Georgia State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 1

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

GA.ELA1R. Reading

ELA1R1. Concepts of Print: The student demonstrates knowledge of concepts of print. The student

ELA1R1.a. Understands that there are correct spellings for words.

ELA1R1.b. Identifies the beginning and end of a paragraph.

ELA1R1.c. Demonstrates an understanding that punctuation and capitalization are used in all written sentences.

ELA1R2. Phonological Awareness: The student demonstrates the ability to identify and orally manipulate words and individual sounds within those spoken words. The student

ELA1R2.a. Isolates beginning, middle, and ending sounds in single-syllable words.

ELA1R2.b. Identifies onsets and rimes in spoken one-syllable words.

ELA1R2.c. Adds, deletes, or substitutes target sounds to change words (e.g., change top to stop; change smile to mile; change cat to cap).

ELA1R2.d. Distinguishes between long and short vowel sounds in spoken, one-syllable words (can and cane).

ELA1R2.e. Orally blends two to four phonemes into recognizable and/or nonsense words.

ELA1R2.f. Automatically segments one-syllable words into sounds.

ELA1R3. Phonics: The student demonstrates the relationship between letters and letter combinations of written words and the sounds of spoken words. The student

ELA1R3.a. Automatically generates the sounds for all letters and letter patterns, including long and short vowels.

ELA1R3.b. Applies knowledge of letter-sound correspondence to decode new words.

ELA1R3.c. Reads words containing consonant blends and digraphs.

ELA1R3.d. Reads words with inflectional endings.

ELA1R3.e. Reads compound words and contractions in grade appropriate texts.

ELA1R3.f. Reads words containing vowel digraphs and r-controlled vowels.

ELA1R3.g. Uses spelling patterns to recognize words.

ELA1R3.h. Applies learned phonics skills when reading and writing words, sentences, and stories.

ELA1R4. Fluency: The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and expression. The student

ELA1R4.a. Applies letter-sound knowledge to decode quickly and accurately.

ELA1R4.b. Automatically recognizes additional high frequency and familiar words within texts.

ELA1R4.c. Reads grade-level text with appropriate expression.

ELA1R4.d. Reads first-grade text at a target rate of 60 words correct per minute.

ELA1R4.e. Uses self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading within grade-level text.

ELA1R5. Vocabulary: The student acquires and uses grade-level words to communicate effectively. The student

ELA1R5.a. Reads and listens to a variety of texts and uses new words in oral and written language.

ELA1R5.b. Recognizes grade-level words with multiple meanings.

ELA1R5.c. Identifies words that are opposites (antonyms) or have similar meanings (synonyms).

ELA1R6. Comprehension: The student uses a variety of strategies to understand and gain meaning from grade-level text. The student

ELA1R6.a. Reads and listens to a variety of texts for information and pleasure.

ELA1R6.b. Makes predictions using prior knowledge.

ELA1R6.c. Asks and answers questions about essential narrative elements (e.g., beginning-middle-end, setting, characters, problems, events, resolution) of a read-aloud or independently read text.

ELA1R6.d. Retells stories read independently or with a partner.

ELA1R6.e. Distinguishes fact from fiction in a text.

ELA1R6.f. Makes connections between texts and/or personal experiences.

ELA1R6.g. Identifies the main idea and supporting details of informational text read or heard.

ELA1R6.h. Self-monitors comprehension and rereads when necessary.

ELA1R6.i. Recognizes cause-and-effect relationships in text.

ELA1R6.j. Identifies word parts to determine meanings.

ELA1R6.k. Begins to use dictionary and glossary skills to determine word meanings.

ELA1R6.l. Recognizes plot, setting, and character within texts, and compares and contrasts these elements among texts.

ELA1R6.m. Recognizes and uses graphic features and graphic organizers to understand text.

GA.ELA1W. Writing

ELA1W1. The student begins to demonstrate competency in the writing process. The student

ELA1W1.a. Writes texts of a length appropriate to address a topic and tell a story.

ELA1W1.b. Describes an experience in writing.

ELA1W1.c. Rereads writing to self and others, revises to add details, and edits to make corrections.

