Arkansas State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 8

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

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AR.G. Geography

G.1. Geography: Students shall research the geographical regions of Arkansas.

G.1.8.1. Location, Place, and Region: Analyze the importance of the following navigation systems on the development of world civilizations: Amazon River, Mississippi River, Panama Canal, Rhine River, Suez Canal, Thames River and Volga River. 2
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.8.1.

G.1.8.2. Map and Globe Skills: Analyze a physical map or global projection created by geographer's tools (e.g., astrolabe, compass, sextant, Global Positioning System [GPS], Geographic Information Systems [GIS], LANDSAT, Internet) 32
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.8.2.

G.1.8.3. Map and Globe Skills: Construct specialized maps using data (e.g., climate, population, political units, resources) 32
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.8.3.

G.1.8.4. Map and Globe Skills: Locate specific places on maps and globes using grid points (longitude and latitude) 32
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.8.4.

G.1.8.5. Map and Globe Skills: Analyze the influence of Earth's physical features on the development of regions of the world. 1
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.1.8.5.

G.2. Culture and Diversity: Students shall develop an understanding of how cultures around the world develop and change.

G.2.8.1. Culture/Diversity: Examine creative work as examples of cultural heritage (e.g., literature, mosaics, statuary, architecture, philosophy, dramas) 6
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.2.8.1.

G.2.8.2. Culture/Diversity: Compare and contrast the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups in the development of early civilizations (e.g., Akbar the Great, Chandragupta I, Hatshepsut, Marco Polo, Mansu Musa, Ramses) 9
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.2.8.2.

G.2.8.3. Culture/Diversity: Demonstrate examples of cultural exchange throughout various periods of world history. 35
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.2.8.3.

G.3. Interaction of People and the Environment: Students shall develop an understanding of the interactions between people and their environment.

G.3.8.1. Movement: Examine effects of push-pull factors on various regions (e.g., disease, resources, industrialization, technology) 139
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.3.8.1.

G.3.8.2. Movement: Analyze how the impact of ideas, information and technology on global interdependence. 49
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.3.8.2.

G.3.8.3. Movement: Analyze changes in infrastructure brought about by globalization. 37
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.3.8.3.

G.3.8.4. Human Environment Interaction: Determine the impact of population growth on renewable and nonrenewable resources. 117
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.3.8.4.

G.3.8.5. Human Environment Interaction: Analyze methods and consequences of environmental modification on world regions and populations: (e.g., acid rain, erosion, clear cutting, desertification, global warming, ozone depletion, strip mining) 117
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard G.3.8.5.

AR.C. Civics

C.4. Government: Students shall develop an understanding of the forms and roles of government.

C.4.8.1. Forms and Roles of Government: Analyze forms of government pertaining to the legislative, executive, and judicial branches: democracy, dictatorship, monarch, oligarchy, theocracy, and totalitarianism. 43
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.4.8.1.

C.4.8.2. Forms and Roles of Government: Research individuals and their roles in changing governments (e.g., Otto von Bismarck, Mikhail Gorbachev, Abdel Nasser, Juan Peron, Lech Walesa, George Washington, Sun Yatsen) 20
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.4.8.2.

C.4.8.3. Forms and Roles of Government: Discuss the origins of political parties/movements (e.g., Communist Party, Fascist Party, Green Party, Nazi Party, socialist parties, environmentalist movement, human rights movement, feminist movement) 24
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.4.8.3.

C.5. Citizenship: Students shall develop an understanding of how to participate, develop, and use the skills necessary for effective citizenship.

C.5.8.1. Roots of Democracy: Examine the influence of constitutions used by various nations. 7
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.5.8.1.

C.5.8.2. Roots of Democracy: Research national symbols from other nations of the world (e.g., national flags, statues, monuments) 61
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.5.8.2.

C.5.8.3. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens: Discuss struggles to gain rights for citizens in various countries (e.g., China, France, Mexico, South Africa, United States) 30
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.5.8.3.

C.5.8.4. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens: Examine the value citizens of other countries place on voting. 13
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.5.8.4.

C.5.8.5. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens: Analyze the influence citizen participation has on government. 25
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.5.8.5.

C.5.8.6. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens: Analyze world organizations involved in citizens' rights (e.g., Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders, United Nations). 17
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard C.5.8.6.

AR.H. History

H.6. History: Students shall analyze significant ideas, events, and people in world, national, state, and local history and how they affect change over time.

H.6.8.1. Continuity and Change: Examine ways viewpoints expressed in political cartoons and other primary and secondary source documents have changed policy and public perception. 17
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.1.

H.6.8.2. Continuity and Change: Compare historical events on a timeline to discover correlations. 8
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.2.

