Delaware State Standards for Language Arts: Grade 3

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

DE.1. Written and Oral Communication: Use written and oral English appropriate for various purposes and audiences. Students will be able to:

1.1. Written Communication: Writers will produce texts that exhibit the following text features, all of which are consistent with the genre and purpose of the writing: development, organization, style, and word choice (1.1). Written Communication: Writers will produce texts that exhibit the following language conventions at all grade levels: sentence formation, conventions (1.2). Written Communication: Writers will produce examples that illustrate the following discourse classifications: by the completion of the grade, writers will be able to write persuasive, informative, and expressive pieces (1.3).

1.1.1. Purpose: Students understand that persuasive writing is audience-centered: the purpose is to influence/convince the audience/reader by presenting and supporting a position on a particular issue/perspective.

1.1.2. Purpose: Students understand that informative writing is subject-centered: the purpose is to help the reader understand the subject or topic by describing the subject and explaining the details related to the subject so that the reader has a clear and complete understanding of the message.

1.1.3. Purpose: Students understand that expressive writing is author-centered: the purpose is to entertain the audience/reader by narrating a personal experience with an established sequence of events OR help the reader know about the writer by expressing the writer's feelings about events and their significance

1.1.4. Audience: Students understand that writing has an intended audience. In order to begin to meet the needs of that audience, students Write in a manner that makes sense to the reader Write to audiences that are familiar (e.g., self, classmate, parent, sibling, teacher, student in another school/grade, principal, community member)

1.1.5. Form: Students self-select appropriate forms and/or respond to assignments for a variety of occasions. Appropriate forms include, but are not limited to the following: Persuasive, Informative, and Expressive Development (Persuasive Writing): Agree or disagree with an issue Development (Persuasive Writing): Support the ideas with reasons that include relevant facts and examples Development (Persuasive Writing): Avoid unsupported reasons (e.g., 'it's not fair,' begging) most of the time Development (Persuasive Writing): Use teacher-selected primary and secondary sources when appropriate Development (Persuasive Writing): Text-based writing: combine information from text with prior knowledge to elaborate upon ideas in writing (text-to-self and text-to-text connections) Development (Informative Writing): Select an interesting, yet manageable, subject for writing or one that meets the requirements of the assignment Development (Informative Writing): Create a title that reflects the subject, when appropriate Development (Informative Writing): Provide relevant information (e.g., personal experiences, facts, examples) to elaborate or clarify the subject Development (Informative Writing): Use teacher-selected primary and secondary sources when appropriate Development (Informative Writing): Text-based writing: combine information from text with prior knowledge to elaborate upon ideas in writing (text- to-self and text-to-text connections) that reveal to the reader the writer's depth of understanding of the topic Development (Expressive Writing): Select an interesting idea for writing Development (Expressive Writing): Create a title, when appropriate Development (Expressive Writing): Use sensory imagery to describe feelings, events, and/or characters when appropriate Development (Expressive Writing): Use dialogue, description and narration to elaborate details, when appropriate Development (Expressive Writing): Text-based writing: combine information from text with prior knowledge to elaborate upon ideas in writing (text-to-self and text-to-text connections) that reveal to the reader the writer's depth of understanding of the topic Organization (Persuasive Writing): Organize writing with a beginning, middle, and end Organization (Persuasive Writing): Engage reader with an introduction that takes a clear position on an issue Organization (Persuasive Writing): Use transition words that show order or show simple relationships (e.g., but, however) Organization (Persuasive Writing): Use paragraphs to transition between ideas when appropriate Organization (Persuasive Writing): Develop a closing beyond 'the end' Organization (Informative Writing): Organize writing with a beginning, middle and end Organization (Informative Writing): Engage reader with an introduction/hook that presents the topic Organization (Informative Writing): Use transition words that show order or show simple relationships (e.g., but, however) Organization (Informative Writing): Use paragraphs to transition between ideas when appropriate Organization (Informative Writing): Develop a closing beyond 'the end' Organization (Expressive Writing): Organize writing with a beginning, middle, and end Organization (Expressive Writing): Engage the reader with an introduction that hooks the reader Organization (Expressive Writing): Use transition words that show order or show simple relationships (e.g., but, however) Organization (Expressive Writing): Use paragraphs to transition between ideas when appropriate Organization (Expressive Writing): Develop a closing beyond 'the end'

