Arkansas State Standards for Arts Education: Grade 8

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

AR.A.1. Art: Inquire/Explore/Discover: Students will inquire/explore/discover historical, cultural, social, environmental, and personal references from which to develop concepts/ideas.

A.1.1. Further investigate the language of art including, but not limited to, the elements and principles of design.

1.1.1. Students will explore the language of art through personal art work.

A.1.2. Examine and identify how art tools, materials, and processes communicate ideas and meanings.

1.2.1. Students will use art tools, materials, and processes in various ways to communicate ideas and feelings.

A.1.3. Research and discuss diverse cultures, styles, and periods of art.

1.3.1. Students will review time periods in art.

A.1.4. Gain creative insight through personal observations and reactions to life experiences.

1.4.1. Students will use personal reactions to an event as a source of ideas.

A.1.5. Research how artists express life experiences through their art work.

1.5.1. Students will discover how artists use personal references in their art work.

A.1.6. Discover career opportunities that directly or indirectly relate to visual art.

1.6.1. Students will break down the different areas of design that require an artist.

A.1.7. Recognize the rationale for responsible safety precautions within the visual arts environment.

1.7.1. Students will recognize the rationale for responsible safety precautions.

A.1.8. Examine how physical environments affect choices made by artists.

1.8.1. Students will examine how physical environments affect the choices they make as an artist.

A.1.9. Discover relationships among the arts, technology, environments, and other disciplines.

1.9.1. Students will discover relationships between art and technology.

A.1.10. Discover relevant community issues as creative resources through interviewing, personal observation, and/or research.

1.10.1. Students will identify a community issues and create a drawing in response to that issue.

A.1.11. Engage in group problem-solving activities (e.g., brainstorming, generating ideas, discussion, and research).

1.11.1. Students will engage in group problem-solving activities through a group project.

AR.A.2. Art: Create: Students will use their creativity in a wide variety of media, techniques, processes, and tools to develop original works of art and design.

A.2.1. Utilize a variety of art media, tools/technology, and processes, both two-and-three dimensional, to communicate ideas and feelings to achieve artistic solutions.

2.1.1. Students will communicate ideas and feelings through a print.

A.2.2. Create art work using the elements and principles of design to express thoughts and experiences.

2.2.1. Students will study elements and principles of design.

A.2.3. Produce artwork that involves problem solving as evidenced through practice, drafts, sketches and/or models.

2.3.1. Students will produce art involving problem-solving techniques.

A.2.4. Use community issues to stimulate the production of art work which promotes dialogue.

2.4.1. Students will create an artwork that communicates a message regarding a community issue.

A.2.5. Demonstrate consistent and responsible use of tools/technology and materials to produce art works that may include, but are not limited to, painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, clay/ceramics, architecture, graphic design, fiber arts, and digital imagery.

2.5.1. Student will learn to take care of art tools and media.

A.2.6. Create artwork based on personal observations and reactions to life experiences.

2.6.1. Students will create a work of art from a personal event.

A.2.7. Produce art work which displays knowledge of diverse cultures, styles, and periods of art.

2.7.1. Students will display knowledge of styles and periods of art.

A.2.8. Use group interaction in the process of art production.

2.8.1. Students will work in a group to complete artwork.

AR.A.3. Art: Reflect/Respond/Rediscover: Students will reflect upon, respond to, and rediscover the art work and concept of self, of others (past and present), of environments, and of diverse cultures.

A.3.1. Examine and reflect on a range of subject matter, symbols, and/or ideas used in creating art works.

3.1.1. Students will discuss and select an idea for subject matter.

A.3.2. Develop student generated rubrics, checklists, questionnaires, tests, or other forms of assessment.

3.2.1. Students will create a rubric to be used in classroom assessment.

A.3.3. Engage in aesthetic discussion and apply knowledge when observing works of art.

3.3.1. Students will apply aesthetic reasoning to a piece of art work.

A.3.4. Participate in the process of exhibiting student art work (plan, select, promote, install, and attend).

3.4.1. Students will discuss and prepare a piece of art work for exhibition.

A.3.5. Develop a portfolio which includes periodic assessment (e.g., self - assessment, peer critique, teacher interview, checklist, essay, etc.).

3.5.1. Students will keep works of art in a portfolio.

A.3.6. Determine and justify why artists make certain design choices.

3.6.1. Students will discuss design choices that are appropriate for a piece of art work.

A.3.7. Determine/project ways art may envision the future.

3.7.1. Students will examine how art will influence technology in the future.

A.3.8. Discuss and evaluate connections between the visual arts and other disciplines (e.g., in math: 3-D forms, symmetry, patterns).

3.8.1. Students will discuss the connections between the visual arts and history.

A.3.9. Evaluate the importance of art history and heritage.

3.9.1. Students will select and research art work produced by a different culture.

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