H.6.8.3. Continuity and Change: Examine Catholic Church policies that led to the Protestant Reformation (e.g., Great Schism, French papacy, indulgences, simony, lay investiture) 5
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.3.

H.6.8.4. Continuity and Change: Investigate Protestant reformers: Martin Luther, Henry VIII and John Calvin. 5
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.4.

H.6.8.5. Continuity and Change: Describe the Counter reformation (e.g., Jesuits, Council of Trent, Inquisition) 5
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.5.

H.6.8.6. Continuity and Change: Identify new technologies that made European exploration possible (e.g., astrolabe, cartography, caravel, compass. 10
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.6.

H.6.8.7. Continuity and Change: Describe the establishment of colonies as a result of the conquest of indigenous people (e.g., Africa, Asia, New World) 22
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.7.

H.6.8.8. Continuity and Change: Investigate the influence of the Ottoman Empire. 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.8.

H.6.8.9. Continuity and Change: Identify major contributors of the Scientific Revolution (e.g., Muhammed Al-Khwarizmi, Francis Bacon, Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, Zhang Heng) 6
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.9.

H.6.8.10. Continuity and Change: Discuss the rise of absolute rulers and the divine right of kings (e.g., African, Asian, European) 8
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.10.

H.6.8.11. Continuity and Change: Analyze consequences of the triangular trade and the Columbian Exchange between Africa, The Americas and Europe. 53
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.11.

H.6.8.12. Continuity and Change: Investigate influences on modern society of Enlightenment thinkers including but not limited to: John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, and Jean Jacques Rousseau. 6
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.12.

H.6.8.13. Continuity and Change: Examine the influence of Enlightenment ideas on revolutionary movements (e.g., American Revolution, French Revolution, Latin American revolutions, Revolutions of 1848) 20
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.13.

H.6.8.14. Continuity and Change: Investigate causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution (e.g., changing technology, mass production, societal changes) 23
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.14.

H.6.8.15. Continuity and Change: Discuss societal changes resulting from pandemics (e.g., bubonic plague/Black Death, small pox, tuberculosis, influenza, polio, HIV-AIDS) 81
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.15.

H.6.8.16. Continuity and Change: Investigate 19th century social and political reform movements (e.g., abolition, education, extension of suffrage, labor movements, rise of socialism, temperance) 21
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.16.

H.6.8.17. Continuity and Change: Explain the influences that changing technology had on World War I and World War II (e.g., weapons, medicine, transportation, communication) 37
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.17.

H.6.8.18. Continuity and Change: Examine the impact of the Cold War on global relations. 5
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.18.

H.6.8.19. Continuity and Change: Discuss the downfall of communist governments (e.g., Soviet Union, Poland) 4
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.19.

H.6.8.20. Continuity and Change: Examine reasons for the transformation of world economies in the late 20th century (e.g., technology, communication, transportation, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries [OPEC], resource allocation) 103
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.20.

H.6.8.21. Continuity and Change: Discuss the growth of technology resulting from the space race (e.g., artificial satellites, computers, new food technologies) 44
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.21.

H.6.8.22. Conflict and Consensus: Discuss the emergence of England as a world power during the Elizabethan period (e.g., Spanish Armada, seadogs) 4
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.22.

H.6.8.23. Conflict and Consensus: Describe causes and consequences of World War I (e.g., imperialism, militarism, nationalism, alliances, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations) 14
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.23.

H.6.8.24. Conflict and Consensus: Discuss the Russian Revolutions and the establishment of a communist state (e.g., Bolsheviks, Lenin, Stalin) 2
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.24.

H.6.8.25. Conflict and Consensus: Describe causes and consequences of World War II (e.g., fascism, anti-Semitism, Pearl Harbor, atomic bomb, satellite countries) 41
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.25.

H.6.8.26. Conflict and Consensus: Examine the following battles as turning points of World War II: Battle of Britain, Battle of the Bulge, D-Day, Midway, Pearl Harbor and Stalingrad. 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.26.

H.6.8.27. Conflict and Consensus: Identify the functions of post World War II international organizations (e.g., Southeast Asia Treaty Organization [SEATO], North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO], Warsaw Pact, United Nations) 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.27.

H.6.8.28. Conflict and Consensus: Discuss causes and effects of post-World War II conflicts (e.g., Southeast Asia, Middle East, Balkans, Sub-Saharan Africa) 24
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.28.

H.6.8.29. Conflict and Consensus: Examine changes brought about by the following world leaders including, but not limited to: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, Anwar Sadat, Margaret Thatcher and Mao Zedong. 30
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.29.

H.6.8.30. Conflict and Consensus: Examine causes and effects of terrorism (e.g., economics, safety and security, tourism, patriotism, nationalism, 9/11) 32
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.30.