1.1.6. Sentence Structure (& Style/Voice): Write sentences with the audience's needs and writer's purpose, style, and voice in mind most of the time: Use complete sentences to express thoughts Vary sentence length Use capital letters and end marks to indicate intended beginning and end of simple sentences Vary sentence types (simple, compound) most of the time Vary kinds of sentences (declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative) most of the time Vary sentence beginnings most of the time

1.1.7. Word Choice (Style/Voice): Use more specific, concrete nouns ('name' versus 'girl'; 'cereal' versus 'food')

1.1.8. Word Choice (Style/Voice): Use some adjectives

1.1.9. Word Choice (Style/Voice): Use adverbs most of the time

1.1.10. Word Choice (Style/Voice): Use appropriate verbs

1.1.11. Word Choice (Style/Voice): Demonstrate appropriate and consistent style and voice

1.1.12. Conventions (Style/Voice): Use Standard Written English (SWE) as appropriate for the audience: Uses capital letters to indicate beginning of sentences, proper nouns, the pronoun 'I', and abbreviations Use periods, question marks, and exclamation marks Use appropriate pronouns Use commas in letter headings/greetings/closings, in addresses, in compound sentences, and items in a series Use standard spellings of common 3rd grade words (including grade-appropriate homographs and homonyms) and word wall words Use paragraphs to transition between ideas when appropriate

1.4. Oral Communication: Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas effectively to different audiences for a variety of purposes.

1.4.1. Select and use language appropriate to audience and purpose (e.g., inform, persuade, entertain)

1.4.2. Share stories or information orally with an audience

1.4.3. Retell information shared by others

1.4.4. Listen, recite and respond to familiar stories, poems, nursery rhymes, songs and stories with repeated patterns (e.g., retell in sequence, relate information to own life, describe character-setting-plot, engage in creative and dramatic play, imagine beyond the story

1.4.5. Speak clearly and use appropriate volume and pitch

1.4.6. Organize ideas sequentially or around major points of information

1.4.7. Use visual aides appropriately

1.5. Oral Communication: Listen to and comprehend oral communications.

1.5.1. Follow basic directions

1.5.2. Listen attentively by making eye contact, facing the speaker, asking questions, and paraphrasing what is said

1.5.3. Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group members

1.5.4. Listen and respond to a variety of media, including books, audiotapes, videos, and other age-appropriate publications

1.5.5. Retell stories and reports of events in proper sequence

1.5.6. Engage in communication to clarify thoughts, solve problems, make decisions, discuss issues, and extend understandings

1.5.7. Distinguish fact from fantasy and fact from opinion

1.5.8. Identify the intended messages of advertisements, entertainment programs, and news sources

1.6. Oral Communication: Develop vocabulary and the ability to use words, phrases, idioms, and various grammatical structures as a means of improving communication.

1.6.1. Use words that reflect a growing range of interests and knowledge

1.6.2. Clarify and explain words and ideas

1.6.3. Give and follow oral directions

1.6.4. Use simple sentence structure

1.6.5. Tell and retell stories and events in logical order

1.6.6. Ask for clarification and explanation of words and ideas

1.6.7. Recognize and apply standard usage in tense, number, gender and case

1.6.8. Consult dictionaries, thesauruses, and other resources to find and compare definitions, choose among synonyms, and spell words correctly

1.6.9. Use parts of speech (nouns, pronouns and adjectives) in oral communication

1.6.10. Use punctuation marks that distinguish statements, questions, exclamations, and commands

1.7. Oral Communication: Participate effectively in a discussion.

1.7.1. Participate in conversations with peers and adults

1.7.2. Follow rules for conversation

1.7.3. Participate in a variety of roles in group discussions (e.g., active listener, contributor, discussion leader)

1.7.4. Use appropriate voice level in group settings

1.7.5. Ask and respond to questions in group settings

1.7.6. Use oral language to extend learning

DE.2. Reading: Construct, examine, and extend the meaning of literary, informative, and technical texts through listening, reading, and viewing. Students will be able to:

2.1. Using appropriate texts, students will be able to select and apply efficient, effective decoding skills and other word recognition strategies to comprehend printed texts.

