common, collective, plural, and possessive

ELA6C1.a.ii. Identifies and uses pronouns - personal, possessive, interrogative, demonstrative, reflexive, and indefinite

ELA6C1.a.iii. Identifies and uses adjectives - common, proper, and demonstrative

ELA6C1.a.iv. Identifies and uses verbs - action (transitive/intransitive), linking, and state-of-being

ELA6C1.a.v. Identifies and uses verb phrases - main verbs and helping verbs Identifies and uses adverbs

ELA6C1.a.vii. Identifies and uses prepositional phrases (preposition, object of the preposition, and any of its modifiers)

ELA6C1.a.viii. Identifies and uses conjunctions - coordinating, correlative, and common subordinating

ELA6C1.a.ix. Identifies and uses interjections.

ELA6C1.b. Recognizes basic parts of a sentence (subject, verb, direct object, indirect object, predicate noun, predicate adjective).

ELA6C1.c. Identifies and writes simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences, avoiding fragments and run-ons.

ELA6C1.d. Demonstrates appropriate comma and semicolon usage (compound and complex sentences, appositives, words in direct address).

ELA6C1.e. Uses common spelling rules, applies common spelling patterns, and develops and masters words that are commonly misspelled.

ELA6C1.f. Produces final drafts that demonstrate accurate spelling and the correct use of punctuation and capitalization.

GA.ELA6LSV. Listening, Speaking, and Viewing

ELA6LSV1. The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group verbal interactions. The student

ELA6LSV1.a. Initiates new topics in addition to responding to adult-initiated topics.

ELA6LSV1.b. Asks relevant questions.

ELA6LSV1.c. Responds to questions with appropriate information.

ELA6LSV1.d. Confirms understanding by paraphrasing the adult's directions or suggestions.

ELA6LSV1.e. Displays appropriate turn-taking behaviors.

ELA6LSV1.f. Actively solicits another person's comments or opinions.

ELA6LSV1.g. Offers own opinion forcefully without being domineering.

ELA6LSV1.h. Responds appropriately to comments and questions.

ELA6LSV1.i. Volunteers contributions and responds when directly solicited by teacher or discussion leader.

ELA6LSV1.j. Gives reasons in support of opinions expressed.

ELA6LSV1.k. Clarifies, illustrates, or expands on a response when asked to do so.

ELA6LSV1.l. Employs a group decision-making technique such as brainstorming or a problem-solving sequence (e.g., recognizes problem, defines problem, identifies possible solutions, selects optimal solution, implements solution, evaluates solution).

ELA6LSV1.m. Writes a response to/reflection of interactions with others.

ELA6LSV2. The student listens to and views various forms of text and media in order to gather and share information, persuade others, and express and understand ideas. The student will select and critically analyze messages using rubrics as assessment tools.

ELA6LSV2.1. When responding to visual and oral texts and media (e.g., television, radio, film productions, and electronic media), the student:

ELA6LSV2.1.a. Identifies persuasive and propaganda techniques used in media and identifies false and misleading information.

ELA6LSV2.1.b. Identifies the tone, mood, and emotion conveyed in the oral communication.

ELA6LSV2.2. When delivering or responding to presentations, the student:

ELA6LSV2.2.a. Gives oral presentations or dramatic interpretations for various purposes.

ELA6LSV2.2.b. Shows appropriate changes in delivery (e.g., gestures, vocabulary, pace, visuals).

ELA6LSV2.2.c. Uses language for dramatic effect.

ELA6LSV2.2.d. Uses rubrics as assessment tools.

ELA6LSV2.2.e. Uses electronic media for presentations.

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