Florida State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 2

FL.LA.2.1.4. Reading Process - Phonics/Word Analysis: The student demonstrates knowledge of the alphabetic principle and applies grade level phonics skills to read text.

LA. The student will use knowledge of spelling patterns (e.g., vowel diphthongs, difficult word families);

LA. The student will apply knowledge of spelling patterns to identify syllables;

LA. The student will decode phonetically regular one-syllable and multi-syllable words in isolation and in context;

LA. The student will identify irregularly spelled words (e.g., laugh) and words with special vowel spellings (e.g., bread);

LA. The student will recognize high frequency words;

LA. The student will recognize common abbreviations;

LA. The student will recognize and correctly use regular and irregular plurals; and

LA. The student will use self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading.

FL.LA.2.1.5. Reading Process - Fluency: The student demonstrates the ability to read grade level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression.

LA. The student will apply letter-sound knowledge to decode phonetically regular words quickly and accurately in isolation and in context;

LA. The student will identify high frequency phonetically irregular words in context; and

LA. The student will adjust reading rate based on purpose, text difficulty, form, and style.

FL.LA.2.1.6. Reading Process - Vocabulary Development: The student uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary.

LA. The student will use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly;

LA. The student will listen to, read, and discuss familiar and conceptually challenging text;

LA. The student will use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar words;

LA. The student will categorize key vocabulary and identify salient features;

LA. The student will relate new vocabulary to familiar words;

LA. The student will identify base (root) words and common prefixes to determine the meanings of prefixed words;

LA. The student will identify antonyms, synonyms, and homophones;

LA. The student will determine the correct meaning of words with multiple meanings (e.g., mine) in context; and

LA. The student will determine meanings of unfamiliar words by using a dictionary and digital tools.

FL.LA.2.1.7. Reading Process - Reading Comprehension: The student uses a variety of strategies to comprehend grade level text.

LA. The student will identify a texts features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations), use them to make and confirm predictions, and establish a purpose for reading;

LA. The student will determines the authors purpose in text and asks clarifying questions (e.g., why, how) if meaning is unclear;

LA. The student will summarize information in text, including but not limited to main idea, supporting details, and connections between texts;

LA. The student will identify cause-and-effect relationships in text;

LA. The student will identify the text structure an author uses (e.g., comparison/contrast, cause/effect, and sequence of events) and explain how it impacts meaning in text;

LA. The student will identify themes or topics across a variety of fiction and nonfiction selections;

LA. The student will compare and contrast characters and settings in one text; and

LA. The student will use strategies to repair comprehension of grade-appropriate text when self-monitoring indicates confusion, including but not limited to rereading, checking context clues, predicting, summarizing, questioning, and clarifying by checking ot

FL.LA.2.2.1. Literary Analysis - Fiction: The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection.

LA. The student will identify the basic characteristics of a variety of literary forms (e.g., fables, stories, fiction, poetry, folktales, legends) and how they are alike and different;

LA. The student will identify and describe the elements of story structure, including setting, plot, character, problem, and resolution in a variety of fiction;

LA. The student will identify ways an author makes language choices in poetry that appeal to the senses, create imagery, and suggest mood;

LA. The student will identify an authors theme, and use details from the text to explain how the author developed that theme;

LA. The student will respond to various literary selections (e.g., biographies, poetry, fables, folk tales, legends), connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts);

LA. The student will write a book report identifying character(s), setting, and sequence of events;

LA. The student will identify and explain an authors use of descriptive and figurative language (e.g., personification, similes, metaphors, symbolism), and examine how it is used to describe people, feelings, and objects; and

LA. The student will select a balance of age and ability appropriate fiction materials to read (e.g., chapter books, fairy tales, mythology, poetry), based on interest and teacher recommendations, to continue building a core foundation of knowledge.

FL.LA.2.2.2. Literary Analysis - Non-Fiction: The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of non-fiction, informational, and expository texts to demonstrate an understanding of the information presented.

LA. The student will recognize and understand the purpose of text features (e.g., simple table of contents, glossary, charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations);

LA. The student will use explicitly stated information to answer a question;

LA. The student will distinguish among a variety of text (e.g., reference, practical/functional); and

LA. The student will select a balance of age and ability appropriate nonfiction materials to read (e.g., biographies and topical areas, such as animals, science, history), based on interest and teacher recommendations, to continue building a core foundation o

FL.LA.2.3.1. Writing Process - Pre-Writing: The student will use prewriting strategies to generate ideas and formulate a plan.

LA. The student will prewrite by generating ideas from multiple sources (e.g., text, brainstorming, webbing, drawing, writers notebook, group discussion, other activities);

LA. The student will prewrite by determines the purpose (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to communicate) and the intended audience of a writing piece; and

LA. The student will prewrite by making a plan for writing that includes the main idea, the purpose (e.g., to entertain, to inform, to communicate).

FL.LA.2.3.2. Writing Process - Drafting: The student will write a draft appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose.