2.1.1. Alphabetic Principle: Produce common word parts\

2.1.2. Alphabetic Principle: Read regular multi-syllabic words with automaticity

2.1.3. Fluency: Read at a minimum 120 words per minute by the end of the year

2.1.4. Fluency: Increase independent reading

2.1.5. Fluency: Read orally from familiar text at an appropriate rate, with accuracy and prosody

2.1.6. Vocabulary: Learn and use unfamiliar words that are introduced in stories and texts

2.1.7. Vocabulary: Increase knowledge and vocabulary through independent reading

2.1.8. Vocabulary: Explain the process of inferring word meanings of new words

2.1.9. Spelling: Spell phonetically regular words correctly

2.2a. Students will be able to develop an increasingly extensive vocabulary and actively seek the meaning of unknown words as an important facet of comprehending texts and messages by using context clues to determine the meanings of words.

2.2.a.1. Use prior knowledge in conjunction with the following strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words by

2.2.a.1.1. Reading and rereading other sentences in the text to identify and use words that help unlock the meaning of unknown words

2.2.a.1.2. Using picture clues

2.2.a.1.3. Looking for and using context clues provided by synonyms and antonyms

2.2.a.1.4. Using knowledge of homonyms and homographs to avoid confusion when reading

2.2.a.1.5. Selecting the correct definition of words that have multiple meanings

2.3a. Students will be able to self-monitor comprehension while reading by generating a purpose for reading.

2.3a.1. Use 'During Reading' strategies by

2.3a.1.1. Assimilating prior knowledge

2.3a.1.2. Making and revising predictions

2.3a.1.3. Generating and answering questions

2.3a.1.4. Summarizing

2.3a.1.5. Rereading to clarify information

2.3a.1.6. Adjusting reading rate

2.3a.1.7. Inferring information

2.3a.1.8. Using mental imagery

2.3c. Using appropriate texts, students will be able to self-monitor comprehension while reading by taking appropriate actions (e.g., rereading to make sense, adjusting rate of reading, seeking the meaning of unknown vocabulary) to enhance understanding of oral and written text.

2.3c.1. Use illustrations to construct meaning from text

2.3c.2. Visualize what was read for a deeper understanding

2.3c.3. Make, confirm, adjust predictions

2.3c.4. Reread difficult parts slowly and carefully

2.3c.5. Find and explain personal connections to the ideas or information in the text

2.3c.6. Revisit text to search for connections between and among ideas

2.3c.7. Ask and answer questions about the text

2.3c.8. Retell stories and ideas

2.3c.9. Recall and discuss what is understood in a text

2.3c.10. Identify and question what is not understood in a text

2.3c.11. Restate in own words the main events in the text

2.3c.12. Periodically summarize while reading

2.4a. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of printed texts by making predictions as needed.

2.4a.1. Predict likely outcomes based on clues in a text, knowledge of text structure, and knowledge of genres

2.4a.2. Adjust previous predictions based on new information in a text

2.4a.3. Identify logical, additional and/or complementary information (e.g., 'next' chapter or section) for a text

2.4bI/T. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of technical and informative texts by identifying text features and text structures.

2.4bI/T.1. Describe essential information from text features (e.g., title, author, cover, pictures, captions, maps, chapter headings, information from charts and graphs, illustrations, glossaries, indices) to enhance understanding of text

2.4bI/T.2. Identify text structures in informative/technical texts (e.g., sequence/chronological order, classification, simple definition, simple process, description, comparison, problem/solution, simple cause/effect)

2.4bL. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of literary texts by identifying the story elements (e.g., characters, setting, and plot) and story structures (conflict, resolution, cause/effect).

2.4bL.1. Identify the main character in a story or poem

2.4bL.2. Identify other characters in a story or in a poem

2.4bL.3. Identify the main setting (time and/or place)

2.4bL.4. Recognize that settings can change and identify the changes in setting

2.4bL.5. Recognize that there is a main problem and solution in a story

2.4bL.6. Identify the beginning, middle and end of a story

2.4bL.7. Identify significant details related to the plot to determine the pattern of organization (simple compare/contrast) simple problem/solution, simple sequence

2.4bL.8. Identify simple point of view (e.g., narrator, speaker)

2.4c. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of printed texts by recognizing and interpreting figurative language and literary devices (e.g., simile, metaphor, allusion) and differentiating between literal and non-literal meanings.