H.6.8.31. Movement: Illustrate the routes of European explorers during the Age of Exploration including but not limited to: Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco de Gama, Vasco Nunez de Balboa and Bartolomeu Dias. 9
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.31.

H.6.8.32. Movement: Illustrate the expansion of European imperialism: Africa, Asia, Australia, and Latin America. 24
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.32.

H.6.8.33. Movement: Illustrate the triangular trade routes that developed in the Atlantic Ocean. 5
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.33.

H.6.8.34. Movement: Illustrate the expansion of communism (e.g., Asia, Cuba, Europe, Latin America) 4
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.34.

H.6.8.35. Movement: Compare and contrast historical and cultural maps of each continent (e.g., political boundaries, migration patterns, trade routes, colonization) 12
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.35.

H.6.8.36. Cultural Diversity and Uniformity: Describe the development of the Renaissance. 15
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.36.

H.6.8.37. Cultural Diversity and Uniformity: Examine contributions of Renaissance writers and artists including, but not limited to: Machiavelli, Michelangelo, Shakespeare and da Vinci. 6
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.37.

H.6.8.38. Regionalism and Nationalism: Examine causes and consequences of genocide and ethnic cleansing (e.g., Armenia, Holocaust, Kosovo, Rwanda) 8
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.38.

H.6.8.39. Regionalism and Nationalism: Describe the effects of imperialism and related nationalistic movements (e.g., Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America) 30
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.39.

H.6.8.40. Regionalism and Nationalism: Investigate Asian-American relations prior to World War II (e.g., Open Door Policy, Boxer Rebellion, Gentlemen's Agreement, Manchuria, rearmament) 25
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard H.6.8.40.

AR.E. Economics

E.7. Choices: Students shall analyze the costs and benefits of making economic choices.

E.7.8.1. Costs and Benefits: Analyze changing wants and needs of people over time. 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.7.8.1.

E.7.8.2. Costs and Benefits: Analyze the impact of present choices on future consequences. 4
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.7.8.2.

E.7.8.3. Costs and Benefits: Analyze periods of time when scarcity affected economic wants and needs of people in regions or countries. 5
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.7.8.3.

E.7.8.4. Costs and Benefits: Analyze scarcity of productive resources and the need for people to make choices and incur opportunity costs. 93
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.7.8.4.

E.7.8.5. Costs and Benefits: Evaluate the limited resources of nations and the choices governments must make. 117
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.7.8.5.

E.7.8.6. Costs and Benefits: Compare trade-offs in various world economic systems. 20
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.7.8.6.

E.7.8.7. Costs and Benefits: Analyze traditional, market, and command economies. 5
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.7.8.7.

E.8. Resources: Students shall evaluate the use and allocation of human, natural, and capital resources.

E.8.8.1. Factors of Production: Discuss changes in productivity that have impacted global living standards and economic strategies (e.g., new technologies, new organizational methods). 74
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.8.8.1.

E.8.8.2. Factors of Production: Analyze methods for improving the quality and quantity of human capital and increased productivity (e.g., technology, industrialization, competition, wages). 111
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.8.8.2.

E.8.8.3. Factors of Production: Examine the consequences of changing factors of production human resources, capital resources, natural resources, and entrepreneurship. 81
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.8.8.3.

E.9. Markets: Students shall analyze the exchange of goods and services and the roles of governments, businesses, and individuals in the market place.

E.9.8.1. Financial Markets: Investigate functions of early banking systems (e.g., depository, usury, just price) 4
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.8.1.

E.9.8.2. Financial Markets: Analyze the role of the stock market in the economies of the United States and other countries (e.g., Financial Times Stock Exchange [FTSE], Tokyo Stock Exchange [TSE], New York Stock Exchange [NYSE], National Association of Securities 10
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.8.2.

E.9.8.3. Financial Markets: Investigate the impact of inflation on the growth and prosperity of a nation. 24
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.8.3.

E.9.8.4. Financial Markets: Investigate how the use of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to measure a nation's economic success and standard of living. 16
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.8.4.

E.9.8.5. Global Markets: Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of global trade. 16
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.8.5.

E.9.8.6. Global Markets: Analyze the exchange of rates in a global economy. 2
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.8.6.

E.9.8.7. Global Markets: Examine changes in currencies over time and the resulting effect on global trade. 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.8.7.

E.9.8.8. Goods and Services: Evaluate the interaction of supply and demand. 3
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.8.8.

E.9.8.9. Goods and Services: Describe the four types of market structures: monopolies, monopolistic competition, oligopolies, and pure competition. 18
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.8.9.

E.9.8.10. Goods and Services: Compare and contrast global effects of marketing techniques: advertising and e-commerce. 15
Suggested Titles for Arkansas Social Studies State Standard E.9.8.10.

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