LA. The student will draft writing by maintaining focus on a single idea and developing supporting details; and

LA. The student will draft writing by organizing details into a logical sequence that has a clear beginning, middle and end and an awareness of audience.

FL.LA.2.3.3. Writing Process - Revising: The student will revise and refine the draft for clarity and effectiveness.

LA. The student will revise by evaluating the draft for logical thinking and consistent point of view (first or third person) appropriate for the purpose and audience;

LA. The student will revise by creating clarity by combining related simple sentences and sequencing new ideas into paragraphs;

LA. The student will revise by creating interest by incorporating descriptive words and supporting details, such as sensory language; and

LA. The student will revise by evaluating the composition, with the assistance of teacher, peer, checklist, or rubric.

FL.LA.2.3.4. Writing Process - Editing for Language Conventions: The student will edit and correct the draft for standard language conventions.

LA. The student will edit for correct use of conventional spelling for high frequency words and common spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, simple CVC words, regular plurals, simple suffixes and simple prefixes) to determine how to spel

LA. The student will edit for correct use of capitalization, including initial word in a sentence, the pronoun I, and proper names;

LA. The student will edit for correct use of commas in dates, items in a series, greetings and closings of letters, and compound sentences, colons to punctuate time, and apostrophes to correctly punctuate contractions;

LA. The student will edit for correct use of nouns, verbs, personal pronouns, adjectives and adverbs, singular possessive pronouns (e.g., my/mine, his/her, hers);

LA. The student will edit for the correct use of subject/verb and noun/pronoun agreement in simple and compound sentences;

LA. The student will edit for the correct use of end punctuation for compound sentences, statements, questions, and exclamations.

FL.LA.2.3.5. Writing Process - Publishing: The student will write a final product for the intended audience.

LA. The student will produce, illustrate, and share a variety of compositions.

FL.LA.2.4.1. Writing Applications - Creative: The student develops and demonstrates creative writing.

LA. The student will write narratives based on real or imagined events that include a main idea, characters, a sequence of events and descriptive details; and

LA. The student will compose simple stories, poems, riddles, rhymes, or song lyrics.

FL.LA.2.4.2. Writing Applications - Informative: The student develops and demonstrates technical writing that provides information related to real-world tasks.

LA. The student will write in a variety of informational/expository forms (e.g., rules, summaries, procedures, recipes, notes/messages, labels, instructions, graphs/tables);

LA. The student will record information (e.g., observations, notes, lists, charts, map labels, legends) related to a topic;

LA. The student will write informational/expository paragraphs that contain a topic sentence, supporting details, and relevant information;

LA. The student will write communications, including friendly letters and thank-you notes; and

LA. The student will write simple directions to familiar locations using ''left and right,'' and create a map that matches the directions.

FL.LA.2.4.3. Writing Applications - Persuasive: The student develops and demonstrates persuasive writing that is used for the purpose of influencing the reader.

LA. The student will draw a picture and use simple text to explain why this item (food, pet, person) is important to them.

FL.LA.2.5.1. Communication - Penmanship: The student engages in the writing process and writes to communicate ideas and experiences.

LA. The student will demonstrate legible printing skills.

FL.LA.2.5.2. Communication - Listening and Speaking: The student effectively applies listening and speaking strategies.

LA. The student will interpret information presented and seek clarification when needed;

LA. The student will begin to use language appropriate for different occasions, audiences, and topics;

LA. The student will use increasingly complex language patterns and sentence structure when communicating; and

LA. The student will listen politely to oral presentations by classmates.

FL.LA.2.6.1. Information and Media Literacy - Informational Text: The student comprehends the wide array of informational text that is part of our day to day experiences.

LA. The student will read informational text (e.g., directions, graphs, charts, signs, captions) to follow multi-step instructions, answer literal questions, perform tasks, learn tasks, and sequentially carry out the steps of a procedure.

FL.LA.2.6.2. Information and Media Literacy - Research Process: The student uses a systematic process for the collection, processing, and presentation of information.

LA. The student will generate research questions by brainstorming, identify key words, group related ideas, and select appropriate resources (e.g., atlases, nonfiction books, dictionaries, digital references);

LA. The student will select and use a variety of appropriate reference materials to gather information and locate information using alphabetical order;

LA. The student will analyze and select appropriate facts and communicate information in a simple report that includes, a title, a main, and supporting details; and

LA. The student will record the authors and titles of works.

FL.LA.2.6.3. Information and Media Literacy - Media Literacy: The student develops and demonstrates an understanding of media literacy as a life skill that is integral to informed decision making.

LA. The student will recognize that nonprint media affect thoughts and feelings (e.g., graphics, music, digital video); and

LA. The student will identify types of mass communication (e.g., film, newspapers, radio, digital technology).

FL.LA.2.6.4. Information and Media Literacy - Technology: The student develops the essential technology skills for using and understanding conventional and current tools, materials and processes.

LA. The student will use appropriate available technologies to enhance communication and achieve a purpose (e.g., video, presentations); and

LA. The student will use digital resources (e.g., writing tools, digital cameras, drawing tools) to present and publish thoughts, ideas, and stories.

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