2.4c.1. Identify figurative language and literary devices (e.g., alliteration, repetition, rhythm, dialogue, rhyme, idioms, simile and metaphor)

2.4c.2. Identify how figurative language and literary devices extend meaning

2.4d. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of printed texts by retelling a story or restating an informative text through speaking and/or writing.

2.4d.1. Retell a story, identifying the main and supporting characters, major events, setting, and problem/solution in a literary text

2.4d.2. Summarize major points of an informative/technical text

2.4d.3. Retell/restate in order the major events in a text

2.4d.4. Restate the order of the steps of a task in an informative/technical text

2.4e. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of printed texts by organizing the important points of the text via summaries, outlines, and/or graphic organizers.

2.4e.1. Create a graphic organizer (e.g., webs, charts) that identifies story/literary elements, story structure, the main idea and supporting details

2.4e.2. Complete an outline

2.4e.3. Identify main ideas that should be included in a summary of a text

2.4f. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of printed texts by identifying the author's purpose.

2.4f.1. Identify the author's overall purpose(s) for writing (e.g., persuade, entertain, inform, describe, explain how) a text

2.4f.2. Identify the purpose of a media message in TV commercials and advertisements

2.4f.3. Identify the underlying reason (e.g., profit vs. nonprofit) of a public message

2.4g. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of printed texts by comparing information between and within texts.

2.4g.1. Make connections between ideas/characters in stories (e.g., what story that we have read does this remind me of?)

2.4g.2. Describe the similarities and/or differences in ideas, viewpoints, or characters within a single text

2.4g.3. Describe the similarities and/or differences in ideas, purposes, plots, settings, or characters in one text with those in another

2.4g.4. Describe changes in characters (e.g., change in attitude, situation)

2.4h. Students will demonstrate an overall understanding of printed texts by discriminating between fact and opinion.

2.4h.1. Discriminate between facts and/or obvious opinions in text(s)

2.4h.2. Use word clues (e.g., believe, feel, think) to determine that a statement is an opinion

2.4i. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of informative and technical printed texts by making inferences

2.4i.1. Make strongly implied inferences about content and concrete ideas in a text and identify appropriate text support

2.4i.2. Make inferences about author's decisions (e.g., paragraphing, quotations)

2.4i.3. Make reasonable predictions as they read

2.4i.4. Use texts to make generalizations

2.4k. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of printed texts by relating the content of the text to real-life situations and applying information from printed, electronic, and oral texts to complete authentic tasks.

2.4k.1. Draw on prior knowledge and experience to connect personally to text (text-to-self connections)

2.4k.2. Draw on prior knowledge of the world (other books, television, movies) to make text-to-world connections

2.5a. Students will be able to critically analyze and evaluate information and messages presented through print by connecting and synthesizing information from many sources

2.5a.1. Connect information between similar texts to construct a basic understanding of the main concept in both texts (text-to-text connections)

2.5b. Students will be able to critically analyze and evaluate information and messages presented through print by formulating and expressing opinions.

2.5b.1. Use personal experiences to make judgments (e.g., polar concepts such as good/bad, happy/sad) about concepts in:

2.5b.1.1. Literary text (e.g., character's actions, morals of narratives or poems)

2.5b.1.2. Nonfiction

2.5b.2. Identify information in a text to develop an opinion

2.5d. Students will be able to critically analyze and evaluate information and messages presented through print using critical and divergent thinking, and assimilating prior knowledge to draw conclusions.

2.5d.1. Use prior knowledge of a concept along with information in a text to:

2.5d.1.1. Draw conclusions (including implied main ideas)

2.5d.1.2. Describe the author's viewpoint or attitude toward a topic or idea when strongly implied

2.5d.1.3. Describe the effect of an author's use of basic formatting and design techniques (e.g., paragraphing, headings/subheadings, pictures/illustrations, columns, font styles [bold, underline, italics, caps], punctuation choices)

2.5f. Students will be able to critically analyze and evaluate information and messages presented through print by evaluating texts and media presentations for bias and misinformation, by evaluating texts for their completeness, accuracy, and clarity of communication (e.g., overcome problems of ambiguity), and by evaluating how the content, techniques, and form of texts and media affect them.