ELA1W1.d. Prints with appropriate spacing between words and sentences.

ELA1W1.e. Writes in complete sentences with correct subject-verb agreement.

ELA1W1.f. Uses nouns (singular and plural) correctly.

ELA1W1.g. Begins to use personal pronouns (e.g., I, me, we, us) in place of nouns.

ELA1W1.h. Uses singular possessive pronouns.

ELA1W1.i. Begins to write different types of sentences (e.g., simple/compound and declarative/interrogative).

ELA1W1.j. Begins to use common rules of spelling.

ELA1W1.k. Begins to use a variety of resources (picture dictionaries, the Internet, books) and strategies to gather information to write about a topic.

ELA1W1.l. Uses appropriate end punctuation (period and question mark) and correct capitalization of initial words and common proper nouns (e.g., personal names, months).

ELA1W1.m. Uses commas in a series of items.

ELA1W2. The student writes in a variety of genres, including narrative, informational, persuasive and response to literature. The student will write a narrative that:

ELA1W2.a. Begins to capture a reader's interest by writing a personal story.

ELA1W2.b. Begins to maintain a focus.

ELA1W2.c. Adds details to expand a story.

ELA1W2.d. Begins to use organizational structures (beginning, middle, end, and sequence of events) and strategies (transition words and time cue words).

ELA1W2.e. Begins to develop characters and setting through dialogue and descriptive adjectives.

ELA1W2.f. Begins to develop a sense of closure.

ELA1W2.g. May include oral or written pre-writing (graphic organizer).

ELA1W2.h. May include a draft that is revised and edited.

ELA1W2.i. May be published.

ELA1W3. The student produces informational writing that:

ELA1W3.a. Begins to capture a reader's interest.

ELA1W3.b. Stays on one topic and begins to maintain a focus.

ELA1W3.c. Adds details to expand a topic.

ELA1W3.d. Begins to use organizational structures (steps, chronological order) and strategies (description).

ELA1W3.e. Begins to use graphic features (charts, pictures, headings).

ELA1W3.f. Begins to use a variety of resources (picture dictionaries, Internet, books) and strategies to gather information to write about a topic.

ELA1W3.g. Begins to develop a sense of closure.

ELA1W3.h. May include oral or written prewriting (graphic organizers).

ELA1W3.i. May include a draft that is revised and edited.

ELA1W3.j. May be published.

ELA1W4. The student produces a persuasive piece that:

ELA1W4.a. Captures a reader's interest by stating a position/opinion.

ELA1W4.b. Begins to maintain a focus.

ELA1W4.c. Adds details to support an opinion.

ELA1W4.d. Begins to use formats appropriate to the genre (letter, list of reasons, poster).

ELA1W4.e. May have a sense of closure.

ELA1W4.f. May include oral or written prewriting (graphic organizer).

ELA1W4.g. May include a draft that is revised and edited.

ELA1W4.h. May be published.

ELA1W5. The student produces a response to literature that:

ELA1W5.a. Captures a reader's interest by stating a position/opinion about a text.

ELA1W5.b. Begins to demonstrate an understanding of the text through oral retelling, pictures, or in writing.

ELA1W5.c. Makes connections: text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world.

ELA1W5.d. Begins to use organizational structures (beginning, middle, and end with details from the text).

ELA1W5.e. May have a sense of closure.

ELA1W5.f. May include oral or written prewriting (graphic organizers).

ELA1W5.g. May include a draft that is revised and edited.

ELA1W5.h. May be published.

GA.ELA1LSV. Listening, Speaking, and Viewing

ELA1LSV1. The student uses oral and visual strategies to communicate. The student

ELA1LSV1.a. Follows three-part oral directions.

ELA1LSV1.b. Recalls information presented orally.

ELA1LSV1.c. Responds appropriately to orally presented questions.

ELA1LSV1.d. Increases vocabulary to reflect a growing range of interests and knowledge.

ELA1LSV1.e. Communicates effectively when relating experiences and retelling stories read, heard, or viewed.

ELA1LSV1.f. Uses complete sentences when speaking.

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