2.5f.1. Describe the fairness and trustworthiness of author's message (author's bias)

2.5f.2. Describe how persuasive techniques and author's choices (e.g., word choices) shape readers' understandings

2.5f.3. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of text sources, format, and argument

2.5g. Using appropriate texts, students will be able to critically analyze and evaluate information and messages presented through print, speech, and mass media by acknowledging the possibility of a variety of interpretations of the same text; proposing other interpretations as valid if supported by the text.

2.5g.1. Listen to different versions of the same piece of text and consider, through classroom discussion, how these versions differ

2.5g.2. Compare and contrast opposing interpretations of the same reading and consider how these opinions were formed through classroom dialogue and independent writing

2.5i. Using appropriate texts, students will be able to critically analyze and evaluate information and messages presented through print, speech, and mass media by recognizing a variety of persuasive and propaganda techniques and how they are used in a variety of forms (advertising, campaigns, news formats, etc.)

2.5i.1. Recognize propaganda techniques

2.5i.2. Recognize persuasive techniques

2.5i.3. Identify the effect of media messages

2.6a. Using appropriate texts, students will be able to critically analyze and evaluate information and messages presented through print, speech and mass media and extend meaning by offering a personal response to texts.

2.6a.1. Revisit text to search for connections between and among ideas

2.6a.2. Find and explain personal connections to the topics, events, characters, actions, ideas or information in the text

2.6b. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of printed texts by relating the content of the text to real-life situations and applying information from printed, electronic, and oral texts to complete authentic tasks.

2.6b.1. Draw on prior knowledge and experience to connect personally to text (text-to-self connections)

2.6b.2. Draw on prior knowledge of the world (other books, television, movies) to make text-to-world connections

DE.3. Research: Construct, examine, and extend the meaning of literary, informative, and technical texts through listening, reading, and viewing. Students will be able to:

3.1a1. Identify, locate, and select sources of information relevant to a defined need by identifying and locating a variety of sources including printed materials, personal interviews, oral reporting, forums, and technological forms of information.

3.1a1.1. Locate information using appropriate sources and strategies

3.1a1.2. Locate resources (e.g. newspapers, dictionary) for a particular task (e.g. seek information)

3.1a1.3. Use multiple sources of information (books, television, videos/DVDs, resource people, cassettes, dictionaries, recordings, encyclopedias, and available databases)

3.1a1.4. Select sources (e.g., dictionaries, encyclopedias, interviews, observations, electronic media) appropriate to topic

3.1a1.5. Use text features (e.g., guide words, indices, glossaries, key words, table of contents) to access information

3.1a1.6. Use traditional and electronic search tools

3.1a1.7. Use teacher- selected Internet sites and data bases to access information

3.1a2. Identify, locate, and select sources of information relevant to a defined need by developing and using procedures to gather information and ideas; developing and following a process for research completion.

3.1a2.1. Select a topic for research

3.1a2.2. Determine a clear purpose, topic and audience for research

3.1a2.3. Seek and gather information from more than one source

3.1a2.4. Locate information using appropriate sources and strategies

3.1a2.5. Read, view, listen or interact with information and decide what is valuable for research

3.1a2.6. Extract information (e.g., take notes, make copies)

3.1a2.7. Organize and interpret gathered information using various graphic organizers (e.g., outlining, webbing)

3.1a2.8. Record sources of information

3.1a2.9. Relay facts from research

3.1b. Identify, locate, and select sources of information relevant to a defined need by independently extracting information to achieve a specific purpose; extracting information relevant to a specific purpose.

3.1b.1. Use appropriate technology for the task of extracting the needed information (e.g., appropriate word processing functions, photocopier, audiovisual equipment)

3.1b.2. Decide what information is valuable for a particular situation

3.1b.3. Select and use a method (e.g., web, chart) to manage information

3.2a. Organize, manipulate, and express the information and ideas relevant to a defined need by using technology to synthesize information into a meaningful format to express ideas and experiences, and to create text, drawings, graphs, diagrams, photographs, videos and graphics.

3.2a.1. Use technology to synthesize information by

3.2a.1.1. Filling in a graphic organizer

3.2a.1.2. Filling in an outline

3.2a.1.3. Using a word processor to relay findings

3.2b. Organize, manipulate, and express the information and ideas relevant to a defined need by independently presenting information which is sufficient in quantity and depth to achieve a specific purpose, avoiding plagiarism.

3.2b.1. Decide how the information fits together

3.2b.2. Decide how the information would best be presented

3.2b.3. Present gathered information in an oral or written format, which

3.2b.3.1. Uses sentences organized in paragraph form to tell about a designated topic

3.2b.3.2. Incorporates information from more than one source

3.2b.3.3. Includes information relevant to topic and purpose

3.2b.3.4. Identifies source of information

3.2b.3.5. Fulfills the identified purpose as clearly indicated in the topic sentence

3.3a2. Organize, manipulate, and express the information and ideas relevant to a defined need by: establishing criteria by which sources and information can be analyzed for accuracy, bias, stereotypes, validity, and authority.

3.2a2.1. Know the difference between fact and fiction

3.2a2.2. With teacher guidance, analyze source and information for accuracy, bias, stereotypes, and validity

3.2a2.3. Formulate conclusions based upon information relevant to a specific purpose

3.2a2.4. Use information to express ideas relevant to specific purpose

3.3b2. Organize, manipulate, and express the information and ideas relevant to a defined need by: independently drawing conclusions based upon information relevant to a specific purpose; independently formulate logical conclusions based upon information relevant to a specific purpose.

3.3b2.1. Use prior knowledge of a concept along with information in a text to

3.3b2.1.1. Draw conclusions (including implied main ideas) that require analysis and/or evaluation

3.3b2.1.2. Describe the author's viewpoint or attitude toward a topic or idea when strongly implied

3.3b2.1.3. Describe the effect of an author's use of basic formatting and design techniques (e.g., paragraphing, headings/subheadings, pictures/illustrations, column, font styles [bold, underline, italics, caps], punctuation choices

DE.4. Reading: Use literary knowledge accessed through print and visual media to connect self to society and culture. Students will be able to:

4.1a. Using literature appropriate for age, stage, and interests, students will be able to respond to connect their own experience to those of literary characters by explaining the reasons for a character's actions, (d) identifying with characters based on a clear understanding of motivation and situation.

4.1a.1. Describe the reasons for a character's actions in a literary text

4.1e. Using appropriate texts, students will be able to connect their own experiences to those of literary characters by seeking other literary texts and media as the result of literary experience.

4.1e.1. As a result of reading a literary text, students will connect to other texts using the following as guides for connections: What does this remind me of in another book I've read? How is this text similar to other things I've read? How is this different to other books I've read? Have I read about something like this before?

4.2a. Using literature appropriate for age, stage, and interests, students will be able to respond to literary text and media using interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes by making inferences about content, events, characters, setting, and author's decisions.

4.2a.1. Make strongly implied inferences about content and concrete ideas in a text and identify appropriate text support

4.2a.2. Make inferences about author's decisions (e.g., paragraphing, quotations)

4.2a.3. Make reasonable predictions as they read

4.2a.4. Use texts to make generalizations

4.2b. Using literature appropriate for age, stage, and interests, students will be able to respond to literary text and media using interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes by understanding the differences between genres [...].

4.2b.1. Use knowledge of distinctive characteristics of various genres including but not limited to fiction (e.g., short story, poetry, folk tale, mystery, tall tale, fairy tales, novels, fable, fantasy, science fiction, historic fiction, and realistic fiction); literary nonfiction (e.g., letter, magazine, biography, autobiography); and drama, one-act plays, and skits to identify the meaning of the text

4.3a. Using appropriate texts, students will be able to respond to demonstrate an appreciation for a broad range of culturally diverse literary texts and media created by historical, modern, and contemporary authors through (a) responding to literary texts and media representing the diversity of American cultural heritage inclusive of ages, genders, nationalities, races, religions, and disabilities, (b) responding to literary text and media representative of various nations and cultures.

4.3a.1. Read and explain simple stories from different cultures and eras to broaden cultural awareness

4.3a.2. Sympathize with the experiences and feelings of fictional characters based on age, gender, nationalities, races, cultures, and/or disabilities

4.4a. Using appropriate texts, students will be able to connect their own experiences to those of literary characters by using literature as a resource for shaping decisions.

4.4a.1. Read stories and relate characters' experiences to shape own decisions by asking questions: I felt like that character when I....; If that happened to me, I would....; I can relate to that character because one time....

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